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Lactate Inducible Device Test

E. coli Construct:

Device will be tested with the following selection strategy:

Live culture of transformed E. coli strain (Transformed JW2004) will be streaked onto three types of media for qualitative analysis.

Three types of M9 minimal media will be used for the test. Standard M9 minimal media protocol will be followed for the base of the media.

3 Types:

  • lac-/his- (M9 Minimal Media)
  • lac+/his- (M9 Minimal Media + lactose)
  • lac-/his+ (M9 Minimal Media + histidine)
  • lac+/his+ (M9 Minimal Media + lactose + histidine)

This selection scheme will determine if the device is functioning as expected in the strain.

The construct must be inserted into the standard iGEM vector.