Team:HFUT CHINA/Future Work.html


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Future works




Currently, we collect the device information from teams of previous years. We hope to add the device information of this year’s team. This would make the recommendation algorithms more accurate. Besides, we also want to establish a database that contains the system information, for example, the function of systems, devices that a system contains, the relationships between devices in the same system. These information would provide more possibility for our software to recommend. For example, recommending the devices by function, recommending devices for a system.

Recommendation algorithms:

In the algorithms, we use hamming distance to measure the similarity of two biobricks. Edit distance would be a more powerful measurement for similarity. Thus, we would improve the algorithm by using edit distance.

Besides, our software currently recommends biobricks for designing devices. We will use the synthetic systems’ informations to recommend devices. For a given systems, we also want to detect whether there is something wrong with this system by analyzing current systems’ information.

Visualization GUI

In the future, we will allow the software to accept various types of input, such as figures or text. Thus, when users need to input a whole system, they could use the figures or texts that have been generated.

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