Alongside with our approaches in biology and engineering, we aimed to socialize with other teams.
Spreading the idea of Synthetic Biology
Young students interested in science and engineering are the most valuable future source of innovation. One day, they might be the reasearchers who develop the methods to solve the most pressing issues of our world. Therefore, we visited two schools and a fair to fuel the sensitive flame of interest.
- [Team:Aachen/Collaborations/Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium]
- [Team:Aachen/Collaborations/Neanderlab NEAnderLab]
- [Team:Aachen/Collaborations/MakerFaire Maker Faire]
Collaborations with other iGEM teams
We gladly collaborated with several other teams throughout our whole project. As first iGEM team of the RWTH Aachen University we have plenty of things to learn, but we have to offer a lot, too.