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* 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers.
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<h1>Project and results</h1>
<h1>Project and results</h1>
<p>Read about our experimental work below, or jump to our
<p>Read about our experimental work below, or jump to our theoretical collaboration with the <A HREF="#Oxford">University of Oxford</A>
theoretical collaboration with the <a href="#Oxford">University
of Oxford</a>
<h2>Introduction and theory</h2>
<h2>Introduction and theory</h2>
<p>Synthetic peptide chemists have long produced peptide-based materials <em>in vitro</em>. Star-shaped peptides are a promising type of biomaterial being explored in the field of nanomedicine (Sulistio et al., 2012). Star peptides can have several biomedical uses, such as acting as drug delivery vehicles (Sulistio et al., 2011) or linkers for other biomacromolecules. Star peptides generally take the form of several linear peptide arms linked together in a central core. One way of linking these linear peptide arms together is to used covalent bonds such as those in disulfides. Typically, disulfide bonds are formed synthetically by taking several linear arms and treating them with an oxidant <em>in vitro</em>. Here, we introduce a new approach to forming star peptides using <em>E. coli</em> and synthetic biology. Thus, we aimed to show how the peptides synthesis and disulfide bond forming machinery of <em>E. coli</em> can be used to form disulfide linked star peptides and key star peptide precursors.</p>
<p>Synthetic peptide chemists have long produced peptide-based
materials <em>in vitro</em>. Star-shaped peptides are a
promising type of biomaterial being explored in the field of
nanomedicine (Sulistio et al., 2012). Star peptides can have several
biomedical uses, such as acting as drug delivery vehicles (Sulistio et
al., 2011) or linkers for other biomacromolecules. Star peptides
generally take the form of several linear peptide arms linked together
in a central core. One way of linking these linear peptide arms
together is to used covalent bonds such as those in disulfides.
Typically, disulfide bonds are formed synthetically by taking several
linear arms and treating them with an oxidant <em>in vitro</em>.
Here, we introduce a new approach to forming star peptides using <em>E.
coli</em> and synthetic biology. Thus, we aimed to show how the
peptides synthesis and disulfide bond forming machinery of <em>E.
coli</em> can be used to form disulfide linked star peptides and
key star peptide precursors.</p>
<h2>Synthesis approach</h2>
<h2>Synthesis approach</h2>
<p><em>E. coli</em> naturally possesses the capacity to form disulfide bonds. In native strains, disulfide bonds are naturally formed by an array of enzymes which are part of the Dsb family (e.g. DsbA and DsbC) (Kadokura et al., 2003, Kadokura and Beckwith, 2009). Normally, these enzymes are found in the oxidizing periplasm of the cell. However, several new strains of <em>E. coli</em> have recently been engineered which contain an oxidizing cytoplasm conducive to disulfide bond formation. One example of this is the SHuffle cell line (Lobstein et al., 2012). The cell line contains mutations to key enzymes responsible for the reducing nature of the cytoplasm, namely thioredoxin reductase (<em>trxB</em>) and glutathione reductase (<em>gor</em>). Furthermore, the Shuffle cell line over expresses the disulfide bond isomerase DsbC to the cytoplasm. Together, these mutations allow SHuffle to fold disulfide-bonded proteins in the cytoplasm at a higher success rate compared to non-mutants. We aimed to take advantage of the disulfide bond forming capabilities of this strain of <em>E. coli</em> to synthesize star peptides in cells. As shown in the figure below, the synthesis steps may proceed as follows:</p>
<p><em>E. coli</em> naturally possesses the capacity
to form disulfide bonds. In native strains, disulfide bonds are
naturally formed by an array of enzymes which are part of the Dsb
family (e.g. DsbA and DsbC) (Kadokura et al., 2003, Kadokura and
Beckwith, 2009). Normally, these enzymes are found in the oxidizing
periplasm of the cell. However, several new strains of <em>E.
coli</em> have recently been engineered which contain an
oxidizing cytoplasm conducive to disulfide bond formation. One example
of this is the SHuffle cell line (Lobstein et al., 2012). The cell line
contains mutations to key enzymes responsible for the reducing nature
of the cytoplasm, namely thioredoxin reductase (<em>trxB</em>)
and glutathione reductase (<em>gor</em>). Furthermore, the
Shuffle cell line over expresses the disulfide bond isomerase DsbC to
the cytoplasm. Together, these mutations allow SHuffle to fold
disulfide-bonded proteins in the cytoplasm at a higher success rate
compared to non-mutants. We aimed to take advantage of the disulfide
bond forming capabilities of this strain of <em>E. coli</em>
to synthesize star peptides in cells. As shown in the figure below, the
synthesis steps may proceed as follows:</p>
   <li> Express a short peptide containing two cysteine residues either to the <em>E. coli</em> periplasm or the cytoplasm of a <em>trxB gor </em>mutant.</li>
   <li> Express a short peptide containing two cysteine residues
   <li><em>E. coli</em> disulfide bond forming enzymes fold the peptide into a hairpin loop structure.
either to the <em>E. coli</em> periplasm or the cytoplasm
of a <em>trxB gor </em>mutant.</li>
   <li><em>E. coli</em> disulfide bond forming enzymes
fold the peptide into a hairpin loop structure.
   <li>Cut the loop at a protease recognition site engineered into the peptide. This may be done by extracting the folded peptide from the cell and treating it with the protease in vitro. Alternatively, the protease may be co-expressed in the cell to allow for in vivo cleavage.
   <li>Cut the loop at a protease recognition site engineered into
the peptide. This may be done by extracting the folded peptide from the
cell and treating it with the protease in vitro. Alternatively, the
protease may be co-expressed in the cell to allow for in vivo cleavage.
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<p>This synthesis approach has several benefits over purely <em>in vitro</em> approaches. Firstly, the exact peptide sequence can be precisely programmed into <em>E. coli</em> using recombinant DNA synthesis. Secondly, by performing the disulfide bond formation in cells and optionally the proteolytic cleavage, several synthesis steps which would need to be performed <em>in vitro</em> are eliminated. From a scale up perspective, this would eliminate entire unit operations which would otherwise be required to produce this product. Given these benefits, in the current study, we aimed to express a star peptide precursor to the cytoplasm of SHuffle cells, which would later be extracted and externally digested with the star-forming protease. In order to achieve this, we first designed several star peptides which might be amenable to this synthetic strategy. These peptides are described below.</p>
<p>This synthesis approach has several benefits over purely <em>in
vitro</em> approaches. Firstly, the exact peptide sequence can be
precisely programmed into <em>E. coli</em> using
recombinant DNA synthesis. Secondly, by performing the disulfide bond
formation in cells and optionally the proteolytic cleavage, several
synthesis steps which would need to be performed <em>in vitro</em>
are eliminated. From a scale up perspective, this would eliminate
entire unit operations which would otherwise be required to produce
this product. Given these benefits, in the current study, we aimed to
express a star peptide precursor to the cytoplasm of SHuffle cells,
which would later be extracted and externally digested with the
star-forming protease. In order to achieve this, we first designed
several star peptides which might be amenable to this synthetic
strategy. These peptides are described below.</p>
<h2>Rationally designed peptides</h2>
<h2>Rationally designed peptides</h2>
<p>There are two approaches to functionalising star peptides. In the first, the identity of the arms can be chosen to be bioactive peptide molecules. This is the simplest approach to producing a biologically-relevant star. In the second, the arms can be functionalised by ligating molecules to them at any point. We used both of these approaches to design two separate peptides.</p>
<p>There are two approaches to functionalising star peptides. In
the first, the identity of the arms can be chosen to be bioactive
peptide molecules. This is the simplest approach to producing a
biologically-relevant star. In the second, the arms can be
functionalised by ligating molecules to them at any point. We used both
of these approaches to design two separate peptides.</p>
<h3>Magainin 1 star and linear peptides</h3>
<h3>Magainin 1 star and linear peptides</h3>
<p>Our first strategy was to make a star peptide using antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) as building blocks. AMPs are small, approximately 50 residue peptides secreted by some bacterial and eukaryotic cells which selectively kill microbial cells. It is thought that AMPs work by forming pores in the membrane of prokaryotic cells (Brogden, 2005). AMPs have been recombinantly expressed in a number of organisms, including <em>E. coli</em> (for a review, see Li, 2011) and <em>B. Subtilis</em> (Chen et al., 2009, Yu et al., 2013).</p>
<p>Our first strategy was to make a star peptide using
<p>Our concept was to design a star peptide with antimicrobial peptide arms. Wiradharma et al. (2012) first showed that placing linear antimicrobial peptides in a star configuration could lead to enhanced antimicrobial activity and decreased hemolytic activity. Although it is unclear why this is the case, it may be due to the ability of neighbouring antimicrobial peptide arms to interact with each other to synergistically rupture the membrane.<br>
antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) as building blocks. AMPs are small,
While Wiradharma used a synthetic peptide sequence, we designed a peptide using the naturally occurring AMP, Magainin 1 (Zasloff, 1987). Magainin 1 peptides will be placed to the ends of each star arm.</p>
approximately 50 residue peptides secreted by some bacterial and
eukaryotic cells which selectively kill microbial cells. It is thought
