Keith Kozminski, PhD –Team AdvisorAssociate Professor of Biology, University of VirginiaA molecular cell biologist with 25 years of experience, Dr. Kozminski received a Ph.D. from Yale University and completed post-doctoral training at the University of California at Berkeley. He joined the Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Cell Biology in the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia in 2002, where he studies the molecular basis of cell shape and division and teaches courses in cell biology and synthetic biology. Beyond the university he serves an editor of Molecular Biology of the Cell, the journal of the American Society for Cell Biology and as a scientific review panelist for the National Science Foundation. Dr. Kozminski has served as an advisor to the University of Virginia iGEM team since 2008, and we are forever grateful for his endless help and support! | |
Jason Papin, PhD –Team AdvisorAssociate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia As a source of invaluable computer modeling knowledge, we are truly thankful for Professor Papin as an advisor. We appreciate his direction in both project development and analysis. |
Joanne Chaplin –Laboratory CoordinatorIntroduction Biology Labs Coordinator and Preparator, University of VirginiaMrs. Chaplin has generously assisted our team in maintaining our lab space and ensuring that we comply with biosafety and biology department requirements.
Kay Christopher –Laboratory ManagerUpper Level Labs Preparator, University of VirginiaMrs. Christopher graciously helped us secure our lab space, providing us with laboratory materials and checking that our equipment complied with all appropriate biosafety requirements. |
Thomas Skalak, PhD –Accounting and Financial AdvisingVice President for Research, University of VirginiaDr. Skalak has helped us to secure the financial success of our project by providing advising on accounting and financial practices at the University of Virginia. |
Erik Hewlett, MD –Biofilm AssaysProfessor of Medicine- Infectious Diseases and International Health, University of VirginiaDr. Hewlett provided invaluable knowledge and help with measurement and analysis of E. coli biofilm formation. |
Casandra Hoffman –Crystal Violet AssayCancer Center- Graduate Student, University of VirginiaMs. Hoffman’s extensive knowledge regarding techniques and methodology of the crystal violet assay played an essential part in the success of our biofilm analysis. |
Glynis Kolling, PhD –qPCRAssistant Professor of Research, University of VirginiaDr. Kolling helped us with qPCR and RNA extraction, kindly providing reagents and sharing experience. |
Kevin Janes, PhD –qPCRAssociate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of VirginiaProviding background on working with bacteria and graciously allowing a member of the team to sit in on a western blot procedure, Professor Janes’s knowledge helped us with general lab practices and general analysis. |
Lixin Wang, MD, PhD –Primer DesignJanes Lab- Research Associate, University of VirginiaDr. Wang kindly helped us to design and BLAST primers. |
Zeinab Chitforoushzadeh –qPCRJanes Lab- Graduate StudentMs. Chitforoushzadeh kindly helped us with our lab practices in identifying sources of contamination in qPCR. |
Laura Sipe –qPCRDeppmann Lab- Graduate Student, University of VirginiaMs. Sipe generously helped us to identify sources of contamination in our qPCR procedure and with homogenization and cell lysis. |
Richard Smindak –Plasmid ConstructionKozminski Laboratory- Graduate Student, University of VirginiaMr. Smindak was an invaluable asset to our team, contributing reagents and knowledge on all things E. coli. |
Lynn Clements –Local Wastewater Treatment Plant VisitDirector of Projects for the Rapidan Service AuthorityMr. Clements graciously took us on a tour of a local wastewater treatment plant and provided a map and parameters for the plant to help identify a site of installation for our biofilter. |
Jeff Prillaman –High School CollaborationMath, Engineering & Science Academy (MESA) at Albemarle High SchoolDirector of the MESA program at Albemarle High School, Mr. Prillaman helped us to organize our Synthetic Biology Crash Course and generously gave us class time to implement it. |
Becky Wilbur, PhD, and Anna Minutella –High School CollaborationRenaissance SchoolDr. Wilbur and Ms. Minutella enthusiastically continued the Renaissance School’s relationship with our team. We appreciate their students’ involvement in our “What can Synthetic Biology do For You?” competition. |
Margo Bagley, JD –International and Comparative Patent LawHardy Cross Dillard Professor of Law, University of VirginiaProfessor Bagley graciously gave our time to participate in our Synthetic Biology Night panel. Her knowledge of international and comparative patent law provided an invaluable perspective to an enlightening and interdisciplinary discussion. |
John Arras, PhD –Biomedical EthicsPorterfield Professor of Biomedical Ethics and Professor of Philosophy and Public Health Sciences, University of VirginiaDr. Arras graciously attended our Synthetic Biology Night panel, contributing his extensive bioethics knowledge to the conversation. We truly appreciate the time he took to be present for our event. |
Kara Fitzgibbon –SurveyDepartment of Sociology- Graduate Student, University of VirginiaWe appreciate the help Ms. Fitzgibbon gave us with question phrasing and minimizing bias in our survey. |
Emily Moody –SurveyInstitutional Review Board for Social and Behavioral Sciences- Compliance Coordinator, University of VirginiaMs. Moody kindly helped us to gain approval for our survey distribution, and to help provide both regional and international teams with the documentation necessary for approval at their respective schools. |
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