Team:Melbourne/Human Practices


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For kindergarten students
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2 references
  HTML5 display definitions
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* Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
Children’s book
We decided to target very young children because we think it's important to teach children at an early age ~4-6 about science as this is the time when their key learning happens and it could be used as a foundation (good to get a journal article reference in here about that - I'm sure there are heaps!). In addition, there are lots of resources about science for older kids but not so many for kids at such a young age.
summary {
    display: block;
Insert video from Ranit
* Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
video {
    display: inline-block;
For adults
2 references
* Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
* Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
audio:not([controls]) {
    display: none;
    height: 0;
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
Video from Market of the Mind Robyn at 0:45 seconds giving the true/false quiz
[hidden] {
    display: none;
Market of the mind
/* ==========================================================================
Wearing t-shirts
Insert photos from event
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Insert location map (gmaps or just image)
Victorian Chair of National Science Week
Insert NSW booth pamphlet
* 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
* 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling
*    user zoom.
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Highly visible
    font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
Great location next to the bar, which ensured high traffic through our booth
    -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
True or False quiz with a chocolate for reward
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
For university students
2 references
* Remove default margin.
Burgeoning new website aimed at the full spectrum of students from high school, to university to recent graduated
body {
    margin: 0;
Strange Nature video
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* Address `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers.
Lecture bashed a lot of IT students during recruitment
a:focus {
    outline: thin dotted;
* Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.
For high school students
a:hover {
    outline: 0;
2 references
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Attended Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty’s presentation to Scotch College and promoted iGEM after the presentation
* Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
* contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome.
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    margin: 0.67em 0;
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome.
My idea is to get an interested, well resourced, private high school (e.g. Lauriston, MGS, Scotch) to partner with an iGEM team (e.g. UoM) to field a team of half private high school students/half underrepresented students – who would have their flights to Boston funded by fundraising done primarily by the private high school.
abbr[title] {
    border-bottom: 1px dotted;
Strange Nature Writing competition – on flyer at NSW
* Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome.
At the moment, my team is concurrently working on a variety of project
elements, including both wetlab and P&P. We haven't decided yet
strong {
whether we would like to enter the P&P stream, however I feel that our
    font-weight: bold;
team's P&P project concept is very solid.
What we want to do is; a) improve iGEM's accessibility to those of
disadvantaged backgrounds, b) increase female representation in
* Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome.
science & iGEM and c) increase the participation of
Australian/international high school students in the iGEM competition.
To accomplish these three goals, we intend to work with a private
Australian girls high school that has the sufficient resources to
source funding for a high school team consisting of half
underprivileged students from across Victoria, Australia, & half
privileged students from their own institution. The team would be
managed by our undergraduate team, working with the high school team
as advisers and providers of wetlab access. We aim for the high school
team to enter the competition in 2015 and will devote part of our time
and resources to best ensure it is organised by 2015.
More broadly, we hope that we can convert our experiences in founding
dfn {
a high school team into a guide for undergraduate teams around the
    font-style: italic;
world to organise their own high school teams, in partnership with
well resourced high school institutions in their own countries. Based
on preliminary talks with stakeholders related to the education
sector, we feel this is achievable and are aware that it may take some
time (1-2 years) to become fully realised. Nonetheless, our
undergraduate team is committed to ensuring that our universities'
subsequent teams, pick up the gauntlet so to speak.
We would appreciate it if Policies & Practices could assist us by
providing pointers to previous iGEM teams that have some overlap with
* Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
our P&P project. As a science communication student myself and the
leader of the P&P element of our team's project - I would appreciate
any literature that P&P feel I should know about before further
embarking on this project.
Thanks for your kind note Peter.  As
hr {
you say, Scotch is now fully across
    -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
