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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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Tyler went to a conference in New York until Friday. Today is the first day that the iGEM boat is floating alone

No worries! We have Sam-the-mastermind to direct us! Firstmate Rishika and Sailing master Tra are on-board.

Especially, boatswain Kortne is back!!

Today's tasks:

* Walk through lesson plan.

* PCR & PCR purify (gRNA)-(binding sequence)-RBS-eYFP.

✓ Glycerol & miniprep (tcpB, tcpD, tcpQ).

✓ Inoculate (acfA, acfB, acfC, acfD, tcpT).

* Prepare sequencing order.

✓ Prepare props for Friday outreach program

We got more supplies in today for the outreach program.

Preparation for outreach tomorrow!! We remembered to spray everything down with ethanol. Safety first, and all that.