Team:Hong Kong-CUHK/projectA-further.html


Further direction

As oxygen sensitive protein or organelle could be growth in aerobic environment in this bacteria, many further research could be conducted using this system, especially those reduction reaction.

1.	Fuel cell production—a major difficult of fuel cell production is the needed of anaerobic environment for reduction reaction. Bielefeld-Germany – 2013 have built a great electricity device, however, the voltage of the device drop significantly very quickly because of the problem of building up anaerobic system. We suggests that our system could overcome the problem and also make the device smaller in size.
2.	Express magnetosome— as magnetosome is suggested to express better anaerobically, this organelle is predicted to work better in this expression system.
3.	Nitrogen fixation and carbon fixation— these reduction reactions (or others) could be made in this system without providing an anaerobic environment.
To conclude, this expression system provide a novel way for genetic engineering. It eases the work of engineering protein or organelle that in need of anaerobic condition. Many further research and iGEM project could make use of the system for engineering.

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