iGem - and I think other schools
    box-sizing: content-box;
similarly would welcome hearing about
    height: 0;
Making a significant investment in science facility
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
Future teams approaching – Collaborative exercise
mark {
    background: #ff0;
    color: #000;
High School Team plans
We wanted to get exposure and give exposure education and experience
* Correct font family set oddly in Safari 5 and Chrome.
IP (get Sean to write)
2 references
samp {
    font-family: monospace, serif;
    font-size: 1em;
(Melbourne Innovation Department + team members who've had some experience with IP + Oxford NDA process to protect IP + personal research)
* Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers.
For the question, we thought it could be something about education. Maybe something to the effect of "how can we educate children at a young age about science and synthetic biology?"  Or "are kids getting enough science education". Might we could throw in a few references to an education journal about science education (as that can be an expert consulted; other teams seem to have refs on their pages) Also, we were thinking we can quote Ranit's mum, who owns the childcare centre (she's happy for us to say whatever).
pre {
    white-space: pre-wrap;
Can you get in touch with Peter to work on the outreach page? I think our plan was to have a theme of education as our outreach. So communicating on three levels - adult (market of the mind), high school (the high school team), and younger children (children's book).
* Set consistent quote types.
Sean told me that you were doing the public outreach page and I just want to tell you a few things about the children's book.
q {
    quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019";
You can get the pdf version of it on our fb page and in the start there's a part about our aims. If you have a read of that, that could give you a clear summary.  
Tomorrow we are going in to a childcare centre and spending the day with kids aged ~3-5 teaching them about science, having a book reading and playing science-related games. I think this is a great public outreach avenue and I think you should really emphasise how good it is because were not just going in and giving a speech to older kids/students etc. (which isn't that new of a concept), we're actually going in interacting with these kids and helping them to form a scientific/biological foundation. This really doesn't happen (my parents own childcare centres and they told me haha). Even though we'd be going to one childcare centre, we can claim that we went to 3 as my parents own 3 childcare centres and theyr'e really chilled about helping us out. Also, the camera guys in our team will be making a video about this which we will put on our website.. so there will actually be proof of it!
* Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
Peter. Should include all of our activities, including, children’s book, high school team plans, and any blogging that we’ve done.
small {
    font-size: 80%;
Also, it’s been brought to my attention by George Cao that Gayle has been blogging about us on the science communication subject website!:
* Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
‘Highlights’ (excerpts) from articles
8 articles written about iGEM
sup {
    font-size: 75%;
Science Communication Website
    line-height: 0;
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    vertical-align: baseline;
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    top: -0.5em;
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    bottom: -0.25em;
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* 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers.
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<img src="" alt="Banner" height="225" width="1000">
<table  width="100%" style="text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;">
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<h1>Public Outreach</h1>
<h2>&lsquo;Synthetic biology for kids and adults and everyone in between&rsquo; </h2>
<p>The University of Melbourne took up the challenge of teaching synthetic biology to all ages, embracing a &lsquo;science for everyone&rsquo; approach. In so doing, we engaged in education outreach activities with kindergarten students from three childcare centres as well as both university and high school students from across Australia.</p>
<p>&nbsp; </p>
<h3>For kindergarten students </h3>
<table width="100%">
<td width="195"  ><img src="" width="176" height="264" alt="Adventure of E coli"/></td>
<td width="594"><p>We decided to write the first in a series of children&rsquo;s books for pre-schoolers aged 4-6 themed in the spirit of iGEM entitled &lsquo;The Adventures of E. coli&rsquo; for a number of reasons:</p>
    <li> Children aged 4-6 are in a key learning stage, during which their interest in science can significantly influence their long-term science education outcomes (Bowman, Donovan, &amp; Burns, 2001, pp. 8-9). </li>
    <li>There are lots of resources about science for older kids but not so many for kids at such a young age. </li>
    <li>Picture books provide a springboard for further classroom activities </li>
  <p>With the assistance of IndieMosh (Publishers link is here: <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A>) – a self-publishing facilitator – we managed to get our book in print and on Amazon, please see <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A></p>
<p>After we successfully published our book, it was time to take it to the audience. We approached childcare centres across Melbourne and negotiated for our book to be read to pre-schoolers and for our team members to come along and teach the kids about science.</p></td>
