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<h1 style="font-family: 'Special Elite', cursive; font-size: 48px;">~ RNA in love ~</h1>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Special Elite', cursive; font-size: 24px;">This year iGEM HokkaidoU invites you to a lovely story ...</h3>
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This is a love story of one shy girl called Annie. She was very hesitant, but her passion for him was second to none. One day, Cupid found Annie and helped her. Well, how would the future of her romance going to be?
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(function() {
var event = jQuery.event,
                                                    <div class="right-page">
<div class="page-vertical-top">
<div class="left-up">
<img style="width:101px;margin-bottom:10px; top:20px;" class="character-pic" src="">
<p style="line-height:10px; font-weight:bold; position:relative; top:10px;">
Annie / asRNA
<p  style="line-height:20px; font-size:15px; position:relative; top:10px;">
The shiest girl in the village, but has a feeling to Mike in secrecy.
//helper that finds handlers by type and calls back a function, this is basically handle
<div class="right-up">
// events - the events object
<img class="character-pic" src="">
// types - an array of event types to look for
<p style="line-height:10px; font-weight:bold; position:relative; top:10px;">
// callback(type, handlerFunc, selector) - a callback
Mike / mRNA
// selector - an optional selector to filter with, if there, matches by selector
//    if null, matches anything, otherwise, matches with no selector
<p style="line-height:20px; font-size:15px; position:relative; top:10px;">
findHelper = function( events, types, callback, selector ) {
The most popular boy in the village, but a little indecisive.
var t, type, typeHandlers, all, h, handle,
namespaces, namespace,
for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
type = types[t];
all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
if (!all ) {
namespaces = type.split(".");
type = namespaces.shift();
namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.slice(0).sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
typeHandlers = (events[type] || []).slice(0);
for ( h = 0; h < typeHandlers.length; h++ ) {
handle = typeHandlers[h];
match = (all || namespace.test(handle.namespace));
if (handle.selector === selector  ) {
callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
} else if (selector === null){
callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler, handle.selector);
else if (!handle.selector ) {
callback(type, handle.origHandler || handle.handler);
<div class="page-vertical-bottom">
* Finds event handlers of a given type on an element.
<div class="left-bottom">
* @param {HTMLElement} el
<img class="character-pic" src="">
* @param {Array} types an array of event names
<p style="line-height:10px; font-weight:bold; position:relative; top:10px;">
* @param {String} [selector] optional selector
Rachel / ribosome
* @return {Array} an array of event handlers
<p style="line-height:20px; font-size:15px; position:relative; top:10px;">
event.find = function( el, types, selector ) {
The most confident girl in the village. She loves Mike and approaches him positively.
var events = ( $._data(el) || {} ).events,
handlers = [],
t, liver, live;
if (!events ) {
<div class="right-bottom">
return handlers;
<img style="top:40px;" class="character-pic" src="">
<p style="line-height:10px; font-weight:bold; position:relative; top:60px;">
findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler ) {
Cupid / HokkaidoU
}, selector);
<p style="line-height:20px; font-size:15px; position:relative; top:60px;">
return handlers;
A wonderful sprite in the village. He sometimes helps a villager whimsically.
* Finds all events.  Group by selector.
* @param {HTMLElement} el the element
* @param {Array} types event types
event.findBySelector = function( el, types ) {
var events = $._data(el).events,
selectors = {},
//adds a handler for a given selector and event
add = function( selector, event, handler ) {
var select = selectors[selector] || (selectors[selector] = {}),
events = select[event] || (select[event] = []);
if (!events ) {
return selectors;
//first check live:
/*$.each( || [], function( i, live ) {
if ( $.inArray(live.origType, types) !== -1 ) {
add(live.selector, live.origType, live.origHandler || live.handler);
//then check straight binds
findHelper(events, types, function( type, handler, selector ) {
add(selector || "", type, handler);
}, null);
return selectors;
<div class="bb-item">
                                                    <img class="book-background" src="">                                                             
event.supportTouch = "ontouchend" in document;
                                                    <div class="page-vertical-top">
                                                    <div style="width:70%; left:50px; top:77px;font-size:23px; line-height:40px;" class="left-page">
$.fn.respondsTo = function( events ) {
Once upon a time, there was a girl, Annie. She fell in love with Mike who was the darling of the town. But she had a formidable rival, Rachel. She was very positive to her love so that she always wanted to monopolize Mike.  
if (!this.length ) {
return false;
    <div class="right-page">
} else {
<img style="left:745px; width:170px;top:20px;" class="page-picture" src="">
//add default ?
return event.find(this[0], $.isArray(events) ? events : [events]).length > 0;
