\newcommand{\MyColi}{{\small Mighty\hspace{0.12cm}Coli}}
\newcommand{\Stabi}{\small Stabi}$
$\newcommand{\EColi}{\small E.coli}
\newcommand{\SCere}{\small S.cerevisae}\\[0cm]
\newcommand{\PI}{\small PI}$
Example of a hierarchical menu in CSS
They invented a board game about biotechnology and collaborated with another iGEM team:
François Seys
Alice Augenlicht
They will present and defend Mighty Coli during the Giant Jamboree in Boston :
Alice Augenlicht
François Seys
Vincent Schmidt
Robin Grolaux
They edited a poster descripting the project :
Robin Grolaux
Alice Augenlicht
They wrote and designed the website :
Nathan Fraikin
Vincent Schmidt
Special thanks
We would like to thank our supervisors, whose expertise in TA systems was the origin of the idea of Mighty Coli. A special thanks to Thibaut Hallaert and Baptiste Dumont, who had the exceptional patience to stand our inexperience, and could witness with us the impossible results we often obtained. Thanks to them, we kept our sanity. And of course, we must thank the Institute of Biology and Molecular Medicine (IBMM) of the ULB to have hosted us throughout the summer.
We would also like to mention a few persons of the ULB outside our project but who helped us during our manipulations, by their advices or their kindness: Marie, Dukas, François from the LGPB and Didier Gonze for his help with modelling.
Finally, we would like to thank our collaborators: the people of the Brussels Game Festival for their wonderful event (more particularly Tanju Goban who as our contact person); FlandersBio and Brussels Life Tech (particularly Camille Mommers, our contact person) who gave us access to their network in our quest for sponsorship; Franck Delvigne from the University of Liège, for his proposition of help in the measurement of the efficacy of Mighty Coli; and at last the 10km of the ULB (Faculty of Sciences of the ULB), the Jean Brachet Funds, Wallonie-Brussels International, Eppendorf company and Greenwin for their financial support.