Team:Goettingen/team overview


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Team Göttingen 2014

Once a year, an international group of ambitious and enthusiastic master students from the master programs "Microbiology and Biochemistry" of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, has teamed up to join the grand iGEM meeting in Boston!

The Göttingen iGEM team from the previous year inspired us so much in their propaganda meeting. They not only presented us the essentials of the competition, gave us pointers as to what we can do differently, but most importantly, they also encouraged us to carry their legacy forward.

Our team is supported by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Braus, Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Sasse (both from the Dept. of Molecular Microbiology and Genetics) and PD Dr. Joachim Uhrig (Department of Plant molecular Biology and Physiology). They not only give advises on the research of our topic, but also support us in how to organise the human project and raise funds.

Let's start a fascinating trip towards the final Giant Jamboree in Boston!

Meet our team and take a journey with us in the university !

HERE you can find the high quality video.
