Team:Evry/Interlab Study/08-19-2014



Contructions PSB1C3 with I20260, J23101-E1010 and K823012-E1010

Preparation of a 1% agarose gel: 1.01 g of Top Vision agarose (Thermo Scientific) + 100 ml of TAE 1X. Microwave 30s by 30s until agarose total dissolution Gel was cooling down until to be lukewarm, one BET drop was added. Gel was loaded with 10µl per sample previously added with 2 µl of loading dye 6X, and 5 µl for ladders. Gel running 45 minutes at 100 mV in TAE 1X buffer.

Figure 6: 1% agarose gel of colony PCR products for BBa_E0240 and BBa_I20260. Lane 1 and 10: Purple 2-Log ladder NEB, Lane 2 to 9: BBa_E0240 PCR products, Lane 11 to 17: BBa_I20260 PCR products
We expected one band at 1200 bp for both BioBrick. So we decided to amplify the colony 1 for BBa_E0240 and colony 1 for BBa_I20260. PCR products were purified with the GeneJET purification kit (Thermo Scientific) followed by DNA quantification with the NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Scientific). BBa_E0240 purified PCR product: 61 ng/µl and BBa_I20260 purified PCR product: 37.8 ng/µl.
Purified PCR product aliquot was send to sequencing. The sequencing number were 26DJ68, 69, 70, 71.
Preparation of miniprep culture of BBa_I20260 and BBa_E0240 selected colonies in 5 ml of LB with respectively 5 µl of Kana or chloramphenicol solution stock. Incubation overnight at 37°C and 300 rpm.

Aug 19