<p>Magainin 1 was chosen because the Magainins are one of the major classes of antimicrobial peptides, being well studied and characterised. In addition, we were concerned that tethering the antimicrobial peptide to the star peptide might interfere with its antimicrobial activity. Magainin 1, however, has previously been tethered to surfaces, where it has imparted the surfaces with microbicidal properties (Glinel et al., 2008; Humblot et al., 2009). We surmised that if Magainin 1 maintained its activity while anchored to surfaces, it may also maintain its activity while anchored to a star peptide.</p>
that AMPs work by forming pores in the membrane of prokaryotic cells
(Brogden, 2005). AMPs have been recombinantly expressed in a number of
organisms, including <em>E. coli</em> (for a review, see
Li, 2011) and <em>B. Subtilis</em> (Chen et al., 2009, Yu
et al., 2013).</p>
<p>Our concept was to design a star peptide with antimicrobial
peptide arms. Wiradharma et al. (2012) first showed that placing linear
antimicrobial peptides in a star configuration could lead to enhanced
antimicrobial activity and decreased hemolytic activity. Although it is
unclear why this is the case, it may be due to the ability of
neighbouring antimicrobial peptide arms to interact with each other to
synergistically rupture the membrane.<br>
While Wiradharma used a synthetic peptide sequence, we designed a
peptide using the naturally occurring AMP, Magainin 1 (Zasloff, 1987).
Magainin 1 peptides will be placed to the ends of each star arm.</p>
<p>Magainin 1 was chosen because the Magainins are one of the
major classes of antimicrobial peptides, being well studied and
characterised. In addition, we were concerned that tethering the
antimicrobial peptide to the star peptide might interfere with its
antimicrobial activity. Magainin 1, however, has previously been
tethered to surfaces, where it has imparted the surfaces with
microbicidal properties (Glinel et al., 2008; Humblot et al., 2009). We
surmised that if Magainin 1 maintained its activity while anchored to
surfaces, it may also maintain its activity while anchored to a star
<p>The sequence for Magainin 1 is: GIGKFLHSAGKFGKAFVGEIMKS.</p>
<p>The sequence for Magainin 1 is: GIGKFLHSAGKFGKAFVGEIMKS.</p>
<p>When attached to a star peptide it will have the following structure:</p>
<p>When attached to a star peptide it will have the following
<img src="" width="720" height="300" alt=""/>
alt="" height="300" width="720">
<p>There are several design elements to note:</p>
<p>There are several design elements to note:</p>
    The antimicrobial peptide star will be expressed with a SUMO fusion protein. This is because without the fusion, it is likely that the peptide would be toxic to the host cell.</li>
The antimicrobial peptide star will be expressed with a SUMO fusion
   <li>The peptide includes a Factor X cutting site between the two cysteines for eventual proteolytic cleavage and formation of the star peptide.</li>
protein. This is because without the fusion, it is likely that the
peptide would be toxic to the host cell.</li>
  <p>In addition to the star peptide Magainin 1, we synthesised a gene for a linear Magainin 1 peptide as well. This is identical to the construct above, except that there is only one Magainin 1 peptide attached to the SUMO fusion.</p>
   <li>The peptide includes a Factor X cutting site between the
two cysteines for eventual proteolytic cleavage and formation of the
star peptide.</li>
<p>In addition to the star peptide Magainin 1, we synthesised a
gene for a linear Magainin 1 peptide as well. This is identical to the
construct above, except that there is only one Magainin 1 peptide
attached to the SUMO fusion.</p>
<h3>Unstructured Peptide (USP) Construct</h3>
<h3>Unstructured Peptide (USP) Construct</h3>
<p>In the second approach, we designed a peptide which can be functionalised using chemical approaches. This peptide was designed to have flexible, unstructured arms and was termed the USP construct. Unlike the Magainin 1 star, the arms of this peptide serve not as active peptides themselves, but as inert structural linkers.</p>
<p>In the second approach, we designed a peptide which can be
<img src="" width="720" height="216" alt=""/>
functionalised using chemical approaches. This peptide was designed to
<p>The arms were designed with the following elements in mind:</p>
have flexible, unstructured arms and was termed the USP construct.
Unlike the Magainin 1 star, the arms of this peptide serve not as
active peptides themselves, but as inert structural linkers.</p>
<img src=""
alt="" height="216" width="720">
<p>The arms were designed with the following elements in mind:</p>
     <b>Lack of structure.</b> The arms were designed with a bioinspired approach, using the FxFG motif of nucleoporins (where x is a variable amino acid residue). Such segments naturally repeat in nucleoporins and are thought to lead to disorder/lack of stable secondary structure.   Nucleoporins are found in mammalian cells, serving as flexible brushes around nuclear pores (Ader et al., 2010).
     <b>Lack of structure.</b> The arms were designed with a
bioinspired approach, using the FxFG motif of nucleoporins (where x is
   <li><b>Water-soluble.</b> The arms were designed with several charged amino acids to improve solubility.
a variable amino acid residue). Such segments naturally repeat in
nucleoporins and are thought to lead to disorder/lack of stable
   <li><b>Designed to form a disulfide bond.</b> Although it is difficult to rationally ensure that the disulfide bond will form between two cysteines in our peptide, we incorporated a beta turn between the two cysteines which may encourage the peptide to fold at the apex of the hairpin loop. This may bring the cysteines into closer proximity, providing more probable bond formation.</li></ul>
secondary structure. Nucleoporins are found in mammalian cells, serving
as flexible brushes around nuclear pores (Ader et al., 2010).
<p>The ultimate utility of this peptide lies in its ability to be functionalised with other biomacromolecules. For example, the technique of Native Chemical Ligation(NCL) can be used to join peptides, proteins, and other ligands to the arms (Dawson et al., 1994). The idea of attaching enzymes to the star peptide was explored by the University of Oxford iGEM 2014 team in a collaborative effort between our two teams (See Supplementary Project Work at the end of this page). </p>
   <li><b>Water-soluble.</b> The arms were designed
with several charged amino acids to improve solubility.
   <li><b>Designed to form a disulfide bond.</b>
Although it is difficult to rationally ensure that the disulfide bond
will form between two cysteines in our peptide, we incorporated a beta
turn between the two cysteines which may encourage the peptide to fold
at the apex of the hairpin loop. This may bring the cysteines into
closer proximity, providing more probable bond formation.</li>
<p>The ultimate utility of this peptide lies in its ability to be
functionalised with other biomacromolecules. For example, the technique
of Native Chemical Ligation(NCL) can be used to join peptides,
proteins, and other ligands to the arms (Dawson et al., 1994). The idea
of attaching enzymes to the star peptide was explored by the University
of Oxford iGEM 2014 team in a collaborative effort between our two
teams (See Supplementary Project Work at the end of this page). </p>
<h2>Expression system</h2>
<h2>Expression system</h2>
<p>In order to successfully express our constructs, we designed our protein expression vectors to include a fusion protein. The fusion protein was necessary for two reasons. First, some of our constructs are very small (e.g. the non-star Magainin 1), and expression levels of very small peptides can be difficult without a fusion partner. Second, two of our constructs code for antimicrobial peptides. Without a fusion partner, it is likely that these genes would be toxic to their hosts upon induction.</p>
<p>In order to successfully express our constructs, we designed
<p>To find a suitable expression system, we looked towards the Registry of Standard Parts. We used the SUMO protein expression system designed by TU Delft 2014 (for example, see<a target="_blank" href=""></a>). This system essentially consists of a N-terminal HIS-tag followed by the SUMO protein (also known as UlpI).</p>
our protein expression vectors to include a fusion protein. The fusion
protein was necessary for two reasons. First, some of our constructs
are very small (e.g. the non-star Magainin 1), and expression levels of
very small peptides can be difficult without a fusion partner. Second,
two of our constructs code for antimicrobial peptides. Without a fusion
partner, it is likely that these genes would be toxic to their hosts
upon induction.</p>
<p>To find a suitable expression system, we looked towards the
Registry of Standard Parts. We used the SUMO protein expression system
designed by TU Delft 2014 (for example, see <a target="_blank"
This system essentially consists of a N-terminal HIS-tag followed by
the SUMO protein (also known as UlpI).</p>
  The strategy of expressing toxic AMPs using SUMO has been successfully reported in the literature (Bommarius et al., 2010). We surmise that the SUMO protein could inhibit the antimicrobial activity of single, linear peptides, and that it may also inhibit the activity of our star antimicrobial peptide.</p>
The strategy of expressing toxic AMPs using SUMO has been successfully
reported in the literature (Bommarius et al., 2010). We surmise that
the SUMO protein could inhibit the antimicrobial activity of single,
linear peptides, and that it may also inhibit the activity of our star
antimicrobial peptide.</p>
  SUMO as a fusion protein also has the benefit of leaving no residues at the C-terminal end of the cleavage site. This means that upon cleavage with the SUMO protease, the native protein can be recovered. In our case, this means that one of the arms of the star can be designed without the need to take into account the addition of any amino acid residues left behind by the protease.<br>
SUMO as a fusion protein also has the benefit of leaving no residues at
  We used the SUMO peptide sequence reported by TU Delft. However, our construct contained the following unique features:</p>
the C-terminal end of the cleavage site. This means that upon cleavage
with the SUMO protease, the native protein can be recovered. In our
case, this means that one of the arms of the star can be designed
without the need to take into account the addition of any amino acid
residues left behind by the protease.<br>
We used the SUMO peptide sequence reported by TU Delft. However, our
