Team:Tec-Monterrey/ITESM14 medal fulfillment.html


Revision as of 03:55, 18 October 2014 by Sebastianjau (Talk | contribs)

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This year we managed to collaborate with several iGEM teams:

  • Wetlab: we collaborate with UANL_Mty-Mexico team in the Interlab Study. We characterized its D3-GFP device.
  • Customs regulation: we collaborate with four teams from Mexico (Virtus-Parva_Mexico, ITESM-Guadalajara, BIOSINT_Mexico, ITESM-CEM) to make a law proposal to improve the current customs regulation. You can find more information here.
  • Human practice: we participated in the “Low-budget” human practice of Colombia team.
  • Surveys: we filled a lot of surveys for different iGEM teams including Linkoping_Sweden, BGU_Israel, ETH_Zurich, Warwick, among others. The biobrick BBa_K1366109 encodes for a peptide called pep42. This peptide allows the internalization of any molecule linked to it into cancerous cells. This basic part is promising for its use in targeted anti-cancer therapies. More information about this part can be found in our registry page.
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      • The biobricks BBa_K1366101 and BBa_K1366102 were experimentally validated. Both of the biobricks were integrated into the E. coli’s genome using the lambda-red recombination system. These genes contained two different antibiotic resistances to screen the colonies that were successfully modified. We observed growth in the selection plates of the single and double replacements. And also we confirmed the integration of BBa_K1366102 with PCR. This documentation is shown in the “Main page” section of our registry page.
      • We submitted our parts and device to the Registry in time.
      • We registered our Team.
      • We completed the judging form.
      • We designed a Team Wiki.
      • We will present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
      • The attribution of the work done by the students and by others can be found here.
      • We documented nine new biobricks that are listed below: BBa_K1366101, BBa_K1366102, BBa_K1366103, BBa_K1366104, BBa_K1366105, BBa_K1366106, BBa_K1366107, BBa_K1366108, BBa_K1366109