<div class="page-vertical-bottom">
                                                    <div class="left-page">
$.fn.triggerHandled = function( event, data ) {
<img style="bottom:12px;left:-50px;" class="page-picture" src="">
event = (typeof event == "string" ? $.Event(event) : event);
this.trigger(event, data);
    <div style="width:59%; left:350px; top:15px;font-size:23px; line-height:40px;" class="right-page">
return event.handled;
Contrasting to her, as Annie was too shy, it was difficult for her only to approach to Mike. Nevertheless, she never stopped thinking about Mike. Cupid found such poor Annie.
* Only attaches one event handler for all types ...
* @param {Array} types llist of types that will delegate here
* @param {Object} startingEvent the first event to start listening to
* @param {Object} onFirst a function to call
event.setupHelper = function( types, startingEvent, onFirst ) {
if (!onFirst ) {
onFirst = startingEvent;
startingEvent = null;
var add = function( handleObj ) {
var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
if ( selector ) {
bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
if (!bySelector.length ) {
$(this).delegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
else {
//var bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
event.add(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
selector: selector,
delegate: this
<div class="bb-item">
remove = function( handleObj ) {
                                                <img class="book-background" src="">
var bySelector, selector = handleObj.selector || "";
<div class="page-vertical-top">
if ( selector ) {
<div style="width:30%;" class="left-page">
bySelector = event.find(this, types, selector);
<img style="top:-2px; left:-43px; width:320px;" class="page-picture" src="">
if (!bySelector.length ) {
$(this).undelegate(selector, startingEvent, onFirst);
<div style="width:70%; right:5%; top:90px;font-size:23px; line-height:40px;" class="right-page">
As Cupid wanted to help Annie’s love, he casted a spell over her. This was the wonderful magic STEM. Enchanted, her clothes turned into greatly beautiful clothes.  
else {
if (!event.find(this, types, selector).length ) {
<img style="position:absolute; top:225px; left:199px; width:488px; border-radius:50px;" src="">
event.remove(this, startingEvent, onFirst, {
<div class="page-vertical-bottom">
selector: selector,
<div style="width:65%; left:30px;font-size:23px; line-height:40px; top:41px;" class="left-page">
delegate: this
She was very surprised to look at herself in a mirror because the girl in a mirror appeared like not herself to her. Owing to wonderful magic, she was able to have confidence and a little courage to go to Mike.
<div class="right-page">
<img style="left:633px; bottom:24px; width:362px;" class="page-picture" src="">
$.each(types, function() {
event.special[this] = {
add: add,
remove: remove,
setup: function() {},
teardown: function() {}
var isPhantom = /Phantom/.test(navigator.userAgent),
supportTouch = !isPhantom && "ontouchend" in document,
scrollEvent = "touchmove scroll",
// Use touch events or map it to mouse events
touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
data = function(event){
var d = event.originalEvent.touches ?
event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
return {
time: (new Date).getTime(),
coords: [ d.pageX, d.pageY ],
origin: $( )
* @add jQuery.event.swipe
var swipe = $.event.swipe = {
* @attribute delay
* Delay is the upper limit of time the swipe motion can take in milliseconds.  This defaults to 500.
* A user must perform the swipe motion in this much time.
delay : 500,
* @attribute max
* The maximum distance the pointer must travel in pixels.  The default is 75 pixels.
max : 75,
* @attribute min
* The minimum distance the pointer must travel in pixels.  The default is 30 pixels.
min : 30
$.event.setupHelper( [
<div class="bb-item">
* @hide
                                                <img class="book-background" src="">                                                    <div style="left:100px; top:89px; width:80%;font-size:23px; line-height:40px;" class="page-vertical-top">
* @attribute swipe
Mike fell in love with changed Annie at a first sight.
  “Just a small change of myself makes my world more wonderful than I have dreamed ever.”
Although Annie couldn’t hide her surprise, she felt very happy.
And then, Annie and Mike were together happily forever.  
* @hide
* @attribute swipeleft
* @hide
* @attribute swiperight
* @hide
* @attribute swipeup
* @hide
  * @attribute swipedown
'swipedown'], touchStartEvent, function(ev){
// update with data when the event was started
start = data(ev),
delegate = ev.delegateTarget || ev.currentTarget,
selector = ev.handleObj.selector,
entered = this;
function moveHandler(event){
if ( !start ) {
// update stop with the data from the current event
stop = data(event);
// prevent scrolling
if ( Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0] ) > 10 ) {
<div class="page-vertical-bottom">
<div class="left-page">
<img style="width:113px;bottom:90px;left:-45px;" class="page-picture" src="">
<img style="width:180px; bottom:-14px; left:28px;" class="page-picture" src="">
// Attach to the touch move events
<div class="right-page">
$(document.documentElement).bind(touchMoveEvent, moveHandler)
<img style="width:180px; left:570px; bottom:-28px;" class="page-picture" src="">
.one(touchStopEvent, function(event){
$(this).unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler);
