Why Alpha System Should Work – a deterministic model of alpha system
When modelling our system, we began with the simplest method known – deterministic rate equations. Moreover, from the design it was clear that the most important benchmark for the signal within the system would be the concentration of AHL as a function of time, so we began by modelling this part of our system. It took only a simple derivation (see [1]) to obtain these equations which characterize this part of the system:
(For a glossary see [1]).
We began to analyze this system by attempting to simplify it, by assuming a steady state solution wherever possible. Using this method (see [2]) we managed to obtain this equation:
It is clear from the goals of our system, that we want to have some sort of bi-stability in the result, when the term Gate I is small (see [2]). The answer to whether this condition is met, would obviously depend on the constants of the system for which we could not find a reliable source, but using a simple geometric analysis of the phase space (see [3]), we were able to produce a graph showing for which values of (v1,v2) we could configure the system (by changing the IPTG concentration and the OD) to show bi-stability:
Why Alpha System Should Fail – a stochastic model of alpha system
The above model assumes a low-noise system (as do all rate equation models), but especially when constructing a bi-stable network, it is important to consider the noise. To do this we need to create a stochastic model, which in our case, we based upon the commonly used Fokker Planck equation. Using the derivation found in [4] (Van Kampen "Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry", Third Edition), we produced the Fokker Planck variant of the equation for the AHL concentration shown above
After analyzing this equation as explained in [5], we produced the following results (using a point on the (v1,v2) plane which the previous analysis showed would be bi-stable)