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Team Nevada

The BAITswitch

The Bioorthoginal Auxin Induceable Trigger Switch
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Nevada iGEM Speaks about Synthetic Biology at the Nevada Student Speaker Competition

What do most college students think about synthetic biology?
Over the course of the summer, we realized that while the general public might still have questions or concerns about synthetic biology and GMOs, we had the ability to educate students and make an impact at our own campus. We applied to present at the Nevada Student Speaker Competition - where presenters from our university could present a Ted-style talk on a topic of their choosing to an audience of over 300 students.

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Nevada iGEM at the UNR CABNR Field Day

Duis lorem mauris, facilisis nec tempus ut, volutpat nec nulla. Nam pretium eros nibh, vel pretium eros tempor eget. Praesent laoreet facilisis molestie. Praesent lobortis ultrices sapien ut vestibulum. Aliquam molestie luctus mauris nec tincidunt. Sed posuere non sem a malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu augue non justo elementum luctus nec quis eros. Cras commodo, nisi nec cursus adipiscing, augue magna varius arcu, eget gravida ante odio eu velit. Maecenas sagittis egestas elit sed interdum. Nulla molestie nec tellus sed rhoncus.

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