// if start and stop contain data figure out if we have a swipe event
if ( start && stop ) {
// calculate the distance between start and stop data
var deltaX = Math.abs(start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]),
deltaY = Math.abs(start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]),
distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
// check if the delay and distance are matched
if ( stop.time - start.time < swipe.delay && distance >= swipe.min ) {
var events = ['swipe'];
// check if we moved horizontally
if( deltaX >= swipe.min && deltaY < swipe.min) {
// based on the x coordinate check if we moved left or right
events.push( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight" );
} else
// check if we moved vertically
if(deltaY >= swipe.min && deltaX < swipe.min){
// based on the y coordinate check if we moved up or down
events.push( start.coords[1] < stop.coords[1] ? "swipedown" : "swipeup" );
// trigger swipe events on this guy
$.each($.event.find(delegate, events, selector), function(){
-, ev, {start : start, end: stop})
// reset start and stop
start = stop = undefined;
* jquery.bookblock.js v2.0.1
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* Copyright 2013, Codrops
;( function( $, window, undefined ) {
'use strict';
// global
var $window = $(window),
Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
Modernizr.addTest('csstransformspreserve3d', function () {
var prop = Modernizr.prefixed('transformStyle');
var val = 'preserve-3d';
var computedStyle;
if(!prop) return false;
prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-');
Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr{' + prop + ':' + val + ';}', function (el, rule) {
computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop) : '';
return (computedStyle === val);
* debouncedresize: special jQuery event that happens once after a window resize
* latest version and complete README available on Github:
* Copyright 2012 @louis_remi
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* This saved you an hour of work?
* Send me music
var $event = $.event,
$special = $event.special.debouncedresize = {
setup: function() {
$( this ).on( "resize", $special.handler );
teardown: function() {
$( this ).off( "resize", $special.handler );
handler: function( event, execAsap ) {
// Save the context
var context = this,
args = arguments,
dispatch = function() {
// set correct event type
event.type = "debouncedresize";
$event.dispatch.apply( context, args );
if ( resizeTimeout ) {
clearTimeout( resizeTimeout );
execAsap ?
dispatch() :
resizeTimeout = setTimeout( dispatch, $special.threshold );
threshold: 150
$.BookBlock = function( options, element ) {
this.$el = $( element );
this._init( options );
// the options
$.BookBlock.defaults = {
// vertical or horizontal flip
orientation : 'vertical',
// ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)
direction : 'ltr',
// speed for the flip transition in ms
speed : 1000,
// easing for the flip transition
easing : 'ease-in-out',
// if set to true, both the flipping page and the sides will have an overlay to simulate shadows
shadows : true,
// opacity value for the "shadow" on both sides (when the flipping page is over it)
// value : 0.1 - 1
shadowSides : 0.2,
// opacity value for the "shadow" on the flipping page (while it is flipping)
// value : 0.1 - 1
shadowFlip : 0.1,
// if we should show the first item after reaching the end
circular : false,
// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: ´#bb-nav-next´
nextEl : '',
// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the prev() function
prevEl : '',
// autoplay. If true it overwrites the circular option to true
autoplay : false,
// time (ms) between page switch, if autoplay is true
interval : 3000,
// callback after the flip transition
// old is the index of the previous item
// page is the current item´s index
// isLimit is true if the current page is the last one (or the first one)
onEndFlip : function(old, page, isLimit) { return false; },
// callback before the flip transition
// page is the current item´s index
onBeforeFlip : function(page) { return false; }
$.BookBlock.prototype = {
_init : function(options) {
// options
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.BookBlock.defaults, options );
// orientation class
this.$el.addClass( 'bb-' + this.options.orientation );
// items
this.$items = this.$el.children( '.bb-item' ).hide();
// total items
this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
// current item´s index
this.current = 0;
// previous item´s index
this.previous = -1;
// show first item
this.$current = this.$items.eq( this.current ).show();
// get width of this.$el
// this will be necessary to create the flipping layout
this.elWidth = this.$el.width();
var transEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd',
'transition': 'transitionend'
this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' )] + '.bookblock';
// support css 3d transforms && css transitions && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d
- = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms3d && Modernizr.csstransformspreserve3d;
// initialize/bind some events
// start slideshow
if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
this.options.circular = true;
_initEvents : function() {
var self = this;
if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
$( this.options.nextEl ).on( 'click.bookblock touchstart.bookblock', function() { self._action( 'next' ); return false; } );
if ( this.options.prevEl !== '' ) {
$( this.options.prevEl ).on( 'click.bookblock touchstart.bookblock', function() { self._action( 'prev' ); return false; } );
$window.on( 'debouncedresize', function() {
// update width value
self.elWidth = self.$el.width();
} );
_action : function( dir, page ) {
this._navigate( dir, page );
_navigate : function( dir, page ) {
if ( this.isAnimating ) {
return false;
// callback trigger
this.options.onBeforeFlip( this.current );
this.isAnimating = true;
// update current value
this.$current = this.$items.eq( this.current );
if ( page !== undefined ) {
this.current = page;
else if ( dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
if ( !this.options.circular && this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 ) {
this.end = true;
else {
this.previous = this.current;
this.current = this.current < this.itemsCount - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
else if ( dir === 'prev' && this.options.direction === 'ltr' || dir === 'next' && this.options.direction === 'rtl' ) {
if ( !this.options.circular && this.current === 0 ) {
this.end = true;
else {
this.previous = this.current;
this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.itemsCount - 1;
this.$nextItem = !this.options.circular && this.end ? this.$current : this.$items.eq( this.current );
if ( ! ) {
this._layoutNoSupport( dir );
} else {
this._layout( dir );
_layoutNoSupport : function(dir) {
this.end = false;
this.isAnimating = false;
var isLimit = dir === 'next' && this.current === this.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && this.current === 0;
// callback trigger
this.options.onEndFlip( this.previous, this.current, isLimit );
// creates the necessary layout for the 3d structure
_layout : function(dir) {
var self = this,
// basic structure: 1 element for the left side.
$s_left = this._addSide( 'left', dir ),
// 1 element for the flipping/middle page
$s_middle = this._addSide( 'middle', dir ),
// 1 element for the right side
$s_right = this._addSide( 'right', dir ),
// overlays
$o_left = $s_left.find( '' ),
$o_middle_f = $s_middle.find( '' ),
$o_middle_b = $s_middle.find( '' ),
$o_right = $s_right.find( '' ),
speed = this.end ? 400 : this.options.speed;
this.$el.prepend( $s_left, $s_middle, $s_right );
transitionDuration: speed + 'ms',
transitionTimingFunction : this.options.easing
}).on( this.transEndEventName, function( event ) {
if ( $( ).hasClass( 'bb-page' ) ) {
self.$el.children( '.bb-page' ).remove();
self.end = false;
self.isAnimating = false;
var isLimit = dir === 'next' && self.current === self.itemsCount - 1 || dir === 'prev' && self.current === 0;
// callback trigger
self.options.onEndFlip( self.previous, self.current, isLimit );
if ( dir === 'prev' ) {
$s_middle.addClass( 'bb-flip-initial' );
// overlays
if (this.options.shadows && !this.end) {
var o_left_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms'
} : {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear',
opacity: this.options.shadowSides
o_middle_f_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear'
} : {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms',
opacity: this.options.shadowFlip
o_middle_b_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms',
opacity: this.options.shadowFlip
} : {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear'
o_right_style = (dir === 'next') ? {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear',
opacity: this.options.shadowSides
} : {
transition: 'opacity ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms ' + 'linear' + ' ' + this.options.speed / 2 + 'ms'
setTimeout( function() {
// first && last pages lift slightly up when we can't go further
$s_middle.addClass( self.end ? 'bb-flip-' + dir + '-end' : 'bb-flip-' + dir );
// overlays
if ( self.options.shadows && !self.end ) {
opacity: dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowFlip : 0
opacity: dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowFlip
opacity: dir === 'next' ? self.options.shadowSides : 0
opacity: dir === 'next' ? 0 : self.options.shadowSides
}, 25 );
// adds the necessary sides (bb-page) to the layout
_addSide : function( side, dir ) {
var $side;
switch (side) {
case 'left':
<div class="bb-page" style="z-index:102;">
<div class="bb-back">
<div class="bb-outer">
<div class="bb-content">
<div class="bb-inner">
dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
<div class="bb-overlay"></div>
$side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$current.html() : this.$nextItem.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 102 );
<div class="bb-item">
<img class="book-background" src="">  
case 'middle':
<div class="left-page">
<img  class="picture-last" src="">
<div class="bb-page" style="z-index:103;">
<div class="bb-front">
<div class="right-page">
<div class="bb-outer">
<img class="picture-fin" src="">
<div class="bb-content">
<div class="bb-inner">
dir==='next' ? [content of current page] : [content of next page]
<div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
<div class="bb-back">
<div class="bb-outer">
<div class="bb-content">
<div class="bb-inner">
dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
<div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div>
$side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + (dir === 'next' ? this.$current.html() : this.$nextItem.html()) + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div><div class="bb-back"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content" style="width:' + this.elWidth + 'px"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$nextItem.html() : this.$current.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-flipoverlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 103 );
case 'right':
<div class="bb-page" style="z-index:101;">
<div class="bb-front">
<div class="bb-outer">
<div class="bb-content">
<div class="bb-inner">
dir==='next' ? [content of next page] : [content of current page]
<div class="bb-overlay"></div>
$side = $('<div class="bb-page"><div class="bb-front"><div class="bb-outer"><div class="bb-content"><div class="bb-inner">' + ( dir === 'next' ? this.$nextItem.html() : this.$current.html() ) + '</div></div><div class="bb-overlay"></div></div></div></div>').css( 'z-index', 101 );
return $side;
_startSlideshow : function() {
var self = this;
this.slideshow = setTimeout( function() {
self._navigate( 'next' );
if ( self.options.autoplay ) {
}, this.options.interval );
_stopSlideshow : function() {
if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
clearTimeout( this.slideshow );
this.options.autoplay = false;
// public method: flips next
next : function() {
this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'next' : 'prev' );
// public method: flips back
prev : function() {
this._action( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ? 'prev' : 'next' );
// public method: goes to a specific page
jump : function( page ) {
page -= 1;
<a id="bb-nav-prev" href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-left  fa-2x"></i></a>
<a id="bb-nav-next" href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-right fa-2x"></i></a>
</div><!-- /container -->
<div style="height:300px;" class="wrapper">
<a href=""><img style="float:left;" src=""></a>
<!--begin footer-->
if ( page === this.current || page >= this.itemsCount || page < 0 ) {
<div id="footer-wrapper" style="background-color: #d92424; margin-top: 0;">
return false;
  <div id="footer-content">
<div id="footer-logo">
<a href=""><img style="height:150px;position:relative;" src=""></a>
<div id="footer-twitter">
        <a href=""><img style="height:150px; position:relative; bottom:0;" src=""></a>
var dir;
if( this.options.direction === 'ltr' ) {
dir = page > this.current ? 'next' : 'prev';
else {
dir = page > this.current ? 'prev' : 'next';
this._action( dir, page );
// public method: goes to the last page
last : function() {
this.jump( this.itemsCount );
// public method: goes to the first page
first : function() {
this.jump( 1 );
// public method: check if isAnimating is true
isActive: function() {
return this.isAnimating;
// public method: dynamically adds new elements
// call this method after inserting new "bb-item" elements inside the BookBlock
update : function () {
var $currentItem = this.$items.eq( this.current );
this.$items = this.$el.children( '.bb-item' );
this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
this.current = $currentItem.index();
destroy : function() {
if ( this.options.autoplay ) {
this.$el.removeClass( 'bb-' + this.options.orientation );
if ( this.options.nextEl !== '' ) {
$( this.options.nextEl ).off( '.bookblock' );
if ( this.options.prevEl !== '' ) {
$( this.options.prevEl ).off( '.bookblock' );
$ 'debouncedresize' );
var logError = function( message ) {
if ( window.console ) {
window.console.error( message );
$.fn.bookblock = function( options ) {
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
var args = arguments, 1 );
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock' );
if ( !instance ) {
logError( "cannot call methods on bookblock prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for bookblock instance" );
instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
else {
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock' );
if ( instance ) {
else {
instance = $.data( this, 'bookblock', new $.BookBlock( options, this ) );
return this;
} )( jQuery, window );
var Page = (function() {
var config = {
$bookBlock : $( '#bb-bookblock' ),
$navNext : $( '#bb-nav-next' ),
$navPrev : $( '#bb-nav-prev' ),
$navFirst : $( '#bb-nav-first' ),
$navLast : $( '#bb-nav-last' )
init = function() {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( {
speed : 800,
shadowSides : 0.8,
shadowFlip : 0.7
} );
initEvents = function() {
var $slides = config.$bookBlock.children();
// add navigation events
config.$navNext.on( 'click touchstart', function() {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'next' );
return false;
} );
config.$navPrev.on( 'click touchstart', function() {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'prev' );
return false;
} );
config.$navFirst.on( 'click touchstart', function() {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'first' );
return false;
} );
config.$navLast.on( 'click touchstart', function() {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'last' );
return false;
} );
// add swipe events
$slides.on( {
'swipeleft' : function( event ) {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'next' );
return false;
'swiperight' : function( event ) {
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'prev' );
return false;
} );
// add keyboard events
$( document ).keydown( function(e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which,
arrow = {
left : 37,
up : 38,
right : 39,
down : 40
switch (keyCode) {
case arrow.left:
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'prev' );
case arrow.right:
config.$bookBlock.bookblock( 'next' );
} );
return { init : init };