</table><p>The book reading was well received and was followed by playing some science-related games, and having a chat about science in groups. Please check out the video we made about the day: </p>
<iframe class="centervid" width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p> A big thanks to Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Moorabbin), Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Bentleigh East) and Coco's Early Learning Centre for inviting us to present our picture book to the kids. </p>
<p>We believe that through this book, young children can learn about basic concepts and the language of biology, forming a scientific foundation to be built on in future years. Moreover, it is our hope that this book will inspire children to continue to learn about science and to appreciate all the wonders that it holds. </p>
<p>The Kindle book is available from here: <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A></p>
<p>Paperback available on Amazon here: <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A></p>
<p>Fixed layout epub (for iPad and Android tablets, phones etc) available on Smashwords here: <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A></p>
<h3>For high school students </h3>
<p>In an effort to broaden the accessibility of the iGEM competition to those who appeared to be currently underrepresented in the competition (e.g. disadvantaged students, females and Australian high school students), we approached a private high school in Victoria with the following aim: </p>
<p>To find a well-resourced, private high school to partner with an iGEM team (e.g. UoM) to field a team consisting of half private high school students/half underrepresented students – who would have their flights to Boston funded by fundraising done primarily by the private high school. </p>
<p>After extensive email &amp; phone correspondence spanning several months, the school decided it was not currently in the position to go ahead with the iGEM team proposal due to upcoming infrastructure developments, though would be interested in fielding a team after these are completed (scheduled for 2016). Nonetheless, the school did encourage us that other APS schools would likely be interested in hearing about iGEM and our team concept. </p>
<p>Whilst we didn&rsquo;t achieve our ultimate goal, this activity did raise awareness of the iGEM competition with all the key science staff members at the school which requested not to be named on this wiki (for further details please contact our team leader Sean). </p>
<p>Finally, we would encourage all Australian teams to work on the following goals: </p>
  <li>improve iGEM's accessibility to those of disadvantaged backgrounds </li>
  <li>increase female representation in science &amp; iGEM </li>
  <li>increase the participation of Australian/international high school students in the iGEM competition. </li>
In addition to our negotiations with the private high school, we also aimed at widening the participation of high school students in the iGEM competition by collaborating with the University of Sydney on The Strange Nature Writing competition. </p>
<p>We spruiked the competition not only on our project flyers which described the iGEM competition, our project and the Strange Nature Writing Competition, but also through our development of a promotional video designed to be shown in high school assemblies as a way of promoting both iGEM and the Strange Nature Writing competition. Please see the video below: </p>
<iframe class="centervid" width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p>Furthermore, we wrote and published articles on which is aimed at high school students, university students and recent university graduates, please see 'For university students' for a list of the articles we wrote. </p>
<h3>For university students </h3>
<p>Our main form of outreach toward university students was in writing and publishing articles on a burgeoning and government sponsored website which is aimed at high school students, university students and recent graduates. Our articles covered a range of topics from our iGEM experience to considerations of ethical issues of synthetic biology and the potential of synthetic biology. </p>
<img src="" width="640" height="400" alt="Adventure of E coli"/>
</p> <strong>Here are some excerpts:</strong> </p>
<blockquote></p> "All this leads me to refer to synthetic biology as a ménage à trois of a discipline, utilizing engineering, biology and computer science to produce a fantastically creative activity." </p></blockquote>
<blockquote></p> "Given assistance in the form of grants or human resources, entrepreneurial forums along with student competitions like InnovationACT and iGEM have the chance to inspire entrepreneurialism in students. It is in these opportunities for students to go on entrepreneurial adventures, replete with late nights, red bulls and a shot at winning a grand prize – that the next generation of entrepreneurs is born." </p></blockquote>
<blockquote></p> "A prime example of this is in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, which I am a team member of for the University of Melbourne this year. Our team stretches across many disciplines; from telecommunications and business to chemical engineering and science communication, even information technology - we are practically the UN of fields and backgrounds." </p></blockquote>
<blockquote></p> "Participating in IGEM can definitely be categorized as having an experience and not just joining a team. The competition brings together all the components of completing a project for undergraduate students to be part of, a little like a trial run of a Masters or Doctorate course." </p></blockquote>
<p>Here are the links to our articles: </p>
