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Team Nevada

The BAITswitch

The Bioorthoginal Auxin Induceable Trigger Switch
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Duis lorem mauris, facilisis nec tempus ut, volutpat nec nulla. Nam pretium eros nibh, vel pretium eros tempor eget. Praesent laoreet facilisis molestie. Praesent lobortis ultrices sapien ut vestibulum. Aliquam molestie luctus mauris nec tincidunt. Sed posuere non sem a malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu augue non justo elementum luctus nec quis eros. Cras commodo, nisi nec cursus adipiscing, augue magna varius arcu, eget gravida ante odio eu velit. Maecenas sagittis egestas elit sed interdum. Nulla molestie nec tellus sed rhoncus.

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Standard Blog Post Title Here

Duis lorem mauris, facilisis nec tempus ut, volutpat nec nulla. Nam pretium eros nibh, vel pretium eros tempor eget. Praesent laoreet facilisis molestie. Praesent lobortis ultrices sapien ut vestibulum. Aliquam molestie luctus mauris nec tincidunt. Sed posuere non sem a malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu augue non justo elementum luctus nec quis eros. Cras commodo, nisi nec cursus adipiscing, augue magna varius arcu, eget gravida ante odio eu velit. Maecenas sagittis egestas elit sed interdum. Nulla molestie nec tellus sed rhoncus.

Nevada iGEM Parts

Jaz1 is a degron tag utilized in the coronatine pathway. The protein of interest is tagged with Jaz1; when coronatine is added to the system, the protein and its tag are linked to the E3 ubiquitin ligase, COI1. Click the picture or the name below to be taken to the parts registry page.

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RFP-Jaz1 is a degron tag utilized in the coronatine pathway. The protein of interest is tagged with RFP-Jaz1; when coronatine is added to the system, the protein and its tag are linked to the E3 ubiquitin ligase, COI1. Click the picture or the name below to be taken to the parts registry page.

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Jaz6 is a degron tag utilized in the coronatine pathway. The protein of interest is tagged with Jaz6; when coronatine is added to the system, the protein and its tag are linked to the E3 ubiquitin ligase, COI1. Click the picture or the name below to be taken to the parts registry page.

COI-1 or Coronatine Insensitive-1 recruits JAZ-1 or JAZ-6 tagged substrates in the presence of Coronatine for degradation by the Proteasome.

TiRI is an ubuquitinase E3 that recognizes AID-tagged proteins and trigger their ubiquitination for further degradation. This part works with K812011 which is a AID tagged GFP. OsTirI is a protein comming from rice that have been identified as working in mammalian cells and yeast. This part takes place in a device pattented by Kanemaki Masato, Kakimoto Tatsuo, Nishimura Kohei, Takisawa Haruhiko and Fukagawa Tatsuo for yeast and mammalian cells use . However the patent does not cover the use for oviparian such as frogs and chicken.

This part is a GFP coding sequence fused to an AID tag for its recognition by the ubiquitinase E3 that induces its degradation in the presence of auxin in the eukaryote cell. This is designed to be used in pSB1C3 vector. This part is a part of a device patented by Kanemaki Masato, Kakimoto Tatsuo, Nishimura Kohei, Takisawa Haruhiko and Fukagawa Tatsuo for yeast and mammalian cells use.

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