Latest revision as of 15:20, 9 September 2015

~ RNA in love ~

This year iGEM HokkaidoU invites you to a lovely story ...

This is a love story of one shy girl called Annie. She was very hesitant, but her passion for him was second to none. One day, Cupid found Annie and helped her. Well, how would the future of her romance going to be?

Annie / asRNA

The shiest girl in the village, but has a feeling to Mike in secrecy.

Mike / mRNA

The most popular boy in the village, but a little indecisive.

Rachel / ribosome

The most confident girl in the village. She loves Mike and approaches him positively.

Cupid / HokkaidoU

A wonderful sprite in the village. He sometimes helps a villager whimsically.

Once upon a time, there was a girl, Annie. She fell in love with Mike who was the darling of the town. But she had a formidable rival, Rachel. She was very positive to her love so that she always wanted to monopolize Mike.
Contrasting to her, as Annie was too shy, it was difficult for her only to approach to Mike. Nevertheless, she never stopped thinking about Mike. Cupid found such poor Annie.
As Cupid wanted to help Annie’s love, he casted a spell over her. This was the wonderful magic STEM. Enchanted, her clothes turned into greatly beautiful clothes.
She was very surprised to look at herself in a mirror because the girl in a mirror appeared like not herself to her. Owing to wonderful magic, she was able to have confidence and a little courage to go to Mike.
Mike fell in love with changed Annie at a first sight. “Just a small change of myself makes my world more wonderful than I have dreamed ever.” Although Annie couldn’t hide her surprise, she felt very happy. And then, Annie and Mike were together happily forever.