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10th July

Molecular biology

  • Gene SLP synthesis

    Step 2:
    We made 35 cycles for the PCR instead of 30.
    We made again the calcul of the annealing temperature with the estimation of the concentration in fragment after the first step.
    We extended the time let for the hybridation.

    PCR parameter:
    92°C 1min
    35 cycles : 92°C 10s, Gradient 64°C delta 6°C : (2AB) (3) 62°C 1min ; (2CD) (11) 66°C 1min, 72°C 10s
    End at 4°C

    PCR Parameter :
    98°C 5 min
    35 cycles : 98°C 10s, Gradient 61°C delta 18°C : (2AB) (11) 67°C 20s ; (2CD) (12) 68°C 20s (instead of 69°C), 72°C 1min
    Final extension 72°C 10min
    End at 4°C

    We obtain this gel

    Step 3: Vtot = 100µL and then 2x50µL
    Estimation of the quantity with the gel to calculate the annealing temperature (Tm)
    20µL phusion buffer 5X
    0,5µL dNTP 10mM
    1µL phusion polymérase
    3,5µL DMSO
    10µL 2AB8°°
    10µL 2CD10°
    55,5µL H2O

    PCR parameter:
    92°C 1min
    35 cycles : 92°C 10s, 66°C 30s, 72°C 10s
    End at 4°C
    Gel 3% 45min 75V 10µL + 1,1µL

Production and purification

Please look our planning of production and purification