construct contained the following unique features:</p>
   <li> Standardisation of the biobrick by substituting the T7 promoter and RBS (the origins of which are both not specified in the Delft documentation) with the standard T7 promoter and RBS BioBrick<a target="_blank" href="">BBa_K525998</a>. In addition to supporting the principle of standardization, using the well-characterized promoter BioBrick should help assure expression levels.<br>
   <li> Standardisation of the biobrick by substituting the T7
promoter and RBS (the origins of which are both not specified in the
   <li>Biobrick BBa_K1022101 lacks a terminator sequence (this was presumably because the part was meant to be integrated into a larger genetic construct with a terminator). A terminator from the registry of standard parts was added (specifically, the wild type terminator from T7 bacteriophage,<a target="_blank" href="">BBa_K731721</a>).
Delft documentation) with the standard T7 promoter and RBS BioBrick <a
target="_blank" href="">BBa_K525998</a>.
   <li>The original biobrick BBa_K1022101 codes for three amino acid residues before the HIS-tag (ASM), which appeared to be redundant. Correspondence with the 2013 TU Delft team suggested that these residues were unnecessary and appear to be cleaved within the cell as part of the cells post-translational modifications. However, their presence complicates the addition of additional tags at the N-terminus of the protein (e.g. periplasmic export tags), and therefore were not included.<br>
In addition to supporting the principle of standardization, using the
well-characterized promoter BioBrick should help assure expression
   <li>The SUMO sequence was codon optimised for E. coli during synthesis. As the Delft documentation did not specify whether the gene was codon optimal, codon optomisation was undertaken to potentially improve expression levels. The linear Magainin 1 construct, however, was not codon optimised in the SUMO region in order to provide a control condition.</li>
   <li>Biobrick BBa_K1022101 lacks a terminator sequence (this was
presumably because the part was meant to be integrated into a larger
genetic construct with a terminator). A terminator from the registry of
standard parts was added (specifically, the wild type terminator from
T7 bacteriophage,&nbsp;<a target="_blank"
   <li>The original biobrick BBa_K1022101 codes for three amino
acid residues before the HIS-tag (ASM), which appeared to be redundant.
Correspondence with the 2013 TU Delft team suggested that these
residues were unnecessary and appear to be cleaved within the cell as
part of the cells post-translational modifications. However, their
presence complicates the addition of additional tags at the N-terminus
of the protein (e.g. periplasmic export tags), and therefore were not
   <li>The SUMO sequence was codon optimised for E. coli during
synthesis. As the Delft documentation did not specify whether the gene
was codon optimal, codon optomisation was undertaken to potentially
improve expression levels. The linear Magainin 1 construct, however,
was not codon optimised in the SUMO region in order to provide a
control condition.</li>
<p>To summarise, the protein expression devices used in our project to the following form:</p>
<p>To summarise, the protein expression devices used in our
<img src="" width="720" height="91" alt=""/></td>
project to the following form:</p>
<p>The protein coding region consisted of a 6x-HIS tag followed by the SUMO protein and the relevant star or linear peptide.</p>
alt="" height="91" width="720">
<p>The protein coding region consisted of a 6x-HIS tag followed
by the SUMO protein and the relevant star or linear peptide.</p>
<h2>Plasmid preparation: Cloning and acquisition of the genetic constructs</h2>
<h2>Plasmid preparation: Cloning and acquisition of the genetic
<h3>Magainin 1 Star Peptide</h3>
<p>This construct was synthesised in the standard shipping plasmid from Life Technologies- plasmid pMK. We had originally planned to express our protein to the periplasm of E. coli, and therefore had included in the synthesis a periplasmic export tag, the TorTss signal sequence (Steiner et al., 2006).</p>
<h3>Magainin 1 Star Peptide</h3>
<p>This construct was synthesised in the standard shipping
plasmid from Life Technologies- plasmid pMK. We had originally planned
to express our protein to the periplasm of E. coli, and therefore had
included in the synthesis a periplasmic export tag, the TorTss signal
sequence (Steiner et al., 2006).</p>
Cytoplasmic and periplasmic expression may both allow for disulfide bond formation in the cell. We decided, however, to focus on cytoplasmic expression. There are distinct advantages to cytoplasmic expression (e.g. the absence of several periplasmic proteases and potentially higher expression levels (Baneyx, 1999)).</p>
Cytoplasmic and periplasmic expression may both allow for disulfide
bond formation in the cell. We decided, however, to focus on
cytoplasmic expression. There are distinct advantages to cytoplasmic
expression (e.g. the absence of several periplasmic proteases and
potentially higher expression levels (Baneyx, 1999)).</p>
Another reason the cytoplasm was chosen was to allow us to test the effects of an oxidising versus reducing intracellular environment on disulfide bond formation. We planned to express the construct in both SHuffle T7 cells (oxidising cytoplasm) and BL21(DE3) (reducing cytoplasm) to probe whether there was a difference in disulfide bond formation. Therefore, we needed to remove the periplasmic export tag from the gene.</p>
Another reason the cytoplasm was chosen was to allow us to test the
effects of an oxidising versus reducing intracellular environment on
disulfide bond formation. We planned to express the construct in both
SHuffle T7 cells (oxidising cytoplasm) and BL21(DE3) (reducing
cytoplasm) to probe whether there was a difference in disulfide bond
formation. Therefore, we needed to remove the periplasmic export tag
from the gene.</p>
  To do this, we use the following cloning strategy (noting that the top row represents the gene initially synthesised in plasmid pMK):</p>
To do this, we use the following cloning strategy (noting that the top
<img src="" width="900" height="437" alt=""/>
row represents the gene initially synthesised in plasmid pMK):</p>
<p>The gene was inserted into plasmid pSB1C3 containing the T7 promoter and ribosome binding site, BBa_K525998. It was inserted after the promoter and before the BioBrick suffix. This was accomplished by digesting the destination vector with SpeI and PstI. At the same time, PCR was used to amplify the segment of the gene containing the SUMO fusion and the Magainin 1 Star peptide, adding XbaI and keeping the PstI site existing in the gene.</p>
alt="" height="437" width="900">
<p>The gene was inserted into plasmid pSB1C3 containing the T7
promoter and ribosome binding site, BBa_K525998. It was inserted after
the promoter and before the BioBrick suffix. This was accomplished by
digesting the destination vector with SpeI and PstI. At the same time,
PCR was used to amplify the segment of the gene containing the SUMO
fusion and the Magainin 1 Star peptide, adding XbaI and keeping the
PstI site existing in the gene.</p>
  Digestion of the PCR product then allowed for ligation of the insert and destination vector using the PstI sites and XbaI and SpeI (XbaI and SpeI have compatible sticky ends). Note that after the ligation, there will be a scar in the gene where the XbaI and the SpeI sites were ligated.</p>
Digestion of the PCR product then allowed for ligation of the insert
and destination vector using the PstI sites and XbaI and SpeI (XbaI and
SpeI have compatible sticky ends). Note that after the ligation, there
will be a scar in the gene where the XbaI and the SpeI sites were
  The ligation appeared to be successful. The ligation mixture was transformed to DH5α competent cells and plated onto chloramphenicol-containing agar plates.</p>
The ligation appeared to be successful. The ligation mixture was
transformed to DH5α competent cells and plated onto
chloramphenicol-containing agar plates.</p>
  Plasmid from 5 colonies (C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5) was cultured, extracted, and then digested with EcoRI and PstI.</p>
Plasmid from 5 colonies (C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5) was cultured,
extracted, and then digested with EcoRI and PstI.</p>
  As evident in the figure below, at least 4 of the colonies appeared to contain the insert. The empty, linearised pSB1C3 backbone ran at approximately the correct size (2070 bps), as did the insert (740 bps).</p>
As evident in the figure below, at least 4 of the colonies appeared to
<center><img src=""  width="353" height="400" alt=""/></center>
contain the insert. The empty, linearised pSB1C3 backbone ran at
<p>N.B. MW marker is the 100 bp Ladder from Axygen. * indicates the colony picked for sequencing and eventual transformation to the expression cell lines.</p>
approximately the correct size (2070 bps), as did the insert (740 bps).</p>
<p>The DNA from Colony C2 was confirmed using Sanger sequencing at the Australian Genome Research Facility. This DNA appears in the registry of standard parts as BioBrick <a target="_blank" href="">BBa_K1394000</a>.</p>
  alt="" height="400" width="353"></center>
<p>N.B. MW marker is the 100 bp Ladder from Axygen. * indicates
the colony picked for sequencing and eventual transformation to the
expression cell lines.</p>
<p>The DNA from Colony C2 was confirmed using Sanger sequencing
at the Australian Genome Research Facility. This DNA appears in the
registry of standard parts as BioBrick <a target="_blank"
  For the USP peptide and the linear Magainin 1 peptide, the genes were synthesised by GenScript and delivered in pSB1C3. The expression vectors had identical gene regulatory elements to that used for the Magainin 1 Star peptide. They only differed in the codon optimisation used, and they also lacked the assembly scar described above.</p>
For the USP peptide and the linear Magainin 1 peptide, the genes were
synthesised by GenScript and delivered in pSB1C3. The expression
vectors had identical gene regulatory elements to that used for the
Magainin 1 Star peptide. They only differed in the codon optimisation
used, and they also lacked the assembly scar described above.</p>
    Protein expression and characterisation
Protein expression and characterisation
