Team:UIUC Illinois/Results
"I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them."
Feeding Assay
Experimental analysis began with verifying biobrick BBa_K734000. To verify growth from solely caffeine or theobromine, the organisms were sent to us from UT Austin with the guaB gene knocked out. Guanine comes from xanthine, which is a necessary factor for microbial growth. Without the ability to produce guanine, xanthine degradation is imperative for guanine biosynthesis therefore addicting the microorganisms to caffeine. We set out experimentally to show that theobromine degradation could also be used for xanthine degradation using the same N-Demethylation pathway. Our results are as follow:By verifiying that our ΔguaB cells could only grow in media with caffeine or theobromine present, we verified that part BBa_K734000 was functional. Subsequent experiments involved monitoring growth through an arrary of theobromine amounts. HPLC results indiciating linear degradation of theobromine have yet to arrive!
Reconstruction of pdCAF
To qualify with iGEM standards, all illegal cutsites were made to be removed.