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  • Now : Read the Safety Hub and learn about safety in iGEM. Ask questions by emailing safety at igem DOT org .
Safety: A-general importance of safety Crash Course- Jim A B-ethics of project C-different aspects of safety public environmental researcher wet lab hard lab D-continuos reflection for present and future __________________________ A-Safety: "Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'ame" What is Safety? Why is it important? Jim's A discussion interesting points B- Ethics of Project Marcamtia Engineering Biology must be done with thought and with purpose. Purpose may be scientific or public. C- Different aspects of safety 1-Public Safety Do no harm -public interaction with plant -public use 2-Environmental Safety Do no harm take two -Marcamtia on the loose -Spores 3-Researcher Safety Constant Reminders (picture here ofsign) Wet Lab: following instructions and guidelines understanding the reasons no shortcuts Hard Lab: following instructions and guidelines understanding the reasons no shortcuts Ethics: Thoughts and other Questions: