Team:OU Norman/Project/Notebook/ben
Digest for ter + Terminators (3A) 5/14/14
-All parts were pipetted into tubes in the following amounts. ter #4:
- 500 ng- Upstream Part (ter#4)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Spe I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.83 μL- PCR Water
4P #10:
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.33 μL- PCR Water
6D #16:
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.33 μL- PCR Water
psBIK3 #1:
- 500 ng- Destination Plasmid (psBIK3)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 39.15 μL- PCR Water
-Tubes were then placed in heat bath for 45 minutes at 42˚C. -Enzymes were then heat killed on heat block for 15 minutes at 80˚C.
Ligation of ter + Terminators (3A) 5/14/14
-The ligations were preformed with these specifications.
- 4 μL of upstream part
- 4 μL of downstream part
- 4 μL of destination backbone
- 4 μL of 10x T4 ligase buffer
- 1 μL of T4 ligase
- 22 μL of PCR water
-The tubes were then incubated on the bench top for 20 minutes. -2 sets of ligations were made for ter + 4P and ter + 6D.
Transformation of ter + Terminators (3A) 5/14/14
- 4 μL of ligation product was then added into 100 μL of competent cells for each transformation. - Cells were then put on ice for 30 minutes. - Cells were then heatshocked in a waterbath for 60 seconds at 42˚C. - Cells were then placed back on ice for 5 minutes. - 600 μL of PSI broth were then added to each tube. - Then the tubes were incubated at 37˚C for 2 hours, at 200 rpms. - Contents were then plated using 1:1 and 1:10 dilutions in PSI broth.
Libraries were made for ter + 4P and ter + 6D colonies.
Two lawns were made for each ter + 4P and ter + 6D.
AquaPlasmid DNA extraction was performed via the Aquaplasmid protocol.
Digest for ter + Terminators (3A) 06/03/14
-All parts were pipetted into tubes in the following amounts. ter #4:
- 500 ng- Upstream Part (ter#4)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Spe I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.83 μL- PCR Water
4P #10:
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.33 μL- PCR Water
6D #16:
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 39.43 μL- PCR Water
- 500 ng- Destination Plasmid (psBIK3)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 39.15 μL- PCR Water
- 4 μL of upstream part
- 4 μL of downstream part
- 4 μL of destination backbone
- 4 μL of 10x T4 ligase buffer
- 1 μL of T4 ligase
- 22 μL of PCR water
- 500 ng- Upstream Part (ter#4)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Spe I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 41.42 μL- PCR Water
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.33 μL- PCR Water
- 500 ng- Downstream Part (Terminator)
- 1 μL- Xba I
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 39.43 μL- PCR Water
- 500 ng- Destination Plasmid (psBIK3)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Pst I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 39.15 μL- PCR Water
- Master Mix- 450 μL
- Forward Primer- 2 μL
- Reverse Primer- 2 μL
- PCR Water- 446 μL
- 500 ng- Upstream Part (ter#4)
- 1 μL- Eco RI
- 1 μL- Spe I
- 5 μL- 10x Buffer
- 1 μL- BSA
- 40.83 μL- PCR Water
psBIK3 #1:
-Tubes were then placed in heat bath for 45 minutes at 42˚C. -Enzymes were then heat killed on heat block for 15 minutes at 80˚C.
Ligation of ter + Terminators (3A) 06/03/14
-The ligations were preformed with these specifications.
-The tubes were then incubated on the bench top for 20 minutes. -2 sets of ligations were made for ter + 4P and ter + 6D.
Transformation of ter + Terminators (3A) 6/3/14
- 4 μL of ligation product was then added into 100 μL of competent cells for each transformation. - Cells were then put on ice for 30 minutes. - Cells were then heatshocked in a waterbath for 60 seconds at 42˚C. - Cells were then placed back on ice for 5 minutes. - 600 μL of PSI broth were then added to each tube. - Then the tubes were incubated at 37˚C for 2 hours, at 200 rpms. - Contents were then plated using 1:1 and 1:10 dilutions in PSI broth.
Digest for Ter + Terminators (3A) 06/09/14
-All parts were pipetted into tubes in the following amounts. ter #4:
4P #10:
6D #16:
psBIK3 #1:
-Tubes were then placed in heat bath for 45 minutes at 42˚C. -Enzymes were then heat killed on heat block for 15 minutes at 80˚C.
Colony PCR 07/15/14
One centrifuge tube was loaded with:
-This mix was then separated into 30 μL aliquots in PCR tubes. - A toothpick was then dipped into each colony and placed into each respective PCR tube. - This was done twice, once for ter + 6D, and once for ter + 4P. - PCR went for 94˚C for 5 hours and 45 minutes, 52˚C for 45 minutes, 72˚C for 9 minutes, and then incubated at 4˚C until extraction.
Digest of ter 07/16/14
-All parts were pipetted into tubes in the following amounts:
-The tube was then placed in heat bath for 45 minutes at 42˚C. -Enzymes were then heat killed on heat block for 15 minutes at 80˚C.
Gel of ter 07/16/14
A gel was then run to confirm the presence of ter.