<p><A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="" rel="nofollow"></A> <A href="…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/" rel="nofollow">…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/</A> <A href="…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/" rel="nofollow">…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/</A></p>
<p>Furthermore, as part of our outreach directed at university students, we combined our recruitment campaign for an IT whiz to help with our wiki, with a presentation on what iGEM was all about. We lecture bashed over several weeks, presenting over 11 times. </p>
<h3>For general public </h3>
<p>After promoting the iGEM competition to the Victorian State Chair of National Science Week (NSW) - Nick Besley, our team decided to field a stall in &lsquo;Market of the Mind&rsquo; – a NSW event aimed at the general public located in a high foot traffic area alongside the Yarra River in Southbank across the river from Flinders St Station. Luckily, our stall was located next to the bar, which meant there was a lot of foot traffic directed to our happy team members wearing our iGEM team t-shirts.</p>
<img class="centervid" src="" width="400" height="300" />
<p> Using a true/false quiz, armed with Ferrero Rochers as rewards for getting all the answers correct, we had over 30 quiz contestants engage with us on the first night and 35+ contestants on the second day. Please see the accompanying video made by the City of Melbourne, which shows our stall/team members from 0:45 </p>
<p><iframe class="centervid" width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><p>
<p> <strong> Our team consulted: </strong> </p>
<p>Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Bentleigh East)</p>
<p>Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Moorabin)</p>
<p>Coco's Early Learning Centre</p>
<p>A Victorian private school (one of the 11 Associated Public Schools)</p>
<p>University of Melbourne IT Faculty</p>
<p>University of Melbourne Education Faculty</p>
<p> University of Melbourne Media and Public Relations Department </p>
<p>Victorian State Chair of National Science Week (NSW) - Nick Besley</p>
<p> Teachers' Association of Australia (TAA) </p>
<h1>Intellectual Property </h1>
<p> <strong> Our team considered the question of ‘how should we proceed if we want to retain IP rights on our project’? </strong> </p>
<p> Before attempting to answer this pertinent IP question, our team leader decided to recruit two more team members who had some intellectual property experience to complement the learning on patent law that a few early team members had acquired in their biotechnology undergraduate degrees. Both the new team members had previously filed provisional patents; one had filed some in Russia and the other in Australia, offering two perspectives on this question of IP. </p>
<p> In answering this question, we approached our universities’ tech transfer office to gain clarity over our team’s discussions and brainstorm sessions on whether our project was patentable. </p>
<p> The tech transfer office advised us that our project may have commercial applications, however it was probably too soon to act on the idea and convert it into a provisional patent, so we decided to hold off and wait till we had a more substantiated grasp on our commercial applications. We were also advised that if at any point we wanted to file for IP protection on the project, it would be really important to not have disclosed the details of our idea to anyone else, as this could result in us losing the right to our IP. </p>
<p> After doing some research on the various law firms who could offer us a provisional patent, we discovered the estimated cost would be in the vicinity of $3500-$6500 depending on the level of detail we wanted to cover e.g. the number and extent of the claims, the full description of the idea, diagrams and experimental protocols as well as the filing & service fees associated. </p>
<p> Due to the relatively high estimates we received, we looked into other options for filing a provisional, including recruiting a law student to join the team and contribute their knowledge to our IP protection. This avenue did not eventuate as our ideas on what we would like to patent continuously evolved over the course of the project and we could not reach a sufficient degree of clarity to bring on a lawyer for the filing of a provisional patent. </p>
<p> Nonetheless, we proceeded with caution, ensuring to follow the advice of the University of Melbourne’s tech transfer office and not disclose our ideas without ensuring our disclosure was protected. An instance when we had to implement this protection was during our scientific collaboration with Oxford, were we ensured Non Disclosure Agreements were signed prior to the disclosure of our project to them. They indicated their interest in using our project as a case study in their ‘iGEM intellectual property guide’, however we felt that this might put our IP rights in jeopardy, so we decided not to proceed as a case study. </p>
<p> At this time, our team is looking to produce at least one provisional patent following the iGEM 2014 competition on at least one of the various techniques we designed during the project. </p>
<p> <strong> Our team consulted: </strong> </p>
<p> University of Melbourne Technology Transfer Office </p>
<p> University of Melbourne Technology Commercialisation Team </p>
<p> UoM Commercial </p>
<p> Stanislauv Yatskevich (iGEM team member with Russian patent experience) </p>
<p> Peter Collins (iGEM team member with Australian patent experience) </p>
<h2> References: </h2>
<p> Bowman, Barbara T, Suzanne Donovan, and M. Susan Burns. 2001. Eager To Learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. <p>
<p> IP Australia., 2014. 'Experimental Use Exemption From Patent Infringement | IP Australia'.Ipaustralia.Gov.Au. </p>