    After acquiring our genes, the project moved to protein expression and purification. We expressed both star peptides (Magainin 1 Star Peptide and the USP peptide) in both the SHuffle T7 and BL21(DE3) cell lines, both sourced from New England Biolabs. As the Linear Magainin 1 peptide does not have any special disulfide bonding
After acquiring our genes, the project moved to protein expression and
    requirements, we expressed it in BL21(DE3).
purification. We expressed both star peptides (Magainin 1 Star Peptide
and the USP peptide) in both the SHuffle T7 and BL21(DE3) cell lines,
both sourced from New England Biolabs. As the Linear Magainin 1 peptide
does not have any special disulfide bonding
requirements, we expressed it in BL21(DE3).
    The plasmids were transformed to the expression cells, and a single colony was cultured and induced overnight at 17 °C. A whole cell sample both before
The plasmids were transformed to the expression cells, and a single
    IPTG induction (-IPTG) and after the induction period (+IPTG) were boiled in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and loaded on a 15% tris-glycine gel. The whole cell
colony was cultured and induced overnight at 17 °C. A whole cell sample
    Coomassie stained gel is shown below alongside the NEB P7712S molecular weight marker.
both before
IPTG induction (-IPTG) and after the induction period (+IPTG) were
boiled in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and loaded on a 15% tris-glycine gel.
The whole cell
Coomassie stained gel is shown below alongside the NEB P7712S molecular
weight marker.
<p align="center">
<p align="center">
    <img src="" height="330" width="439"/>
<img src=""
height="330" width="439"></p>
    From theoretical prediction of the peptide masses, we would expect the following distribution of molecular weights:
From theoretical prediction of the peptide masses, we would expect the
following distribution of molecular weights:
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0"
            <td width="156">
                <p align="center">
      <td width="156">
                    Magainin 1 Star Peptide (Mag1 Star)
      <p align="center">Magainin 1 Star Peptide (Mag1
            <td width="145">
                <p align="center">
      <td width="145">
      <p align="center">USP
            <td width="156">
      <td width="156">
                <p align="center">
      <p align="center">Linear Magainin 1 (Linear Mag1)
                    Linear Magainin 1 (Linear Mag1)
      <td width="156">
            <td width="156">
      <p align="center">22.15 kDa
                <p align="center">
                    22.15 kDa
      <td width="145">
      <p align="center">29.3 kDa
            <td width="145">
                <p align="center">
                    29.3 kDa
      <td width="156">
      <p align="center">14.32 kDa
            <td width="156">
                <p align="center">
                    14.32 kDa
    We looked for bands corresponding to overexpression of the proteins. We observed a thick band, post IPTG around 32 kDa in the BL21(DE3) cells carrying the
We looked for bands corresponding to overexpression of the proteins. We
    USP plasmid. However, we saw this same band appearing in the Linear Magainin 1 lane but the Linear Magainin 1 protein should have a much lower molecular
observed a thick band, post IPTG around 32 kDa in the BL21(DE3) cells
    weight than what was observed. Therefore, we did not assume that we had overexpression overexpression of the USP 1 protein.
carrying the
USP plasmid. However, we saw this same band appearing in the Linear
Magainin 1 lane but the Linear Magainin 1 protein should have a much
lower molecular
weight than what was observed. Therefore, we did not assume that we had
overexpression overexpression of the USP 1 protein.
    We also noted bands in all post-IPTG lanes around 17 kDa. This would be roughly consistent with both the Linear Magainin 1 and Magainin 1 Star Peptide,
We also noted bands in all post-IPTG lanes around 17 kDa. This would be
    noting that small proteins may not run at their expected molecular weight. Again, the analysis is complicated by the fact that the band also appears in the
roughly consistent with both the Linear Magainin 1 and Magainin 1 Star
    lane corresponding to the larger molecular weight protein, USP I. Given this ambiguity, we decided to purify all the protein in the sample using Ni-NTA
noting that small proteins may not run at their expected molecular
weight. Again, the analysis is complicated by the fact that the band
also appears in the
lane corresponding to the larger molecular weight protein, USP I. Given
this ambiguity, we decided to purify all the protein in the sample
using Ni-NTA
    Purification and further characterisation
Purification and further characterisation
A small-scale purification was carried out according to our   <a href="">protocol</a>. The cells were lysed with iodoacetamide, an alkylating agent, added to the lysis buffer. Iodoacetamide blocks all free cysteines on proteins with a short alkyl group. This was added
A small-scale purification was carried out according to our <a
    because we wanted to determine if a disulphide bond had formed inside the cell. If we did not block free cysteines, then any bond that had formed could be
    attributed to spontaneous/air oxidation of disulfides outside the cell.
The cells were lysed with iodoacetamide, an alkylating agent, added to
the lysis buffer. Iodoacetamide blocks all free cysteines on proteins
with a short alkyl group. This was added
because we wanted to determine if a disulphide bond had formed inside
the cell. If we did not block free cysteines, then any bond that had
formed could be
attributed to spontaneous/air oxidation of disulfides outside the cell.
    After purification, we ran a concurrent Western Blot and Coomassie stain on both the pre-induction samples from above and the purified protein (namely, the
After purification, we ran a concurrent Western Blot and Coomassie
    first elution from the batch purification).
stain on both the pre-induction samples from above and the purified
protein (namely, the
first elution from the batch purification).
    The Western Blot used mouse monoclonal antibodies against the N-terminal HIS-tag as primary antibodies and anti-mouse secondary antibodies:
The Western Blot used mouse monoclonal antibodies against the
N-terminal HIS-tag as primary antibodies and anti-mouse secondary
<p align="center">
<p align="center">
    <img src="" height="400" width="460" border="0"/>
border="0" height="400" width="460"></p>
    The corresponding Coomassie stain is show below:
The corresponding Coomassie stain is show below:
<p align="center">
<p align="center">
    <img src="" height="365" width="486" border="0"/>
<img src=""
border="0" height="365" width="486"></p>
    There are several interesting aspects of the Western Blot. Firstly, there was a strong band between 25 and 32 kDa in most lanes. However, it
There are several interesting aspects of the Western Blot. Firstly,
    appears in all of the pre-induction controls, suggesting non-specific binding of the anti-HIS antibodies.
there was a strong band between 25 and 32 kDa in most lanes. However,
appears in all of the pre-induction controls, suggesting non-specific
binding of the anti-HIS antibodies.
    Secondly, we observed a band in most of the lanes around 17 kDa (with the exception being the USP protein in SHuffle cells). As these bands were not
Secondly, we observed a band in most of the lanes around 17 kDa (with
    present in the pre-induction controls, we suspected they were a result of the induction.
the exception being the USP protein in SHuffle cells). As these bands
were not
present in the pre-induction controls, we suspected they were a result
of the induction.
    Mass spectroscopy
Mass spectrometry
    In order to assess the identity of the bands, we performed an in-gel tryptic digestion on select bands. We digested bands in the Coomassie stain which
In order to assess the identity of the bands, we performed an in-gel
    corresponded to the HIS-tagged bands in the Western Blot. This was followed by mass spec analysis (LC MS/MS). We focused our analysis on the Magainin 1
tryptic digestion on select bands. We digested bands in the Coomassie
    Star Peptide bands and the Linear Magainin 1 band. Our USP peptide was, by design, highly rich in basic residues, greatly reducing the likelihood that
stain which
    tryptic fragments would be detected by the mass spec.
corresponded to the HIS-tagged bands in the Western Blot. This was
followed by mass spec analysis (LC MS/MS). We focused our analysis on
the Magainin 1
Star Peptide bands and the Linear Magainin 1 band. Our USP peptide was,
by design, highly rich in basic residues, greatly reducing the
likelihood that
tryptic fragments would be detected by the mass spec.
    We found that the Linear Magainin 1 peptide appeared to be present in the approximately 17 kDa band, with the following detected tryptic fragments in the
We found that the Linear Magainin 1 peptide appeared to be present in
    sequence below (bold; basic residues underlined):
the approximately 17 kDa band, with the following detected tryptic
fragments in the
sequence below (bold; basic residues underlined):
    <img src="" height="63" width="601" border="0"/>
border="0" height="63" width="601"></p>
    Note that spaces have been added in the sequence to emphasise distinct domains in the protein (in this case, the fusion protein versus the Magainin 1
Note that spaces have been added in the sequence to emphasise distinct
    peptide). Together with the fact that the protein runs close to the expected molecular weight, this seems to provide good evidence that the protein is
domains in the protein (in this case, the fusion protein versus the
    being expressed.
Magainin 1
peptide). Together with the fact that the protein runs close to the
expected molecular weight, this seems to provide good evidence that the
protein is
being expressed.
    We then examined the bands corresponding to the Magainin 1 Star Peptide.
We then examined the bands corresponding to the Magainin 1 Star
    Again, we digested bands in the Coomassie stained gel corresponding to the prominent HIS-tagged bands on the <em>Western Blot</em> (near 17 kDa).
Again, we digested bands in the Coomassie stained gel corresponding to
the prominent HIS-tagged bands on the <em>Western Blot</em>
(near 17 kDa).
    The mass spec coverage for the Magainin 1 Star Peptide expressed in SHuffle cells was as follows:
