Team:The Tech Museum/Community


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Home Team Project Notebook Community Engagement Attributions

iGEM Team attributions page

As a museum team, we were excited use our iGEM project to explore novel activities to excite and educate the public. Can we develop a museum exhibit that promotes public engagement in and understanding of synthetic biology through a hands-on engineering of bacteria and data collection experience? With those goals in mind, an in important part of our development process was therefore prototyping. We actively tested out components of our exhibit with diverse audiences, from museum staff and educators to visitors, to get as much feedback as possible. During the weeks that we had our exhibit on the museum floor doing data collection, we interacted with many people during their visits to the Tech Museum of Innovation. Altogether, we collected data with visitors from 61 individual experiments analyzed a total of 2674 colonies of bacteria. Many of these experiments were done with larger families or friend groups, so the actual number of people we directly interacted with was much larger. In an effort to further engage the general public, inspire curiosity about synthetic biology, and expand general familiarity with the subject, we also created a video (on Home page) and written summary (link below) of our project aimed at a general audience.

Why do we have this requirement?

Attribution Template

We have this requirement to help the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, just be sure to report the work your team did and the work that was done by others.

For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is something that is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.

A great example of complete attribution comes from the Imperial College London 2011 team (scroll down to the bottom of their team page to see attributions).

Here are some of the fields we recommend you have on this page. If there are other areas not listed below, but applicable to your team/project, please feel free to also list them on your attributions page. Please feel free to remove any areas not applicable to your project.

  1. General Support
  2. Project support and advice
  3. Fundraising help and advice
  4. Lab support
  5. Difficult technique support
  6. Project advisor support
  7. Wiki support
  8. Presentation coaching
  9. Policy & Practices support
  10. Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team.