Team:ETH Zurich/js/init.js


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Revision as of 12:24, 2 June 2014

/* Helios 1.5 by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (

  • /

/*********************************************************************************/ /* Settings */ /*********************************************************************************/

var helios_settings = {

// Header (homepage only) header: { fullScreen: true, fadeIn: true, fadeDelay: 500 },

// Carousels carousels: { speed: 4, fadeIn: true, fadeDelay: 250 },

// Dropotron (dropdown menus) dropotron: { mode: 'fade', speed: 350, noOpenerFade: true, alignment: 'center', offsetX: -1, offsetY: -16 },

// skelJS (probably don't need to change anything here unless you know what you're doing) skelJS: { prefix: 'css/style', resetCSS: true, boxModel: 'border', grid: { gutters: 48 }, breakpoints: { 'widest': { range: '1680-', hasStyleSheet: false, containers: 1400 }, 'wide': { range: '-1680', containers: 1200 }, 'normal': { range: '-1280', containers: 'fluid', grid: { gutters: 36 }, viewportWidth: 1140 }, 'narrow': { range: '-960', containers: 'fluid', grid: { gutters: 32 } }, 'narrower': { range: '-840', containers: 'fluid', grid: { gutters: 32, collapse: true } }, 'mobile': { range: '-640', containers: 'fluid', grid: { gutters: 32, collapse: true }, lockViewport: true } } },

// skelJS Plugins (ditto; don't change unless you know what you're doing) skelJSPlugins: { panels: { transformBreakpoints: 'mobile', panels: { navPanel: { breakpoints: 'mobile', position: 'top', size: '75%',

html: '

} }, overlays: { navButton: { breakpoints: 'mobile', position: 'top-center', width: 100, height: 50,

html: '

} } } }


/*********************************************************************************/ /* Don't modify beyond this point unless you know what you're doing! */ /*********************************************************************************/

// Initialize skelJS skel.init(helios_settings.skelJS, helios_settings.skelJSPlugins);

// jQuery functions

// scrolly jQuery.fn.n33_scrolly = function() { jQuery(this).click(function(e) { var h = jQuery(this).attr('href'), target;

if (h.charAt(0) == '#' && h.length > 1 && (target = jQuery(h)).length > 0) { var pos = Math.max(target.offset().top, 0); e.preventDefault(); jQuery('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: pos }, 'slow', 'swing'); } }); };

// preloadImage jQuery.n33_preloadImage = function(url, onload) { var $img = $('<img />'), _IEVersion = (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : 99);

$img.attr('src', url);

if ($img.get(0).complete || _IEVersion < 9) (onload)(); else $img.load(onload); };

// formerize

jQuery.fn.n33_formerize=function(){var _fakes=new Array(),_form = jQuery(this);_form.find('input[type=text],textarea').each(function() { var e = jQuery(this); if (e.val() == || e.val() == e.attr('placeholder')) { e.addClass('formerize-placeholder'); e.val(e.attr('placeholder')); } }).blur(function() { var e = jQuery(this); if (e.attr('name').match(/_fakeformerizefield$/)) return; if (e.val() == ) { e.addClass('formerize-placeholder'); e.val(e.attr('placeholder')); } }).focus(function() { var e = jQuery(this); if (e.attr('name').match(/_fakeformerizefield$/)) return; if (e.val() == e.attr('placeholder')) { e.removeClass('formerize-placeholder'); e.val(); } }); _form.find('input[type=password]').each(function() { var e = jQuery(this); var x = jQuery(jQuery('
').append(e.clone()).remove().html().replace(/type="password"/i, 'type="text"').replace(/type=password/i, 'type=text')); if (e.attr('id') != ) x.attr('id', e.attr('id') + '_fakeformerizefield'); if (e.attr('name') != ) x.attr('name', e.attr('name') + '_fakeformerizefield'); x.addClass('formerize-placeholder').val(x.attr('placeholder')).insertAfter(e); if (e.val() == ) e.hide(); else x.hide(); e.blur(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var e = jQuery(this); var x = e.parent().find('input[name=' + e.attr('name') + '_fakeformerizefield]'); if (e.val() == ) { e.hide();; } }); x.focus(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var x = jQuery(this); var e = x.parent().find('input[name=' + x.attr('name').replace('_fakeformerizefield', ) + ']'); x.hide();; }); x.keypress(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); x.val(); }); }); _form.submit(function() { jQuery(this).find('input[type=text],input[type=password],textarea').each(function(event) { var e = jQuery(this); if (e.attr('name').match(/_fakeformerizefield$/)) e.attr('name', ); if (e.val() == e.attr('placeholder')) { e.removeClass('formerize-placeholder'); e.val(); } }); }).bind("reset", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).find('select').val(jQuery('option:first').val()); jQuery(this).find('input,textarea').each(function() { var e = jQuery(this); var x; e.removeClass('formerize-placeholder'); switch (this.type) { case 'submit': case 'reset': break; case 'password': e.val(e.attr('defaultValue')); x = e.parent().find('input[name=' + e.attr('name') + '_fakeformerizefield]'); if (e.val() == ) { e.hide();; } else {; x.hide(); } break; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': e.attr('checked', e.attr('defaultValue')); break; case 'text': case 'textarea': e.val(e.attr('defaultValue')); if (e.val() == ) { e.addClass('formerize-placeholder'); e.val(e.attr('placeholder')); } break; default: e.val(e.attr('defaultValue')); break; } }); window.setTimeout(function() { for (x in _fakes) _fakes[x].trigger('formerize_sync'); }, 10); }); return _form; };