Latest revision as of 01:45, 13 December 2014


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Public Outreach

‘Synthetic biology for kids and adults and everyone in between’

The University of Melbourne took up the challenge of teaching synthetic biology to all ages, embracing a ‘science for everyone’ approach. In so doing, we engaged in education outreach activities with kindergarten students from three childcare centres as well as both university and high school students from across Australia.


For kindergarten students

Adventure of E coli

We decided to write the first in a series of children’s books for pre-schoolers aged 4-6 themed in the spirit of iGEM entitled ‘The Adventures of E. coli’ for a number of reasons:

  • Children aged 4-6 are in a key learning stage, during which their interest in science can significantly influence their long-term science education outcomes (Bowman, Donovan, & Burns, 2001, pp. 8-9).
  • There are lots of resources about science for older kids but not so many for kids at such a young age.
  • Picture books provide a springboard for further classroom activities

With the assistance of IndieMosh (Publishers link is here: – a self-publishing facilitator – we managed to get our book in print and on Amazon, please see

After we successfully published our book, it was time to take it to the audience. We approached childcare centres across Melbourne and negotiated for our book to be read to pre-schoolers and for our team members to come along and teach the kids about science.

The book reading was well received and was followed by playing some science-related games, and having a chat about science in groups. Please check out the video we made about the day:

A big thanks to Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Moorabbin), Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Bentleigh East) and Coco's Early Learning Centre for inviting us to present our picture book to the kids.

We believe that through this book, young children can learn about basic concepts and the language of biology, forming a scientific foundation to be built on in future years. Moreover, it is our hope that this book will inspire children to continue to learn about science and to appreciate all the wonders that it holds.

The Kindle book is available from here:

Paperback available on Amazon here:

Fixed layout epub (for iPad and Android tablets, phones etc) available on Smashwords here:


For high school students

In an effort to broaden the accessibility of the iGEM competition to those who appeared to be currently underrepresented in the competition (e.g. disadvantaged students, females and Australian high school students), we approached a private high school in Victoria with the following aim:

To find a well-resourced, private high school to partner with an iGEM team (e.g. UoM) to field a team consisting of half private high school students/half underrepresented students – who would have their flights to Boston funded by fundraising done primarily by the private high school.

After extensive email & phone correspondence spanning several months, the school decided it was not currently in the position to go ahead with the iGEM team proposal due to upcoming infrastructure developments, though would be interested in fielding a team after these are completed (scheduled for 2016). Nonetheless, the school did encourage us that other APS schools would likely be interested in hearing about iGEM and our team concept.

Whilst we didn’t achieve our ultimate goal, this activity did raise awareness of the iGEM competition with all the key science staff members at the school which requested not to be named on this wiki (for further details please contact our team leader Sean).

Finally, we would encourage all Australian teams to work on the following goals:

  • improve iGEM's accessibility to those of disadvantaged backgrounds
  • increase female representation in science & iGEM
  • increase the participation of Australian/international high school students in the iGEM competition.

In addition to our negotiations with the private high school, we also aimed at widening the participation of high school students in the iGEM competition by collaborating with the University of Sydney on The Strange Nature Writing competition.

We spruiked the competition not only on our project flyers which described the iGEM competition, our project and the Strange Nature Writing Competition, but also through our development of a promotional video designed to be shown in high school assemblies as a way of promoting both iGEM and the Strange Nature Writing competition. Please see the video below:

Furthermore, we wrote and published articles on which is aimed at high school students, university students and recent university graduates, please see 'For university students' for a list of the articles we wrote.


For university students

Our main form of outreach toward university students was in writing and publishing articles on a burgeoning and government sponsored website which is aimed at high school students, university students and recent graduates. Our articles covered a range of topics from our iGEM experience to considerations of ethical issues of synthetic biology and the potential of synthetic biology.

Adventure of E coli

Here are some excerpts:

"All this leads me to refer to synthetic biology as a ménage à trois of a discipline, utilizing engineering, biology and computer science to produce a fantastically creative activity."

"Given assistance in the form of grants or human resources, entrepreneurial forums along with student competitions like InnovationACT and iGEM have the chance to inspire entrepreneurialism in students. It is in these opportunities for students to go on entrepreneurial adventures, replete with late nights, red bulls and a shot at winning a grand prize – that the next generation of entrepreneurs is born."

"A prime example of this is in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, which I am a team member of for the University of Melbourne this year. Our team stretches across many disciplines; from telecommunications and business to chemical engineering and science communication, even information technology - we are practically the UN of fields and backgrounds."

