"Cindy" (Cindy Suci Ananda) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology LEADER Evaluation Team/Wetlab Acitivity Nothing day without achievment
"Azhar" (M. Al-Azhar) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology DEPUTY LEADER Evaluation Team/Wetlab Activity Don't pray to easy life but pray to be strong man
"Yuli" (Yulianti) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team/Human Practice Man jadda wa jadda
"Fajri" (M. Isro Alfajri) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team/Design Part We have to endure caterpillars if we want to see butterfly
"Indah" (Indah Nurulita) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team/Wetlab Activity Love what you do, then all will be easy
"Fahmi" (Fahmi Dwilaksono) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team/Design Part When you believe to the power of dream, you will find the way to reach it
"Adel" (Adelia Elviantari) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team/Human Practice Make the future be better
"Rian" (Rian Adah A.) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team/Human Practice Tired is the last number of my priority
"Un" (Yunianti) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team Never Give up
"Cendra" (Cendra Harri P.) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
"Gita" (Gita Feny L.) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team Failure only happened when we give up
"Arif" (Arif Muhamad) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team I would like to be a nice person
"Asma" (Asmawati) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team Think clearly, act healthy, bright future
"Nugrah" (Nugrah Analiadi P.) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Evaluation Team Be yourself, beacuse pretending it's so painfull
"Abdhi" (Abdhy Surya P.) Sophomore, Department of Biotechnology Construction Team My day is nice day
"Doctor Arief" (Arief Budi Witarto, Ph.D) Dean Faculty of Biotechnology
"Maya" (Maya Fitriana, S.Si) Secretary Department of Biotechnology
"Sausan" (Sausan Nafisah, S.Si) Staff Department of Biotechnology
"Dwi" (Dwi Ariyanti, M.Biotech) Head Department of Biotechnology
"Jul" (Julmansyah, S.Hut) Vice Dean Faculty of Biotechnology
"Doctor Zul" (Dr. Zulkiefliemansyah, M.Sc) Rector, Sumbawa University of Technology
"Professor Sode" (Professor Koji Sode) Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology