Template:UFMG Brazil/Magnifier.js

From 2014.igem.org

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  • Magnifier.js is a Javascript library enabling magnifying glass effect on an images.
  • Features
  • Zoom in / out functionality using mouse wheel
  • Setting options via Javascript or data attributes
  • Magnified image can be displayed in the lens itself or outside of it in a wrapper
  • Attachment to multiple images with single call
  • Attachment of user defined functions for thumbnail entering, moving and leaving and image zooming events
  • Display loading text while the large image is being loaded, and switch to lens once its loaded
  • Magnifier.js uses Event.js as a cross-browser event handling wrapper, which is available at
  • Github and JSClasses.org:
  • Github - https://github.com/mark-rolich/Event.js
  • JS Classes - http://www.jsclasses.org/package/212-JavaScript-Handle-events-in-a-browser-independent-manner.html
  • Works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 7, 8, 9 & 10.
  • @author Mark Rolich <mark.rolich@gmail.com>
  • /

var Magnifier = function (evt, options) {

   "use strict";
   var gOptions = options || {},
       curThumb = null,
       curData = {
           x: 0,
           y: 0,
           w: 0,
           h: 0,
           lensW: 0,
           lensH: 0,
           lensBgX: 0,
           lensBgY: 0,
           largeW: 0,
           largeH: 0,
           largeL: 0,
           largeT: 0,
           zoom: 2,
           mode: 'outside',
           largeWrapperId: (gOptions.largeWrapper !== undefined)
               ? (gOptions.largeWrapper.id || null)
               : null,
           status: 0,
           zoomAttached: false,
           zoomable: (gOptions.zoomable !== undefined)
               ? gOptions.zoomable
               : false,
           onthumbenter: (gOptions.onthumbenter !== undefined)
               ? gOptions.onthumbenter
               : null,
           onthumbmove: (gOptions.onthumbmove !== undefined)
               ? gOptions.onthumbmove
               : null,
           onthumbleave: (gOptions.onthumbleave !== undefined)
               ? gOptions.onthumbleave
               : null,
           onzoom: (gOptions.onzoom !== undefined)
               ? gOptions.onzoom
               : null
       pos = {
           t: 0,
           l: 0,
           x: 0,
           y: 0
       gId = 0,
       status = 0,
       curIdx = ,
       curLens = null,
       curLarge = null,
       gZoom = (gOptions.zoom !== undefined)
                   ? gOptions.zoom
                   : curData.zoom,
       gMode = gOptions.mode || curData.mode,
       data = {},
       inBounds = false,
       isOverThumb = 0,
       getElementsByClass = function (className) {
           var list = [],
               elements = null,
               len = 0,
               pattern = ,
               i = 0,
               j = 0;
           if (document.getElementsByClassName) {
               list = document.getElementsByClassName(className);
           } else {
               elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
               len = elements.length;
               pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)");
               for (i, j; i < len; i += 1) {
                   if (pattern.test(elements[i].className)) {
                       list[j] = elements[i];
                       j += 1;
           return list;
       $ = function (selector) {
           var idx = ,
               type = selector.charAt(0),
               result = null;
           if (type === '#' || type === '.') {
               idx = selector.substr(1, selector.length);
           if (idx !== ) {
               switch (type) {
               case '#':
                   result = document.getElementById(idx);
               case '.':
                   result = getElementsByClass(idx);
           return result;
       createLens = function (thumb, idx) {
           var lens = document.createElement('div');
           lens.id = idx + '-lens';
           lens.className = 'magnifier-loader';
       updateLensOnZoom = function () {
           curLens.style.left = pos.l + 'px';
           curLens.style.top = pos.t + 'px';
           curLens.style.width = curData.lensW + 'px';
           curLens.style.height = curData.lensH + 'px';
           curLens.style.backgroundPosition = '-' + curData.lensBgX + 'px -' +
                                               curData.lensBgY + 'px';
           curLarge.style.left = '-' + curData.largeL + 'px';
           curLarge.style.top = '-' + curData.largeT + 'px';
           curLarge.style.width = curData.largeW + 'px';
           curLarge.style.height = curData.largeH + 'px';
       updateLensOnLoad = function (idx, thumb, large, largeWrapper) {
           var lens = $('#' + idx + '-lens'),
               textWrapper = null;
           if (data[idx].status === 1) {
               textWrapper = document.createElement('div');
               textWrapper.className = 'magnifier-loader-text';
               lens.className = 'magnifier-loader hidden';
           } else if (data[idx].status === 2) {
               lens.className = 'magnifier-lens hidden';
               lens.style.background = 'url(' + thumb.src + ') no-repeat 0 0 scroll';
               lens.style.pointerEvents = "none";
               large.id = idx + '-large';
               large.style.width = data[idx].largeW + 'px';
               large.style.height = data[idx].largeH + 'px';
               large.className = 'magnifier-large hidden';
               if (data[idx].mode === 'inside') {
               } else {
           lens.style.width = data[idx].lensW + 'px';
           lens.style.height = data[idx].lensH + 'px';
       getMousePos = function () {
           var xPos = pos.x - curData.x,
               yPos = pos.y - curData.y,
               t    = 0,
               l    = 0;
           inBounds = (
               xPos < 0 ||
               yPos < 0 ||
               xPos > curData.w ||
               yPos > curData.h
               ? false
               : true;
           l = xPos - (curData.lensW / 2);
           t = yPos - (curData.lensH / 2);
           if (curData.mode !== 'inside') {
               if (xPos < curData.lensW / 2) {
                   l = 0;
               if (yPos < curData.lensH / 2) {
                   t = 0;
               if (xPos - curData.w + (curData.lensW / 2) > 0) {
                   l = curData.w - (curData.lensW + 2);
               if (yPos - curData.h + (curData.lensH / 2) > 0) {
                   t = curData.h - (curData.lensH + 2);
           pos.l = Math.round(l);
           pos.t = Math.round(t);
           curData.lensBgX = pos.l + 1;
           curData.lensBgY = pos.t + 1;
           if (curData.mode === 'inside') {
               curData.largeL = Math.round(xPos * (curData.zoom - (curData.lensW / curData.w)));
               curData.largeT = Math.round(yPos * (curData.zoom - (curData.lensH / curData.h)));
           } else {
               curData.largeL = Math.round(curData.lensBgX * curData.zoom * (curData.largeWrapperW / curData.w));
               curData.largeT = Math.round(curData.lensBgY * curData.zoom * (curData.largeWrapperH / curData.h));
       zoomInOut = function (e) {
           var delta = (e.wheelDelta > 0 || e.detail < 0) ? 0.1 : -0.1,
               handler = curData.onzoom,
               multiplier = 1,
               w = 0,
               h = 0;
           if (e.preventDefault) {
           e.returnValue = false;
           curData.zoom = Math.round((curData.zoom + delta) * 10) / 10;
           if (curData.zoom >= 1.1) {
               curData.lensW = Math.round(curData.w / curData.zoom);
               curData.lensH = Math.round(curData.h / curData.zoom);
               if (curData.mode === 'inside') {
                   w = curData.w;
                   h = curData.h;
               } else {
                   w = curData.largeWrapperW;
                   h = curData.largeWrapperH;
                   multiplier = curData.largeWrapperW / curData.w;
               curData.largeW = Math.round(curData.zoom * w);
               curData.largeH = Math.round(curData.zoom * h);
               if (handler !== null) {
                       thumb: curThumb,
                       lens: curLens,
                       large: curLarge,
                       x: pos.x,
                       y: pos.y,
                       zoom: Math.round(curData.zoom * multiplier * 10) / 10,
                       w: curData.lensW,
                       h: curData.lensH
           } else {
               curData.zoom = 1.1;
       onThumbEnter = function () {
           curData = data[curIdx];
           curLens = $('#' + curIdx + '-lens');
           if (curData.status === 2) {
               curLens.className = 'magnifier-lens';
               if (curData.zoomAttached === false) {
                   if (curData.zoomable !== undefined && curData.zoomable === true) {
                       evt.attach('mousewheel', curLens, zoomInOut);
                       if (window.addEventListener) {
                           curLens.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
                   curData.zoomAttached = true;
               curLarge = $('#' + curIdx + '-large');
               curLarge.className = 'magnifier-large';
           } else if (curData.status === 1) {
               curLens.className = 'magnifier-loader';
       onThumbLeave = function () {
           if (curData.status > 0) {
               var handler = curData.onthumbleave;
               if (handler !== null) {
                       thumb: curThumb,
                       lens: curLens,
                       large: curLarge,
                       x: pos.x,
                       y: pos.y
               if (curLens.className.indexOf('hidden') === -1) {
                   curLens.className += ' hidden';
                   curThumb.className = curData.thumbCssClass;
                   if (curLarge !== null) {
                       curLarge.className += ' hidden';
       move = function () {
           if (status !== curData.status) {
           if (curData.status > 0) {
               curThumb.className = curData.thumbCssClass + ' opaque';
               if (curData.status === 1) {
                   curLens.className = 'magnifier-loader';
               } else if (curData.status === 2) {
                   curLens.className = 'magnifier-lens';
                   curLarge.className = 'magnifier-large';
                   curLarge.style.left = '-' + curData.largeL + 'px';
                   curLarge.style.top = '-' + curData.largeT + 'px';
               curLens.style.left = pos.l + 'px';
               curLens.style.top = pos.t + 'px';
               curLens.style.backgroundPosition = '-' +
                                               curData.lensBgX + 'px -' +
                                               curData.lensBgY + 'px';
               var handler = curData.onthumbmove;
               if (handler !== null) {
                       thumb: curThumb,
                       lens: curLens,
                       large: curLarge,
                       x: pos.x,
                       y: pos.y
           status = curData.status;
       setThumbData = function (thumb, thumbData) {