"Participating in IGEM can definitely be categorized as having an experience and not just joining a team. The competition brings together all the components of completing a project for undergraduate students to be part of, a little like a trial run of a Masters or Doctorate course."

Here are the links to our articles:…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/…/igem-a-small-word-for-a-life…/

Furthermore, as part of our outreach directed at university students, we combined our recruitment campaign for an IT whiz to help with our wiki, with a presentation on what iGEM was all about. We lecture bashed over several weeks, presenting over 11 times.

For general public

After promoting the iGEM competition to the Victorian State Chair of National Science Week (NSW) - Nick Besley, our team decided to field a stall in ‘Market of the Mind’ – a NSW event aimed at the general public located in a high foot traffic area alongside the Yarra River in Southbank across the river from Flinders St Station. Luckily, our stall was located next to the bar, which meant there was a lot of foot traffic directed to our happy team members wearing our iGEM team t-shirts.

Using a true/false quiz, armed with Ferrero Rochers as rewards for getting all the answers correct, we had over 30 quiz contestants engage with us on the first night and 35+ contestants on the second day. Please see the accompanying video made by the City of Melbourne, which shows our stall/team members from 0:45

Our team consulted:


Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Bentleigh East)

Kids Time Early Learning Centre (Moorabin)

Coco's Early Learning Centre

A Victorian private school (one of the 11 Associated Public Schools)


University of Melbourne IT Faculty

University of Melbourne Education Faculty

University of Melbourne Media and Public Relations Department

Victorian State Chair of National Science Week (NSW) - Nick Besley

Teachers' Association of Australia (TAA)

Intellectual Property

Our team considered the question of ‘how should we proceed if we want to retain IP rights on our project’?

Before attempting to answer this pertinent IP question, our team leader decided to recruit two more team members who had some intellectual property experience to complement the learning on patent law that a few early team members had acquired in their biotechnology undergraduate degrees. Both the new team members had previously filed provisional patents; one had filed some in Russia and the other in Australia, offering two perspectives on this question of IP.

In answering this question, we approached our universities’ tech transfer office to gain clarity over our team’s discussions and brainstorm sessions on whether our project was patentable.

The tech transfer office advised us that our project may have commercial applications, however it was probably too soon to act on the idea and convert it into a provisional patent, so we decided to hold off and wait till we had a more substantiated grasp on our commercial applications. We were also advised that if at any point we wanted to file for IP protection on the project, it would be really important to not have disclosed the details of our idea to anyone else, as this could result in us losing the right to our IP.

After doing some research on the various law firms who could offer us a provisional patent, we discovered the estimated cost would be in the vicinity of $3500-$6500 depending on the level of detail we wanted to cover e.g. the number and extent of the claims, the full description of the idea, diagrams and experimental protocols as well as the filing & service fees associated.

Due to the relatively high estimates we received, we looked into other options for filing a provisional, including recruiting a law student to join the team and contribute their knowledge to our IP protection. This avenue did not eventuate as our ideas on what we would like to patent continuously evolved over the course of the project and we could not reach a sufficient degree of clarity to bring on a lawyer for the filing of a provisional patent.

Nonetheless, we proceeded with caution, ensuring to follow the advice of the University of Melbourne’s tech transfer office and not disclose our ideas without ensuring our disclosure was protected. An instance when we had to implement this protection was during our scientific collaboration with Oxford, were we ensured Non Disclosure Agreements were signed prior to the disclosure of our project to them. They indicated their interest in using our project as a case study in their ‘iGEM intellectual property guide’, however we felt that this might put our IP rights in jeopardy, so we decided not to proceed as a case study.

At this time, our team is looking to produce at least one provisional patent following the iGEM 2014 competition on at least one of the various techniques we designed during the project.

Our team consulted:

University of Melbourne Technology Transfer Office

University of Melbourne Technology Commercialisation Team

UoM Commercial

Stanislauv Yatskevich (iGEM team member with Russian patent experience)

Peter Collins (iGEM team member with Australian patent experience)


Bowman, Barbara T, Suzanne Donovan, and M. Susan Burns. 2001. Eager To Learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

IP Australia., 2014. 'Experimental Use Exemption From Patent Infringement | IP Australia'.Ipaustralia.Gov.Au.