Team:UCC Ireland/slider.css
body {
background-color:#222; margin:0 auto; font-family:Arial; min-height:400px;
- slider_container {
width:100%; margin:0 auto; height:100vh; height: -webkit-calc(100vh - 30px); height: -moz-calc(100vh - 30px); height: calc(100vh - 30px); min-height:400px; max-height:800px; max-width:1201px;
- slider {
height:100%; overflow:hidden;/*when all of the photos are loaded, we only want to see one photo, all the other ones are hidden*/ margin:0 auto;
#slider > img { /*> targets img in slider*/ height:100%; /*display:none;*/ /*jquery to fade in and loop through*/ display:none; margin:auto; }
#slider > div { height:100%; display:none; margin:auto; background-position:center;
background-origin:padding-box; background-color:#777; }
- slider_container > a { /*you might want different classes but we are targetting all*/
padding: 5px 10px; background-color:#F0F0F0; margin-top:30px; text-decoration:none; color:#666;
- slider_container > a.left {
- slider_container > a.right {
- thumbnailfooter {
position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 10px;
- thumbnails {
margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 766px;
#thumbnails ul { display:block; background-color:#000; margin-left:-5px; }
#thumbnails ul li { display:block; font-family:Arial; float:left; margin:0px; } #thumbnails ul li a { opacity:0.8; }
#thumbnails ul li img{ height:120px; float:left; margin-left:5px; }
- slider > div > div.right {
color:#222; float:right; position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); width:35%; padding-left:10%; padding-right:10%;
- slider > div > div.left {
color:#222; float:left; position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); width:35%; padding-left:10%; padding-right:10%;