Team:Hannover/Other Human Practice


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Human Practice / Other Activities

Due to the critical opinion of the Europeans about genetic engineering, it was very important for us to clarify the goal of our project. We think that it is necessary to tell people about possibilities and risks of the synthetic biology so that they can make their own opinion about this topic without beeing affected by media. As part of our efforts we set up a homepage, created a facebook page, competed in a funny science slam, got an article in a big local newspaper, met other iGEM-Teams, organized an information stand in our city and visited some local schools. We also took care to provide our homepage in english as well as in german so that people more people are reached. Below you can get an impression of the work we did additionally to our main iGEM project.
One activity which goes beyond our project is the support of the proposal of the German iGEM Teams concerning Intellectual Property.

Fig. 1: For our support on their survey, we gained a golden mosaicoli from iGEM team Zurich, Swiss.Fig. 2: For cooperations concerning a survey we got this plastic waste eating bacterium from iGEM team Virginia, USA.

Fig. 3: Expedition to the local sewage plant to get an impression of problems with heavy metals in waste water. Fig. 4: Having fun and a nice barbecue with the iGEM team Braunschweig.

Fig. 5: Visiting the iGEM team Bielefed who showed us the basics of designing a wiki. Fig. 6: We took part in the big meeting of german iGEM teams in Munich.

Fig. 7: We invited the newspaper "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" to write an article about us. Fig. 8: We set up and maintained a facebook page.
Fig. 9: We created a homepage so that interested people had the chance to read more about us and our project.