Team:LMU-Munich/Human Practice/Panel Discussion


Revision as of 11:06, 6 October 2014 by JudithHeckmann (Talk | contribs)

Panel Discussion

This year’s project BaKillus combines approaches gained by the synthetic biology with the medical issue fighting against MSRA. In July 2014 we organized the panel discussion “Does Germany need Synthetic Biology to improve the (personalized) medicine” inviting citizens to join and learn more about this new appearing field of the modern biology. As our project BaKillus is related to the controversial issue applying engineered bacteria to cure patients in the distant future, discussing the acceptance of using the tools of synthetic biology in the modern medicine, in a population with a very critical opinion concerning the genetic engineering was our aim.

The event started with a short introduction about Synthetic Biology, given by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Mascher (LMU Munich, Synthetic Microbiology). He explained the characteristic features of synthetic biology, giving examples like the construction of a synthetic version of the third chromosome of Saccharomyces cerevisae.

We invited the following experts:

Dr. rer. nat. Martin Siemann-Herzberg
University Stuttgart, Germany, Institute of Biochemical Engineering

Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner
University of Regensburg, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene

Dr. med. Frank Bartram - Unfortunately he had to decline his invitation.
First Chairman of the German Environmental Health Organization (Deutschen Berufsverbands der Umweltmedizin)

PD Dr. Alexander Bogner
Austrian Academy of Science, Institute for Technology Assessment

To learn more about our experts (click here)

Hi there!

Welcome to our Wiki! I'm BaKillus, the pathogen-hunting microbe, and I'll guide you on this tour through our project. If you want to learn more about a specific step, you can simply close the tour and come back to it anytime you like. So let's start!

What's the problem?

First of all, what am I doing here? The problem is, pathogenic bacteria all around the world are becoming more and more resistant against antimicrobial drugs. One major reason for the trend is the inappropriate use of drugs. With my BaKillus super powers, I want to reduce this misuse and thus do my part to save global health.

Sensing of pathogens

To combat the pathogenic bacteria, I simply eavesdrop on their communication. Bacteria talk with each other via quorum sensing systems, which I use to detect them and trigger my responses.


The more specific and effective I can use my powers, the lower the danger is of provoking new resistance development. So I catch pathogens whenever I get hold of them and stick to them until my work is done.


Talking about my work - killing pathogens is finally what I am made for. In response to quorum sensing molecules of the pathogens, I export a range of antimicrobial substances leading to dissipation of biofilms and the killing of the targeted bacteria.

Suicide switch

When the job is done and all the bad guys are finished, you don't need a super hero anymore. So after fulfilling my work I say goodbye to the world by activating my suicide switch.


Of course I'm not only a fictional hero, but a very real one. In two different prototypes, I could be used for diagnosis or treatment of pathogen-caused diseases. However, there is still a whole lot of regulational and economical questions that have to be answered before.

See you!

So now you know my short story - and it is time for me to return to my fight for a safer world. Feel free to take a closer look on my super powers, the process of my development or the plans for a medical application.