           var thumbBounds = thumb.getBoundingClientRect(),
               w = 0,
               h = 0;
           thumbData.x = thumbBounds.left;
           thumbData.y = thumbBounds.top;
           thumbData.w = Math.round(thumbBounds.right - thumbData.x);
           thumbData.h = Math.round(thumbBounds.bottom - thumbData.y);
           thumbData.lensW = Math.round(thumbData.w / thumbData.zoom);
           thumbData.lensH = Math.round(thumbData.h / thumbData.zoom);
           if (thumbData.mode === 'inside') {
               w = thumbData.w;
               h = thumbData.h;
           } else {
               w = thumbData.largeWrapperW;
               h = thumbData.largeWrapperH;
           thumbData.largeW = Math.round(thumbData.zoom * w);
           thumbData.largeH = Math.round(thumbData.zoom * h);
   this.attach = function (options) {
       if (options.thumb === undefined) {
           throw {
               name: 'Magnifier error',
               message: 'Please set thumbnail',
               toString: function () {return this.name + ": " + this.message; }
       var thumb = $(options.thumb),
           i = 0;
       if (thumb.length !== undefined) {
           for (i; i < thumb.length; i += 1) {
               options.thumb = thumb[i];
       } else {
           options.thumb = thumb;
   this.setThumb = function (thumb) {
       curThumb = thumb;
   this.set = function (options) {
       if (data[options.thumb.id] !== undefined) {
           curThumb = options.thumb;
           return false;
       var thumbObj    = new Image(),
           largeObj    = new Image(),
           thumb       = options.thumb,
           idx         = thumb.id,
           zoomable    = null,
           largeUrl    = null,
           largeWrapper = (
               $('#' + options.largeWrapper) ||
               $('#' + thumb.getAttribute('data-large-img-wrapper')) ||
               $('#' + curData.largeWrapperId)
           zoom = options.zoom || thumb.getAttribute('data-zoom') || gZoom,
           mode = options.mode || thumb.getAttribute('data-mode') || gMode,
           onthumbenter = (options.onthumbenter !== undefined)
                       ? options.onthumbenter
                       : curData.onthumbenter,
           onthumbleave = (options.onthumbleave !== undefined)
                       ? options.onthumbleave
                       : curData.onthumbleave,
           onthumbmove = (options.onthumbmove !== undefined)
                       ? options.onthumbmove
                       : curData.onthumbmove,
           onzoom = (options.onzoom !== undefined)
                       ? options.onzoom
                       : curData.onzoom;
       if (options.large === undefined) {
           largeUrl = (options.thumb.getAttribute('data-large-img-url') !== null)
                           ? options.thumb.getAttribute('data-large-img-url')
                           : options.thumb.src;
       } else {
           largeUrl = options.large;
       if (largeWrapper === null && mode !== 'inside') {
           throw {
               name: 'Magnifier error',
               message: 'Please specify large image wrapper DOM element',
               toString: function () {return this.name + ": " + this.message; }
       if (options.zoomable !== undefined) {
           zoomable = options.zoomable;
       } else if (thumb.getAttribute('data-zoomable') !== null) {
           zoomable = (thumb.getAttribute('data-zoomable') === 'true');
       } else if (curData.zoomable !== undefined) {
           zoomable = curData.zoomable;
       if (thumb.id === ) {
           idx = thumb.id = 'magnifier-item-' + gId;
           gId += 1;
       createLens(thumb, idx);
       data[idx] = {
           zoom: zoom,
           mode: mode,
           zoomable: zoomable,
           thumbCssClass: thumb.className,
           zoomAttached: false,
           status: 0,
           largeUrl: largeUrl,
           largeWrapperId: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.id : null,
           largeWrapperW: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.offsetWidth : null,
           largeWrapperH: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.offsetHeight : null,
           onzoom: onzoom,
           onthumbenter: onthumbenter,
           onthumbleave: onthumbleave,
           onthumbmove: onthumbmove
       evt.attach('mouseover', thumb, function (e, src) {
           if (curData.status !== 0) {
           curIdx = src.id;
           curThumb = src;
           setThumbData(curThumb, curData);
           pos.x = e.clientX;
           pos.y = e.clientY;
           var handler = curData.onthumbenter;
           if (handler !== null) {
                   thumb: curThumb,
                   lens: curLens,
                   large: curLarge,
                   x: pos.x,
                   y: pos.y
       }, false);
       evt.attach('mousemove', thumb, function (e, src) {
           isOverThumb = 1;
       evt.attach('load', thumbObj, function () {
           data[idx].status = 1;
           setThumbData(thumb, data[idx]);
           evt.attach('load', largeObj, function () {
               data[idx].status = 2;
               updateLensOnLoad(idx, thumb, largeObj, largeWrapper);
           largeObj.src = data[idx].largeUrl;
       thumbObj.src = thumb.src;
   evt.attach('mousemove', document, function (e) {
       pos.x = e.clientX;
       pos.y = e.clientY;
       if (inBounds === true) {
       } else {
           if (isOverThumb !== 0) {
           isOverThumb = 0;
   }, false);
   evt.attach('scroll', window, function () {
       if (curThumb !== null) {
           setThumbData(curThumb, curData);