The mass spec coverage for the Magainin 1 Star Peptide expressed in
SHuffle cells was as follows:
    <img src="" height="90" width="601" border="0"/>
border="0" height="90" width="601"></p>
    The coverage for the same peptide expressed in BL21(DE3) was found to be:
The coverage for the same peptide expressed in BL21(DE3) was found to
    <img src="" height="85" width="602" border="0"/>
border="0" height="85" width="602"></p>
    Again, we can see that tryptic peptides from the expressed protein appear to present in the gel band under analysis.
Again, we can see that tryptic peptides from the expressed protein
appear to present in the gel band under analysis.
    There is a relatively lower sequence coverage. This could be a limitation of our procedure: for example, improper destaining during the in gel digestion
There is a relatively lower sequence coverage. This could be a
    procedure can inhibit tryptic digestion.
limitation of our procedure: for example, improper destaining during
the in gel digestion
procedure can inhibit tryptic digestion.
    However, even if the digestion was complete, the mass spec will only detect fragments which ionize well. The Magainin 1 Star peptide consists of four
However, even if the digestion was complete, the mass spec will only
    repeats of the Magainin 1 sequence (corresponding to the arms of the star). If the two tryptic fragments within Magainin 1 do not ionize well, then indeed
detect fragments which ionize well. The Magainin 1 Star peptide
    the entire peptide would not be read.
consists of four
repeats of the Magainin 1 sequence (corresponding to the arms of the
star). If the two tryptic fragments within Magainin 1 do not ionize
well, then indeed
the entire peptide would not be read.
    Finally, it is possible that the protein has been cleaved or degraded. This would account for the slightly lower-than-expected mass on the SDS page gel.
Finally, it is possible that the protein has been cleaved or degraded.
This would account for the slightly lower-than-expected mass on the SDS
page gel.
    Nonetheless, there is the distinct possibility that the peptide fragments are there but not detected. Replication of the in-gel mass spec would be useful
Nonetheless, it is a possibility that the peptide fragments are present
    in clarifying this point, or provided the purity of the sample is acceptable, it may be possible to run an intact mass spec.
but not detected. Replication of the in-gel mass spec would be useful
in clarifying this point, or provided the purity of the sample is
acceptable, it may be possible to run an intact mass spec. Digestion
with alternative enzymes may also provide a more robust sequence
coverage, particularly for the USP peptide.
We designed several novel star peptides based on several rational design criteria. Further, we began the optimisation process required to express these peptides in   <em>E. coli</em>.
We designed several novel star peptides based on several rational
design criteria. Further, we began the optimisation process required to
express these peptides in <em>E. coli</em>.
    To this end, we constructed an expression system based on the SUMO protein and standard BioBrick parts. The function of this system was confirmed, as it
To this end, we constructed an expression system based on the SUMO
    appears it does produce HIS-tagged SUMO fusion protein in <em>E. coli</em>, as expected.
protein and standard BioBrick parts. The function of this system was
confirmed, as it
appears it does produce HIS-tagged SUMO fusion protein in <em>E.
coli</em>, as expected. Nonetheless, we hope to continue to
characterise our parts, likely through further purification and
measurement of the mass. </p>
<p>Given the success of SUMO in the protein expression community,
we hope our BioBrick
will encourage further use of the fusion domain within iGEM. In
addition, we hope that our ideas and concepts will inspire future
iGEM efforts to explore the applications of synthetic biology for
material science. We continue to believe that bacteria have great
promise for the <em>in vivo</em>
construction of unique biomaterials, and we look forward to seeing how
the synthetic biology community will develop in this area.
    Although it appears the expression system works, there was some uncertainty about particular peptides, namely the Magainin 1 Star Peptide and USP Peptide.
    A Westerm Blot suggested that at least part of the peptides are present. However, additional sequence coverage in a mass spec analysis and intact mass spec
    would help us determine the precise identity of our products.
    We have shown that the SUMO fusion can be expressed in our BioBrick. Given the success of SUMO in the general scientific community, we hope our BioBrick
    will encourage further use of the fusion domain within the iGEM community. In addition, we hope that our ideas and concepts will inspire future
    iGEM efforts to explore the applications of synthetic biology for material science. We continue to believe that bacteria have great promise for the <em>in vivo</em>
    construction of unique biomaterials, and we look forward to seeing how the synthetic biology community will develop in this area.
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<a name="Oxford"></a>
<A NAME="Oxford"></A>
<h1>Collaboration with Oxford</h1>
<h1>Collaboration with Oxford</h1>
  <p>To strengthen the sense of iGEM community, we contacted <a target="_blank" href="">University of Oxford iGEM team</a> to discuss the possibility of collaboration between our teams. The Oxford project aims to develop a system that can dispose of the carcinogenic, hazardous solvent dichloromethane (DCM). To do this, Oxford team has proposed the use of the DcmA enzyme. This enzyme degrades DCM to form a toxic intermediate which in turn is converted by another enzyme, FdhA, into a neutral molecule. Schematically this can be presented in the following way:</p>
<p>To strengthen the sense of iGEM community, we contacted <a
target="_blank" href="">University
of Oxford iGEM team</a> to discuss the possibility of
collaboration between our teams. The Oxford project aims to develop a
system that can dispose of the carcinogenic, hazardous solvent
dichloromethane (DCM). To do this, Oxford team has proposed the use of
the DcmA enzyme. This enzyme degrades DCM to form a toxic intermediate
which in turn is converted by another enzyme, FdhA, into a neutral
molecule. Schematically this can be presented in the following way:</p>
  Reaction 1: DCM +&nbsp;DcmA <strong>toxic intermediate</strong><br>
Reaction 1: DCM +&nbsp;DcmA -&gt; <strong>toxic
Reaction 2: <strong>toxic intermediate</strong> + FdhA neutral product.</p>
<p>The problem for their system lies in bringing the two enzymes together to ensure efficient reaction kinetics. An idea that we discussed with Oxford was to use the star peptide platform to link the two enzymes together, in a structure similar to the following: </p>
Reaction 2: <strong>toxic intermediate</strong> + FdhA
<img src="" width="500" height="325" alt=""/>
-&gt; neutral product.</p>
<p>We worked with Oxford to study this system from a theoretical standpoint. Our team studied the 3D structure of both enzymes involved to confirm that the enzyme could in theory be attached to a linker in this manner, while Oxford team did stochastic modelling to determine how reaction rate changes when the linker length, labeled D on the diagram, changes. </p>
<p>The problem for their system lies in bringing the two enzymes
together to ensure efficient reaction kinetics. An idea that we
discussed with Oxford was to use the star peptide platform to link the
two enzymes together, in a structure similar to the following: </p>
alt="" height="325" width="500">
<p>We worked with Oxford to study this system from a theoretical
standpoint. Our team studied the 3D structure of both enzymes involved
to confirm that the enzyme could in theory be attached to a linker in
this manner, while Oxford team did stochastic modelling to determine
how reaction rate changes when the linker length, labeled D on the
diagram, changes. </p>
  As a first check, it was necessary to determine whether anchoring these enzymes to our star would be sterically possible. We studied the structures of FdhA and DcmA determined by crystallography using data from the protein data bank. As no crystallographic data was available in the databank for DcmA, GST was examined as a proxy, as GST is structurally homologous to DcmA. </p>
As a first check, it was necessary to determine whether anchoring these
enzymes to our star would be sterically possible. We studied the
structures of FdhA and DcmA determined by crystallography using data
from the protein data bank. As no crystallographic data was available
in the databank for DcmA, GST was examined as a proxy, as GST is
structurally homologous to DcmA. </p>
  The crystalographically resolved structure of FdhA enzyme (Tanaka et al., 2002) from the protein data bank revealed the following image:</p>
The crystalographically resolved structure of FdhA enzyme (Tanaka et
<img src="" width="700" height="355" alt=""/>
al., 2002) from the protein data bank revealed the following image:</p>
<p>The crystalographically resolved structure of GST was as follows (Chang et al., 2014):</p>
<img src="" width="800" height="361" alt=""/>
<p>It can be seen that the amino- and carboxy-terminals are located away from the active site. This suggests that both enzymes, DcmA and FdhA, might be linked together via linkers that are used in our star peptide. That is, the active site will not be sterically hindered by attachment to the star peptide. That said, it is difficult to predict how anchoring the protein to the star
alt="" height="355" width="700">
<p>The crystalographically resolved structure of GST was as
follows (Chang et al., 2014):</p>
alt="" height="361" width="800">
<p>It can be seen that the amino- and carboxy-terminals are
located away from the active site. This suggests that both enzymes,
DcmA and FdhA, might be linked together via linkers that are used in
our star peptide. That is, the active site will not be sterically
hindered by attachment to the star peptide. That said, it is difficult
to predict how anchoring the protein to the star will affect its
tertiary structure. Further, it is difficult to predict how limiting
the rotational degrees of freedom will affect enzyme activity.</p>
<p>The Oxford team modeled this system and found that, indeed,
the star peptide as an enzyme linker was favourable to enzyme kinetics.
Their work can be found <a

