

Revision as of 17:38, 29 July 2014 by Tngo (Talk | contribs)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Tyler went to a conference in New York until Friday. Today is the first day that the iGEM boat is floating alone.

No worries! We have Sam-the-mastermind to direct us! Firstmate Rishika and Sailing master Tra are on-board.

Especially, boatswain Kortne is back!!

Today's tasks:

* Walk through lesson plan.

* PCR & PCR purify (gRNA)-(binding sequence)-RBS-eYFP.

✓ Glycerol & miniprep (tcpB, tcpD, tcpQ).

✓ Inoculate (acfA, acfB, acfC, acfD, tcpT).

* Prepare sequencing order.

✓ Prepare props for Friday outreach program