Team:NJAU China/Safety


Revision as of 19:12, 17 October 2014 by Jungle (Talk | contribs)


As outstanding progress has been made after all these years in the field of synthetic biology, an increasing number of scientists have been devoted to the creation of artificial bio-system even a life. While just like every coin owning two sides, this novel technique could also bring calamity if it were mis-used or beyond control. As iGEMers, it is our duty to reflect more about the safety to ensure the potential negative influence would hardly hinder human’s daily life and jeopardize environment.

Potential Risks

As we are the first team of Nanjing Agricultural University, we tried to communicate and collaborate with more team and exchange our idea this summer. We came to Taiwan on August 3rd to 7th to attend 2nd iGEM Conference at the Nation Chiao-Tung University. During the conference, we shared our idea and communicate with more than 20 research teams and several software teams.

2. Cooperation with CAU_China and WHU-China

Cooperation is an important element during the project. With the help of WHU-China for offering us Streptococcus thermophiles which contain gshF and dCas9 protein, we cast our idea more efficient.

Besides the help of WHU-China, we also have a tight connection with CAU_China.They offer our team the protocol about gene synthesis, which helped us a lot about GSH part. As we have done lots of experiments about detecting florescence intensity to verify the function of our device, we give our protocol about the method to quantized the expression of GFP, our team members Xu Xuan is familiar with this experiment, he also give some suggestions their project about rpaⅠ. Via frequent communication and disscution, we both gained progress and excellent suggestions.

See CAU_China Attribution Page Here: