

Revision as of 23:36, 17 October 2014 by LucyWang (Talk | contribs)

This is a summary of all the parts we submitted this year. Details and character can be found on each respective part and specific testimony can be found in the Result.Also, our favorite parts is posted here.

Finally,we really appreciate for Prof. Zhao's lab to provide us two bio bricks, click BBa_K1520506, BBa_K1520507 to see more

a) Genetic organization of the gol locus in the S. typhimurium LT2 genome. b) Genetic organization of the gold inductive RFP expression plasmid in E. coli.
c) A photograph of E. coli cells containing the gold-induced RFP expression plasmid with a concentration of 20 mM each of metal ions, or without metal ions induction and re-suspended in PBS buffer (pH 7.4).
d) Fluorescence measurement of E. coli cells containing the goldinduced RFP expression plasmid after gradient concentrations of HAuCl4 (Au3+) induction and re-suspended in PBS buffer (pH 7.4).
e) A visible photograph of d.

2 Experimental Section Gold selective sensing by engineered E.coli cell
The gold selective sensing plasmid was constructed by two steps and all DNA fragment were amplified from Salmonella typhimurium genomic DNA. First a 200bp DNA fragment including the gene encoding PgolTS was amplified by the primers PgolS1 and PgolS2. The gene encoding golS and PgolB was amplified by the primers GolS1 and PgolB2. Then these two fragments were connected by overlap PCR using PgolS1 and PgolB2. After confirmed by sequencing, the PCR product was digested by EcoRI and XbaI, and then inserted into pSB1C3 vector.

[1].Wei Wei, Tianze Zhu, Yue Wang, Hualin Yang, Ziyang Hao, Peng R. Chenand Jing Zhao, Engineering a gold-specific regulon for cell-based visual detection and recovery of gold, Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 1780.
