

Revision as of 11:42, 17 October 2014 by TommyYang (Talk | contribs)


Future work

Future work

Although we have spent almost a whole year on this project and fulfilled many achievements, we still have a long way to go in the future:

1. Culturing the transgenic bacterial in culture medium containing Cu2+, F- and CN- and measuring the change of the concentration of those ions
2. Examining instructor system
3. Co-transforming the worker system and the instructor system into one bacteria and testing the composite system
4. Recycling the copper via firing the bacteria
5. Testing the pollutants treatment capacity of the kit covered with the engineering bacterial film
6. Writing a handbook to help factories to find the most suitable rotating speed based on the RBC they established
7. Presenting our idea and data to some factories and trying to transform our project into real products


HUST, China