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The Experiments
Project Overview

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Materials and Methods

The Experiments


Data Analysis



Testing Export of Signaling Ligand

To test these quorum sensing systems’ viability in E. coli, we tried to construct plasmids containing our genes of interest and transformed them into E. coli. Due to technical issues, we were successful in cloning plasmids carrying the lamBDCA and fsrABC quorum systems' export genes. In addition to the genes of interest, each plasmid also contained the coding sequence for 3xFLAG at the 5' end of the sequence encoding the signaling ligand (resulting in a 3xFLAG at the N-terminus of the signaling ligand after translation). These FLAG tags were blotted against in the Western blots we eventually ran to detect the presence of the signaling ligands. These 3xFLAG tags were ultimately removed from the plasmids after their usefulness in Western blotting had expired.

Based on how the peptide precursors of the signaling ligands of the quorum sensing systems were translated and cleaved, we expected to see several discrete protein fragments in the Western blot. These fragments are detailed in Figure 1 & Figure 2.

Figure 1. Potential Western Blot Fragments for lam QS System. Based on the known domains of the lamB & lamD operon that we synthesized in our construct, we deduced that, depending on how the protein is translated and cleaved, any one of the three protein fragments presented above containing the 3xFLAG domain could have appeared on the Western blot.

Figure 2. Potential Western Blot Fragments for fsr QS System. Based on the known domains of the fsrB membrane protein, we deduced that, depending on how the membrane protein is cleaved, any one of the five protein fragments presented above containing the 3xFLAG domain could have appeared on the Western blot.

Liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy (LC/MS) analysis was also performed on the supernatants of cell cultures expressing the plasmids we had constructed. LC/MS is a process that starts by separating a liquid sample by size and composition via injection into a filtration column. After the sample passes through, its variously sized components are ionized, and their mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) are computed via mass spectroscopy by analyzing the effects of electromagnetic fields on the particles. The data obtained from these experiments were compared to existing characterization data for these signaling ligands to determine the presence or absence of the signaling ligand in the supernatant. According to the scientific literature, previous analysis of the lam signaling ligand had demonstrated that strong peaks were expected to be seen at m/z ratios of 260.1, 345.2, 373.2, and 577.3 after roughly 27 minutes flowing through the column (at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min) [1].

Testing Signaling Ligand Reception