Team:Macquarie Australia/Project/Parts
Parts & Characterization
The Macquarie 2014 team designed and constructed the following three operons required for the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. These three operons have been received by the registry.
Functional Operons
Operon 1Operon 2
Operon 3
The ChlD Story: the repair of the registry chlD
Team_Macquarie_2013 designed and synthesized a number of parts that would be used for the biosynthesis pathway. Among these, they designed and synthesized chlD, Bba_K1080002.
This part was not recieved by the registry in 2013.
As we required this part for the assembly of our composite operons, we verified the identity and sequence of all of the parts. When sequencing chlD, we determined that there was a 50-basepair deletion in the middle of chlD. Team_Macquarie_2014 has repaired this part. We incorporated it into operon 1, and have verified that the part is functional and therefore properly repaired.
This part has now been successfully sent to the registry in a functional state.