Team:HFUT CHINA/Judging Form.html


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1. Demonstrate the relevance of your development for Synthetic Biology based on standard Parts.

Firstly, our software “BioDesigner” aims to recommending biobricks for users designing synthetic standard parts. This function will be very useful for the design of new standard parts by improving the efficiency. Thus, the function of our software has strong relevance with Synthetic Biology based on Standard Part.

Secondly, the recommendation algorithms used in BioDesigner is based on the analysis of biobricks of Registry of Standard Biological Parts. BioDesigner analyzes the associate rule of these biobricks and the behavior of users. Based on these information, BioDesigner recommends biobricks for designing of new standard parts. Thus, the algorithms used in our software have strong relevance with Synthetic Biology based on Standard Part.

Thirdly, the database built in BioDesigner is based on Registry of Standard Biological Parts. We collect biobrick information, such as type, sequence, components, etc. Based on the information, BioDesigner analyzes the associate rules of biobricks. The database stores the collected information and the analysis information. These information are based on standard parts and useful for designing new standard parts. Thus, the database bulit in our software have strong relevance with Synthetic Biology based on Standard Part.

In summary, our development has strong relevance with Synthetic Biology based on Standard Part. Our software, BioDesigner, is really a good tool for iGEM or the whole Synthetic Biology. It will help users design new stardard parts more efficiently and will be a good assistant.



2.  iGEM projects involve important questions beyond the bench, for example relating to (but not limited to) ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, or intellectual property rights. Describe an approach that your team used to address at least one of these questions. Evaluate your approach, including whether it allowed you to answer your question(s), how it influenced the team’s scientific project, and how it might be adapted for others to use (within and beyond iGEM). We encourage thoughtful and creative approaches, and those that draw on past Policy & Practice (formerly Human Practices) activities.


The goal of our software is to help new iGEMers design their own synthetic biological device. Our software will reduce the difficulty of new iGEMers’ design and encourage more people to get involved in synthetic biology.


Safty: The entire database is from previous teams used parts, so it can guarantee all of parts have been used before and they are safe enough. The users can use our software to find out the appropriate ones and it will avoid the dangerous choice.


Sharing: Not only open all of our codes on github, our team also created an integrate API of our source code which detailed introduce the structure and function of all the code. So we really hope everyone sharing and developing our software everywhere!


Innovation: Just as we said, our software is the first one which focuses on the recommendation. The software will provide some of the results by users’ interests and using frequency. So it will provide you with a satisfying result.



  1. 3.Make your software interact / interface with the Registry.

We collected the biobricks information from Registry of Standard parts. Besides, our software could search Registry to download new biobricks information for analysis. We also provide a URL for each biobrick stored in our dabase. These URLs refer to the biobrick website in Registry in case users want to find detailed biobricks information.