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You should make use of the calendar feature on the wiki and start a lab notebook. This may be looked at by the judges to see how your work progressed throughout the summer. It is a very useful organizational tool as well.

Lab Protocols

Competent Cell with Calcium Chloride

  1. Materials

    • Solid LB medium - 1 plate
    • Liquid LB medium
    • 2 250ml centrifuge tubes
    • Centrifuge
    • Cell sample (DH5-alpha in our case)
    • Autoclave
    • Inoculation loop
    • Liquid nitrogen
    • 37°C oven
    • CaCl2:
      • 60mM CaCl2
      • 10mM HEPES
      • 15% glicerol
      • H2O to 100ml
  2. Method

  3. Day 1

    1. Risk the LB plate with the cell sample (DH5-alpha)
    2. Incubate the plate at 37°C overnight

    Day 2

    1. Sterilize in the Autoclave
      • 100ml of liquid LB medium
      • 100 ml of CaCl2
      • 2 250ml centrifuge tubes
    2. Prepare a 6ml LB inoculum with a DH5-alpha colony and incubate at 37°C/250rpm overnight

    Day 3

    1. Add 2ml of the inoculum in 100ml of liquid LB medium. Incubate at 37°C/250rpm until the OD reaches 0,375
    2. Distribute the volume in 2 250ml centrifuge tubes (pre chilled) and spin at 10000rpm/7min/4°C
    3. Discard the supernatant and ressuspend the pellet in 10ml of CaCl2 solution
    4. Spin the tubes at 7000rpm/7min/4°C
    5. Discard the supernatant and ressuspend the pellet in 10ml of CaCl2 solution. Incubate 30min on ice
    6. Spin at 7000rpm/7min/4°C
    7. Discard the supernatant and ressuspend the pellet in 2ml of the CaCl2 solution
    8. Distribute the 2ml in 500ul tubes adding 50ul in each.
    9. Freeze the samples in liquid nitrogen
    10. Stock at -80°C

Transformation in Escherichia coli (DH5-alpha)

  1. Materials