Latest revision as of 13:47, 11 December 2014


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Project and results

Read about our experimental work below, or jump to our theoretical collaboration with the University of Oxford

Introduction and theory

Synthetic peptide chemists have long produced peptide-based materials in vitro. Star-shaped peptides are a promising type of biomaterial being explored in the field of nanomedicine (Sulistio et al., 2012). Star peptides can have several biomedical uses, such as acting as drug delivery vehicles (Sulistio et al., 2011) or linkers for other biomacromolecules. Star peptides generally take the form of several linear peptide arms linked together in a central core. One way of linking these linear peptide arms together is to used covalent bonds such as those in disulfides. Typically, disulfide bonds are formed synthetically by taking several linear arms and treating them with an oxidant in vitro. Here, we introduce a new approach to forming star peptides using E. coli and synthetic biology. Thus, we aimed to show how the peptides synthesis and disulfide bond forming machinery of E. coli can be used to form disulfide linked star peptides and key star peptide precursors.


Synthesis approach

E. coli naturally possesses the capacity to form disulfide bonds. In native strains, disulfide bonds are naturally formed by an array of enzymes which are part of the Dsb family (e.g. DsbA and DsbC) (Kadokura et al., 2003, Kadokura and Beckwith, 2009). Normally, these enzymes are found in the oxidizing periplasm of the cell. However, several new strains of E. coli have recently been engineered which contain an oxidizing cytoplasm conducive to disulfide bond formation. One example of this is the SHuffle cell line (Lobstein et al., 2012). The cell line contains mutations to key enzymes responsible for the reducing nature of the cytoplasm, namely thioredoxin reductase (trxB) and glutathione reductase (gor). Furthermore, the Shuffle cell line over expresses the disulfide bond isomerase DsbC to the cytoplasm. Together, these mutations allow SHuffle to fold disulfide-bonded proteins in the cytoplasm at a higher success rate compared to non-mutants. We aimed to take advantage of the disulfide bond forming capabilities of this strain of E. coli to synthesize star peptides in cells. As shown in the figure below, the synthesis steps may proceed as follows:


  1. Express a short peptide containing two cysteine residues either to the E. coli periplasm or the cytoplasm of a trxB gor mutant.
  2. E. coli disulfide bond forming enzymes fold the peptide into a hairpin loop structure.
  3. Cut the loop at a protease recognition site engineered into the peptide. This may be done by extracting the folded peptide from the cell and treating it with the protease in vitro. Alternatively, the protease may be co-expressed in the cell to allow for in vivo cleavage.



This synthesis approach has several benefits over purely in vitro approaches. Firstly, the exact peptide sequence can be precisely programmed into E. coli using recombinant DNA synthesis. Secondly, by performing the disulfide bond formation in cells and optionally the proteolytic cleavage, several synthesis steps which would need to be performed in vitro are eliminated. From a scale up perspective, this would eliminate entire unit operations which would otherwise be required to produce this product. Given these benefits, in the current study, we aimed to express a star peptide precursor to the cytoplasm of SHuffle cells, which would later be extracted and externally digested with the star-forming protease. In order to achieve this, we first designed several star peptides which might be amenable to this synthetic strategy. These peptides are described below.


Rationally designed peptides

There are two approaches to functionalising star peptides. In the first, the identity of the arms can be chosen to be bioactive peptide molecules. This is the simplest approach to producing a biologically-relevant star. In the second, the arms can be functionalised by ligating molecules to them at any point. We used both of these approaches to design two separate peptides.

Magainin 1 star and linear peptides

Our first strategy was to make a star peptide using antimicrobial peptides(AMPs) as building blocks. AMPs are small, approximately 50 residue peptides secreted by some bacterial and eukaryotic cells which selectively kill microbial cells. It is thought that AMPs work by forming pores in the membrane of prokaryotic cells (Brogden, 2005). AMPs have been recombinantly expressed in a number of organisms, including E. coli (for a review, see Li, 2011) and B. Subtilis (Chen et al., 2009, Yu et al., 2013).

