Harvard BioDesign/9 July 2014

From 2014.igem.org

Revision as of 20:21, 17 October 2014 by Mmmlong (Talk | contribs)
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PCRed plasmid backbones with the F12 and F48 linkers In order to perform more Gibson reactions

Ran a gel on the PCRed backbone

Assessed results of biocompatibility assay

1 ---> non autoclaved paint component 2 ---> autoclaved paint component

Turbo cells did not grow---> cell solution inserterted into mixtures did not actually have cells because there was a problem with the turbo colony growing Something peculiar: it seems that the cells did not grow much in the autoclaved paint components but grew well in the non-autoclaved paint components. Why did this happen? Grew up Mach I cells with Gibsoned plasmids inside Miniprepped and collected the amplified Gibson plasmids