Team:Wageningen UR/team/attributions


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Wageningen UR iGEM 2014




Project Design and Wet Lab Experiments

The BananaGuard project consists of multiple wet lab modules. Jeremy constructed the fusaric acid sensor while Wen and Tjaša worked on the expression of fungal growth inhibitors. Tjaša focused on chitinase expression while Wen dedicated her time to the other three compounds. The fusaric acid resistance in the biological control agent was Rik’s project. Marlene executed the final application in the greenhouse.

Teresa and Kevin worked on the horizontal gene transfer inhibition and Max, Michiel and Marlene (M&M&M) worked on the kill-switch. Max was also responsible for in situ experiments and promoter design.

Walter worked in the wet lab to obtain production kinetic data for the genome-scale metabolic model of Pseudomonas putida.

The iGEM team Wageningen also participated in the Interlab study. Marlene and Rik performed the corresponding experiments.


Walter took care of modeling aspects related to metabolic stress, while Bob modeled the killswitch and the behaviour of the system under cell division.

Human Practice

The iGEM team Wageningen established contact between the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and all Dutch iGEM teams. Bob was their main contact person and Jeremy organized the national meet-up at which RIVM participated. For the collaboration with Synenergene an application scenario was generated. Miguel, Max, Rik and Wen were involved in this task.Finally, Miguel took charge of the interviews.

Wiki Construction

Rik, Teresa and Tjaša learned how to design a wiki in one summer. Combining everyone’s skills we managed to construct an interactive and user friendly wiki, giving the right importance to the layout as well as to the content. Alba Ramos Álvarez, a Fine Arts student, and Wen supported the Wiki-team with their illustration skills. Also, Sophia, the team captain of XMU-China 2012 helped us a lot with the design and coding of the wiki. All icons used in this wiki page were made by Icons8 from licensed by CC BY 3.0.


The sponsoring team consisted of Kevin, Rik, Walter, Marlene and Wen. The sponsor team was involved in finding and contacting our sponsors. Kevin, supported by Rik, was our treasurer, and together they regulated money flow.


Tjaša, together with Miguel's help, was responsible for safety within the lab and safety regulations by the government. Marlene was in charge of providing all data for the GMO-permit extension, which was needed for greenhouse experiment.

Other Team Roles

Wen was the Captain of BananaGuard. Teresa acted as the secretary and Michiel functioned as vice secretary. Marlene arranged our amazing team clothes and she also organized the trip to the Jamboree


Christian Fleck was the head of the whole team. Kees van der Ark, Marnix Vlot, Nico Claassens and Stamatios Damalas were the supervisors of all the subprojects involving experimental work in the laboratory, while Robert Smith and Ruben van Heck supervised the modelling part. Gert Kema and Fernando Garcia Bastidas from Plant Research International supervised the greenhouse and Fusarium oxysporum experiments.