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Education Component

Training courses

Zamorano University will impart training courses for all people interested in learning about synthetic biology. Because of this, the courses are focused on a very heterogenic group of people; students and teachers from different ages, majors and universities. Due to the wide range of people, the courses available will be divided by the level of specificity. To classify the groups by levels of understanding will allow the information and basic knowledge about synthetic biology to be transmitted in an efficient way, so it is easier to understand.
We are providing information so the listeners and students could difference in a proper way the different topics related to genetic manipulation, also to support the process of developing their own capabilities (Margolis and Bell, 1986).

Courses classification

Classroom training: Qualified professors will impart introduction and orientation classes about synthetic biology, its basis, and its applications. The classes will allow the student to maintain a close relationship to the specialist in the area.

Laboratories: This type of class will be held only at the laboratory. The basic asepsis techniques in a lab will be taught, along with daily procedures to work on it. What to do in case of an emergency will be explained. There will be DNA extraction practices and genetic modification of organisms so the students may understand the process.

Synthetic Biology Academic Workshops: These workshops are oriented to professors that will impart synthetic biology related classes. The target population for these workshops, the professors, should impart class in universities, public and private schools in Honduras. By informing professors, we are indirectly contributing to the spread of information about synthetic biology; because indirectly, it has a reach of hundreds of Honduran students. The team counts with the support of the Ministry of education and the Honduran government (which fully supports this student program).

Congress: Zamorano will organize the first Congress of Synthetic Biology of Honduras. The main mission of organizing it is to form a Latin American network of Synthetic Biology. Zamorano plans to be the meeting point in the coordination of this activity, which will provide universities and research institutes a space where scientific information can be exchanged freely.

Forums: Zamorano will organize forums in related areas of synthetic biology, which will allow the general public to obtain a brief perspective on this area of research. These forums are an additional reinforcement for people who assist training and conferences.

Online graduates: Zamorano will offer graduates that incorporate various applications in Agriculture and the Environment, specifically aimed for teachers and students in areas related to biology that are unable to reach the institution´s campus.

Online Debates: Zamorano will offer online spaces where participants can discuss synthetic biology. Participants will be divided into teams. The dynamics of this debate will work as follows: a moderator of our team of professionals will ask clear and precise questions on specific points in the regulation of synthetic biology. Teams will have enough time to prepare a response, and submit it. At the end of the week, the moderator will analyze the data collected and present it to all members of the discussion. By the end of the third month, 15 different topics relating biotechnology and synthetic biology regulations will be discussed.