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Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Quorum sensing pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The Quorum sensing system of pseudomonas aeruginosa is a multiple hierarchically ordered complex. In one layer of this complex system two proteins are synthesized, LasR and LasI. The LasI produces PAIs which can bind with the LasR. The LasR-PAI couple induces expression of virulence factors LasA protease, alkaline protease and exotoxin A. Moreover, the couple acts as autoinducer on the expression of LasI by influencing the promoter pLasI, increasing the synthesis of PAIs.3. PAIs can move from cell to cell and thus influencing the QS of other cells in the surrounding.
How LactoAid detects Pseudonomas aeruginosa
Because the AHLs defuse from cell to cell we designed a biobrick which produces LasR. This will bind to the PAI and induce the pLasI promoter. Behind the pLasI promoter we placed our secretion system to produce the infection preventing molecules.
Figure 4
Figure 4: The protein LasR is present in our LactoAid and thus, if the PAIs signal molecule is present it will bind to the LasR and it will induce the pLasI whereby the secretion against Pseudonomas aeruginosa
Figure 1
Figure 1: Vivamus a augue diam. Nam hendrerit nisi ut tellus hendrerit, ac volutpat massa tristique.