Our concept was to design a star peptide with antimicrobial peptide arms. Wiradharma et al. (2012) first showed that placing linear antimicrobial peptides in a star configuration could lead to enhanced antimicrobial activity and decreased hemolytic activity. Although it is unclear why this is the case, it may be due to the ability of neighbouring antimicrobial peptide arms to interact with each other to synergistically rupture the membrane.
While Wiradharma used a synthetic peptide sequence, we designed a peptide using the naturally occurring AMP, Magainin 1 (Zasloff, 1987). Magainin 1 peptides will be placed to the ends of each star arm.

Magainin 1 was chosen because the Magainins are one of the major classes of antimicrobial peptides, being well studied and characterised. In addition, we were concerned that tethering the antimicrobial peptide to the star peptide might interfere with its antimicrobial activity. Magainin 1, however, has previously been tethered to surfaces, where it has imparted the surfaces with microbicidal properties (Glinel et al., 2008; Humblot et al., 2009). We surmised that if Magainin 1 maintained its activity while anchored to surfaces, it may also maintain its activity while anchored to a star peptide.

The sequence for Magainin 1 is: GIGKFLHSAGKFGKAFVGEIMKS.

When attached to a star peptide it will have the following structure:

There are several design elements to note:

  • The antimicrobial peptide star will be expressed with a SUMO fusion protein. This is because without the fusion, it is likely that the peptide would be toxic to the host cell.
  • The peptide includes a Factor X cutting site between the two cysteines for eventual proteolytic cleavage and formation of the star peptide.

In addition to the star peptide Magainin 1, we synthesised a gene for a linear Magainin 1 peptide as well. This is identical to the construct above, except that there is only one Magainin 1 peptide attached to the SUMO fusion.

Unstructured Peptide (USP) Construct

In the second approach, we designed a peptide which can be functionalised using chemical approaches. This peptide was designed to have flexible, unstructured arms and was termed the USP construct. Unlike the Magainin 1 star, the arms of this peptide serve not as active peptides themselves, but as inert structural linkers.

The arms were designed with the following elements in mind:

  • Lack of structure. The arms were designed with a bioinspired approach, using the FxFG motif of nucleoporins (where x is a variable amino acid residue). Such segments naturally repeat in nucleoporins and are thought to lead to disorder/lack of stable secondary structure. Nucleoporins are found in mammalian cells, serving as flexible brushes around nuclear pores (Ader et al., 2010).
  • Water-soluble. The arms were designed with several charged amino acids to improve solubility.
  • Designed to form a disulfide bond. Although it is difficult to rationally ensure that the disulfide bond will form between two cysteines in our peptide, we incorporated a beta turn between the two cysteines which may encourage the peptide to fold at the apex of the hairpin loop. This may bring the cysteines into closer proximity, providing more probable bond formation.

The ultimate utility of this peptide lies in its ability to be functionalised with other biomacromolecules. For example, the technique of Native Chemical Ligation(NCL) can be used to join peptides, proteins, and other ligands to the arms (Dawson et al., 1994). The idea of attaching enzymes to the star peptide was explored by the University of Oxford iGEM 2014 team in a collaborative effort between our two teams (See Supplementary Project Work at the end of this page).


Expression system

In order to successfully express our constructs, we designed our protein expression vectors to include a fusion protein. The fusion protein was necessary for two reasons. First, some of our constructs are very small (e.g. the non-star Magainin 1), and expression levels of very small peptides can be difficult without a fusion partner. Second, two of our constructs code for antimicrobial peptides. Without a fusion partner, it is likely that these genes would be toxic to their hosts upon induction.

To find a suitable expression system, we looked towards the Registry of Standard Parts. We used the SUMO protein expression system designed by TU Delft 2014 (for example, see This system essentially consists of a N-terminal HIS-tag followed by the SUMO protein (also known as UlpI).

The strategy of expressing toxic AMPs using SUMO has been successfully reported in the literature (Bommarius et al., 2010). We surmise that the SUMO protein could inhibit the antimicrobial activity of single, linear peptides, and that it may also inhibit the activity of our star antimicrobial peptide.

SUMO as a fusion protein also has the benefit of leaving no residues at the C-terminal end of the cleavage site. This means that upon cleavage with the SUMO protease, the native protein can be recovered. In our case, this means that one of the arms of the star can be designed without the need to take into account the addition of any amino acid residues left behind by the protease.
We used the SUMO peptide sequence reported by TU Delft. However, our construct contained the following unique features:

  1. Standardisation of the biobrick by substituting the T7 promoter and RBS (the origins of which are both not specified in the Delft documentation) with the standard T7 promoter and RBS BioBrick BBa_K525998. In addition to supporting the principle of standardization, using the well-characterized promoter BioBrick should help assure expression levels.
  2. Biobrick BBa_K1022101 lacks a terminator sequence (this was presumably because the part was meant to be integrated into a larger genetic construct with a terminator). A terminator from the registry of standard parts was added (specifically, the wild type terminator from T7 bacteriophage, BBa_K731721).
  3. The original biobrick BBa_K1022101 codes for three amino acid residues before the HIS-tag (ASM), which appeared to be redundant. Correspondence with the 2013 TU Delft team suggested that these residues were unnecessary and appear to be cleaved within the cell as part of the cells post-translational modifications. However, their presence complicates the addition of additional tags at the N-terminus of the protein (e.g. periplasmic export tags), and therefore were not included.
  4. The SUMO sequence was codon optimised for E. coli during synthesis. As the Delft documentation did not specify whether the gene was codon optimal, codon optomisation was undertaken to potentially improve expression levels. The linear Magainin 1 construct, however, was not codon optimised in the SUMO region in order to provide a control condition.

To summarise, the protein expression devices used in our project to the following form:

The protein coding region consisted of a 6x-HIS tag followed by the SUMO protein and the relevant star or linear peptide.


Plasmid preparation: Cloning and acquisition of the genetic constructs

Magainin 1 Star Peptide

This construct was synthesised in the standard shipping plasmid from Life Technologies- plasmid pMK. We had originally planned to express our protein to the periplasm of E. coli, and therefore had included in the synthesis a periplasmic export tag, the TorTss signal sequence (Steiner et al., 2006).

Cytoplasmic and periplasmic expression may both allow for disulfide bond formation in the cell. We decided, however, to focus on cytoplasmic expression. There are distinct advantages to cytoplasmic expression (e.g. the absence of several periplasmic proteases and potentially higher expression levels (Baneyx, 1999)).

Another reason the cytoplasm was chosen was to allow us to test the effects of an oxidising versus reducing intracellular environment on disulfide bond formation. We planned to express the construct in both SHuffle T7 cells (oxidising cytoplasm) and BL21(DE3) (reducing cytoplasm) to probe whether there was a difference in disulfide bond formation. Therefore, we needed to remove the periplasmic export tag from the gene.

To do this, we use the following cloning strategy (noting that the top row represents the gene initially synthesised in plasmid pMK):

The gene was inserted into plasmid pSB1C3 containing the T7 promoter and ribosome binding site, BBa_K525998. It was inserted after the promoter and before the BioBrick suffix. This was accomplished by digesting the destination vector with SpeI and PstI. At the same time, PCR was used to amplify the segment of the gene containing the SUMO fusion and the Magainin 1 Star peptide, adding XbaI and keeping the PstI site existing in the gene.

Digestion of the PCR product then allowed for ligation of the insert and destination vector using the PstI sites and XbaI and SpeI (XbaI and SpeI have compatible sticky ends). Note that after the ligation, there will be a scar in the gene where the XbaI and the SpeI sites were ligated.

The ligation appeared to be successful. The ligation mixture was transformed to DH5α competent cells and plated onto chloramphenicol-containing agar plates.

Plasmid from 5 colonies (C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5) was cultured, extracted, and then digested with EcoRI and PstI.

As evident in the figure below, at least 4 of the colonies appeared to contain the insert. The empty, linearised pSB1C3 backbone ran at approximately the correct size (2070 bps), as did the insert (740 bps).

N.B. MW marker is the 100 bp Ladder from Axygen. * indicates the colony picked for sequencing and eventual transformation to the expression cell lines.