// onVisible (function() {

// Vars var $window = jQuery(window), elements = [], delay = 10, pad = 0, timerId, poll = function() { var l = elements.length, x = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height(), i, e;

for (i=0; i < l; i++) { e = elements[i];

if (!e.state && x - e.pad > e.o.offset().top) { e.state = true; (e.fn)(); } } };

// Event bindings $window.load(function() {

$window.on('scroll resize', function() {

// Clear existing timeout (if one exists) window.clearTimeout(timerId);

// Set our poll function to run after (delay)ms (prevents it from running until the user's done scrolling/resizing) timerId = window.setTimeout(function() { (poll)(); }, delay);



// onVisible jQuery function (pretty much just adds the element to our list of elements to poll) jQuery.fn.n33_onVisible = function(fn, p) { elements.push({ o: jQuery(this), fn: fn, pad: (p ? p : pad), state: false }); };


// Ready stuff jQuery(function() {

var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'), $header = $('#header'), _IEVersion = (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : 99), _isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window), _isMobile = !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad|Android|IEMobile)/));

// Pause CSS transitions until the page has loaded (prevents "flickering") $body.addClass('paused'); $window.load(function() { $body.removeClass('paused'); });

// Add input "placeholder" support to IE <= 9 if (_IEVersion < 10) $('form').n33_formerize();

// Initialize scrolly links $('.scrolly').n33_scrolly();

// Initialize dropotron $('#nav > ul').dropotron(helios_settings.dropotron);

// Initialize carousels $('.carousel').each(function() {

var $t = $(this), $forward = $(''), $backward = $(''), $reel = $t.children('.reel'), $items = $reel.children('article');

var pos = 0, leftLimit, rightLimit, itemWidth, reelWidth, timerId;

// Items if (helios_settings.carousels.fadeIn) { $items.addClass('loading');

$t.n33_onVisible(function() { var timerId, limit = $items.length - Math.ceil($window.width() / itemWidth);

timerId = window.setInterval(function() { var x = $items.filter('.loading'), xf = x.first();

if (x.length <= limit) { window.clearInterval(timerId); $items.removeClass('loading'); return; }

if (_IEVersion < 10) { xf.fadeTo(750, 1.0); window.setTimeout(function() { xf.removeClass('loading'); }, 50); } else xf.removeClass('loading');

}, helios_settings.carousels.fadeDelay); }, 50); }

// Main $t._update = function() { pos = 0; rightLimit = (-1 * reelWidth) + $window.width(); leftLimit = 0; $t._updatePos(); };

if (_IEVersion < 9) $t._updatePos = function() { $reel.css('left', pos); }; else $t._updatePos = function() { $reel.css('transform', 'translate(' + pos + 'px, 0)'); };

// Forward $forward .appendTo($t) .hide() .mouseenter(function(e) { timerId = window.setInterval(function() { pos -= helios_settings.carousels.speed;

if (pos <= rightLimit) { window.clearInterval(timerId); pos = rightLimit; }

$t._updatePos(); }, 10); }) .mouseleave(function(e) { window.clearInterval(timerId); });

// Backward $backward .appendTo($t) .hide() .mouseenter(function(e) { timerId = window.setInterval(function() { pos += helios_settings.carousels.speed;

if (pos >= leftLimit) { window.clearInterval(timerId); pos = leftLimit; }

$t._updatePos(); }, 10); }) .mouseleave(function(e) { window.clearInterval(timerId); });

// Init $window.load(function() {

reelWidth = $reel[0].scrollWidth;

skel.onStateChange(function() {

if (_isTouch) { $reel .css('overflow-y', 'hidden') .css('overflow-x', 'scroll') .scrollLeft(0); $forward.hide(); $backward.hide(); } else { $reel .css('overflow', 'visible') .scrollLeft(0); $; $; }

$t._update(); });

$window.resize(function() { reelWidth = $reel[0].scrollWidth; $t._update(); }).trigger('resize');



// Initialize header

// Mobile devices don't do so well with fixed backgrounds and the fullscreen header :/ if (_isMobile) { $header.css('background-attachment', 'scroll'); helios_settings.header.fullScreen = false; }

// Homepage header if ($body.hasClass('homepage')) { if (helios_settings.header.fullScreen) { $window.bind('resize.helios', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { var s = $header.children('.inner'); var sh = s.outerHeight(), hh = $window.height(), h = Math.ceil((hh - sh) / 2) + 1;

$header .css('padding-top', h) .css('padding-bottom', h); }, 0); }).trigger('resize'); }

if (helios_settings.header.fadeIn) { $('<div class="overlay" />').appendTo($header);

$window .load(function() { var imageURL = $header.css('background-image').replace(/"/g,"").replace(/url\(|\)$/ig, "");

$.n33_preloadImage(imageURL, function() {

if (_IEVersion < 10) $header.children('.overlay').fadeOut(2000); else window.setTimeout(function() { $header.addClass('ready'); }, helios_settings.header.fadeDelay);

}); }); }