The DNA from Colony C2 was confirmed using Sanger sequencing at the Australian Genome Research Facility. This DNA appears in the registry of standard parts as BioBrick BBa_K1394000.

For the USP peptide and the linear Magainin 1 peptide, the genes were synthesised by GenScript and delivered in pSB1C3. The expression vectors had identical gene regulatory elements to that used for the Magainin 1 Star peptide. They only differed in the codon optimisation used, and they also lacked the assembly scar described above.

Protein expression and characterisation

After acquiring our genes, the project moved to protein expression and purification. We expressed both star peptides (Magainin 1 Star Peptide and the USP peptide) in both the SHuffle T7 and BL21(DE3) cell lines, both sourced from New England Biolabs. As the Linear Magainin 1 peptide does not have any special disulfide bonding requirements, we expressed it in BL21(DE3).

The plasmids were transformed to the expression cells, and a single colony was cultured and induced overnight at 17 °C. A whole cell sample both before IPTG induction (-IPTG) and after the induction period (+IPTG) were boiled in SDS-PAGE sample buffer and loaded on a 15% tris-glycine gel. The whole cell Coomassie stained gel is shown below alongside the NEB P7712S molecular weight marker.

From theoretical prediction of the peptide masses, we would expect the following distribution of molecular weights:

Magainin 1 Star Peptide (Mag1 Star)


Linear Magainin 1 (Linear Mag1)

22.15 kDa

29.3 kDa

14.32 kDa

We looked for bands corresponding to overexpression of the proteins. We observed a thick band, post IPTG around 32 kDa in the BL21(DE3) cells carrying the USP plasmid. However, we saw this same band appearing in the Linear Magainin 1 lane but the Linear Magainin 1 protein should have a much lower molecular weight than what was observed. Therefore, we did not assume that we had overexpression overexpression of the USP 1 protein.

We also noted bands in all post-IPTG lanes around 17 kDa. This would be roughly consistent with both the Linear Magainin 1 and Magainin 1 Star Peptide, noting that small proteins may not run at their expected molecular weight. Again, the analysis is complicated by the fact that the band also appears in the lane corresponding to the larger molecular weight protein, USP I. Given this ambiguity, we decided to purify all the protein in the sample using Ni-NTA purification.

Purification and further characterisation

A small-scale purification was carried out according to our protocol. The cells were lysed with iodoacetamide, an alkylating agent, added to the lysis buffer. Iodoacetamide blocks all free cysteines on proteins with a short alkyl group. This was added because we wanted to determine if a disulphide bond had formed inside the cell. If we did not block free cysteines, then any bond that had formed could be attributed to spontaneous/air oxidation of disulfides outside the cell.

After purification, we ran a concurrent Western Blot and Coomassie stain on both the pre-induction samples from above and the purified protein (namely, the first elution from the batch purification).

The Western Blot used mouse monoclonal antibodies against the N-terminal HIS-tag as primary antibodies and anti-mouse secondary antibodies:

The corresponding Coomassie stain is show below:

There are several interesting aspects of the Western Blot. Firstly, there was a strong band between 25 and 32 kDa in most lanes. However, it appears in all of the pre-induction controls, suggesting non-specific binding of the anti-HIS antibodies.

Secondly, we observed a band in most of the lanes around 17 kDa (with the exception being the USP protein in SHuffle cells). As these bands were not present in the pre-induction controls, we suspected they were a result of the induction.

Mass spectrometry

In order to assess the identity of the bands, we performed an in-gel tryptic digestion on select bands. We digested bands in the Coomassie stain which corresponded to the HIS-tagged bands in the Western Blot. This was followed by mass spec analysis (LC MS/MS). We focused our analysis on the Magainin 1 Star Peptide bands and the Linear Magainin 1 band. Our USP peptide was, by design, highly rich in basic residues, greatly reducing the likelihood that tryptic fragments would be detected by the mass spec.

We found that the Linear Magainin 1 peptide appeared to be present in the approximately 17 kDa band, with the following detected tryptic fragments in the sequence below (bold; basic residues underlined):

Note that spaces have been added in the sequence to emphasise distinct domains in the protein (in this case, the fusion protein versus the Magainin 1 peptide). Together with the fact that the protein runs close to the expected molecular weight, this seems to provide good evidence that the protein is being expressed.

We then examined the bands corresponding to the Magainin 1 Star Peptide.

Again, we digested bands in the Coomassie stained gel corresponding to the prominent HIS-tagged bands on the Western Blot (near 17 kDa).

The mass spec coverage for the Magainin 1 Star Peptide expressed in SHuffle cells was as follows:

The coverage for the same peptide expressed in BL21(DE3) was found to be:

Again, we can see that tryptic peptides from the expressed protein appear to present in the gel band under analysis.

There is a relatively lower sequence coverage. This could be a limitation of our procedure: for example, improper destaining during the in gel digestion procedure can inhibit tryptic digestion.

However, even if the digestion was complete, the mass spec will only detect fragments which ionize well. The Magainin 1 Star peptide consists of four repeats of the Magainin 1 sequence (corresponding to the arms of the star). If the two tryptic fragments within Magainin 1 do not ionize well, then indeed the entire peptide would not be read.

Finally, it is possible that the protein has been cleaved or degraded. This would account for the slightly lower-than-expected mass on the SDS page gel.

Nonetheless, it is a possibility that the peptide fragments are present but not detected. Replication of the in-gel mass spec would be useful in clarifying this point, or provided the purity of the sample is acceptable, it may be possible to run an intact mass spec. Digestion with alternative enzymes may also provide a more robust sequence coverage, particularly for the USP peptide.


We designed several novel star peptides based on several rational design criteria. Further, we began the optimisation process required to express these peptides in E. coli.

To this end, we constructed an expression system based on the SUMO protein and standard BioBrick parts. The function of this system was confirmed, as it appears it does produce HIS-tagged SUMO fusion protein in E. coli, as expected. Nonetheless, we hope to continue to characterise our parts, likely through further purification and measurement of the mass.

Given the success of SUMO in the protein expression community, we hope our BioBrick will encourage further use of the fusion domain within iGEM. In addition, we hope that our ideas and concepts will inspire future iGEM efforts to explore the applications of synthetic biology for material science. We continue to believe that bacteria have great promise for the in vivo construction of unique biomaterials, and we look forward to seeing how the synthetic biology community will develop in this area.


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Collaboration with Oxford

To strengthen the sense of iGEM community, we contacted University of Oxford iGEM team to discuss the possibility of collaboration between our teams. The Oxford project aims to develop a system that can dispose of the carcinogenic, hazardous solvent dichloromethane (DCM). To do this, Oxford team has proposed the use of the DcmA enzyme. This enzyme degrades DCM to form a toxic intermediate which in turn is converted by another enzyme, FdhA, into a neutral molecule. Schematically this can be presented in the following way:

Reaction 1: DCM + DcmA -> toxic intermediate
Reaction 2: toxic intermediate + FdhA -> neutral product.

The problem for their system lies in bringing the two enzymes together to ensure efficient reaction kinetics. An idea that we discussed with Oxford was to use the star peptide platform to link the two enzymes together, in a structure similar to the following:

We worked with Oxford to study this system from a theoretical standpoint. Our team studied the 3D structure of both enzymes involved to confirm that the enzyme could in theory be attached to a linker in this manner, while Oxford team did stochastic modelling to determine how reaction rate changes when the linker length, labeled D on the diagram, changes.

As a first check, it was necessary to determine whether anchoring these enzymes to our star would be sterically possible. We studied the structures of FdhA and DcmA determined by crystallography using data from the protein data bank. As no crystallographic data was available in the databank for DcmA, GST was examined as a proxy, as GST is structurally homologous to DcmA.

The crystalographically resolved structure of FdhA enzyme (Tanaka et al., 2002) from the protein data bank revealed the following image:

The crystalographically resolved structure of GST was as follows (Chang et al., 2014):

It can be seen that the amino- and carboxy-terminals are located away from the active site. This suggests that both enzymes, DcmA and FdhA, might be linked together via linkers that are used in our star peptide. That is, the active site will not be sterically hindered by attachment to the star peptide. That said, it is difficult to predict how anchoring the protein to the star will affect its tertiary structure. Further, it is difficult to predict how limiting the rotational degrees of freedom will affect enzyme activity.

The Oxford team modeled this system and found that, indeed, the star peptide as an enzyme linker was favourable to enzyme kinetics. Their work can be found here.