

Revision as of 04:01, 17 October 2014 by Arthanzel (Talk | contribs)

Meet the team

TOP: Tommy Xu, Brent Weatherall, Danny Salem, Matt Chandrawan, Yara Abou-Hamde, Abdus Anwar, Katie Harriman
MIDDLE: Lloyd Mai, Kaitlin Kharas, Nicholas Huang, Sarah Mohand-Said, Linda Dam, Joanne Joseph, Alex Huluta, Peter Doan
BOTTOM: Huy Tran, Dylan Siriwardena, Jenna Khawas, Cory Lefebvre, Martin Hanzel

Wet lab

Dylan Siriwardena, Alex Tzahristos, Shihab Sawar, Sarah Mohand-Said, Martin Hanzel

Dry lab

Lloyd Mai, Peter Doan, Matt Chandrawan


Cory Lefebvre, Alex Huluta, Joey Irani, Danny Salem

Policy and Practices

TOP: Abdus Anwar, Nick Huang, Alex Huluta, Katie Harriman
BOTTOM: Joanne Joseph, Yara Abou-Hamde, Jenna Khawas, Kaitlin Kharas, Linda Dam

Graphic Design

Cory Lefebvre, Sarah Mohand-Said, Jenna Khawas, Huy Tran


I'm bringing sexy back



Recruitment begins for the uOttawa 2014 iGEM team.


2 to 8: Leaders for each of the sub-teams were selected. Project brainstorming began, and will continue until May.
26 to April 1: Research into cancer-fighting project based on MMPs, and cell memory are pursued.


11 to 18: Research into tri-stable switches and cellular decision making began after a conversation with Dr. Mads Kaern. Other ideas turned out to be non-viable within the four-month research window.
19 to 26:Initial designs for the tri-stable network proposed.
27 to May 3:Lab prepared by Dylan Siriwardena for incoming new students. Reagents were prepared, and necessary strains streaked out from cold stock.


4 to 10: Training has begun! Upon finishing the winter semester, the wet lab team began its training in the lab. The new members of the lab who did not have lab experience learned various techniques that would be used over the course of the entire summer, such as PCR, genomic extractions, and transforming constructs into yeast cells. Theory was also taught this week.
11 to 17: Successful PCRs were achieved by all members. The wet lab team moved onto creating dimers and multimers of PCR amplicons.
18 to 24: Training construction complete, transformations and confirmations were conducted for the rest of the month. Confirmation includes both PCR and flow cytometry.
25 to 31: Training completed. Research and understanding of the tri-stable switch was focused on this week, to ensure all wet lab members had a solid understanding. Additional meetings with Dr. Kaern as well as a the construction of a research proposal has purified the many ideas into two solid designs.


1 to 7: Research into pigments was completed, to be used as a reporter and a possible paint application. Primers were designed and ordered to construct the various promoters needed in both designs. Much of this month was dedicated to running PCR after PCR in order to obtain a high concentration and quantity of the fragments that make up the final construct that we were to create. We even had an all-nighter during the month in which the entire night was dedicated to running PCRs!
8 to 14: Primers arrived, construction of test constructs with each promoter is started. Since many of the sections of the promoters are common, pGalTx was first obtained, and then modified to get the variety of activating and repressing regions. Lex constitutive promoters were also designed.
15 to 21: It was found that the constitutive promoter we were using to express our repressor was too weak (mrp7). In order to remedy that, we are creating a new strain with a strain with a much stronger promoter (pADH1) in the hope of visualizing strong repression by hindrance.
22 to 28: Success! Repression by hindrance was shown to strongly repress in pGalTx, with pADH1 driving rTTA. Other test constructs coming along, with the first few promoters constructs being completed, and the next round being started.
29 to July 5: Second round of promoters are completed and are being confirmed. Promoters with varying numbers of sites were now being constructed in order to have promoters with sufficient expression. It was found that modifying so close the TATA box significantly reduced promoter activity.


6 to 12: More transformations of promoter constructs that we had created into different strains of yeast that were previously created in the lab. In doing so, we could appreciate the effects that the already modified genes in the various strains of yeast would have on the regulation of the promoters. Within our spare time of course, we amplified more of the same monomers that we had used to create the tested constructs, so that if worse came to worst we could easily re-create the construct again or modify it in numerous ways.
13 to 19: Many constructs confirmed from previous transformations, full gradients were conducted in order to characterise the first round of promoters created.
20 to 26: Final round of promoters were completed and transformed. Testing of colonies continues.
27 to August 2: We had achieved the final promoter test strains that we had sought after for the entire summer thus far. Of course we knew it would probably need to be modified and possibly be re-created if the testing of it proved it to be feeble. Thus, upon transforming it into different strains of yeast we tested many colonies and used many different drug concentrations over the course of our analysis of the final construct. We created entire new constructs just in case anything were to fail.


3 to 9: Problem with our phusion was found, accounting for failed PCRs for the past week. On the bright side PCR talent has increased due to the many failures and redos.
10 to 16: Final confirmations of all the promoter constructs with both PCR and flow cytometry. All promoters now fully characterised. Beginning of final construction of tri-stable switch.
17 to 23: PCRs and preliminary transformations were preformed for the two designs for the tri-stable switch.
24 to 30: Constructs were tested and confirmed. Only a few strains appeared to confirm, but another round of transformation was required to be sure.
31 to September 6: With school starting up again, we each spent a significantly less amount of time in the lab, and most of the time that we spent in the lab was concentrated on testing out the constructs that we had obtained during August. Much larger drug concentrations were performed within our flow sessions, so that we could present the modelling team with sufficient data for the figures that they were to create. September overall was largely a month of transformations, testing failures, reconstructions, transformations, and then more disappointments.


7 to 13: All previous constructs failed to flow confirm, have to troubleshoot which parts are non-functional. Entirely new constructs which contained new monomers, and were entirely different from the constructs that we had worked with previously. We also spent some time frustratingly creating the BioBricks that were to be submitted to the iGEM HQ with long-expired endonucleases.
14 to 20: Transformations were tested, and GFP constructs confirmed. Sadly anything BFP-related along with rTTA did not. BFP will be removed and replaced, as well as the rTTA, meaning more construction.
21 to 27: Transformations failed again, rTTA will not PCR out properly, and we believe the promoter driving BFP maybe the problem.
28 to October 4: Crunch time for the wet lab. Although we did have enough data to at least present the intricacies of the tri-stable switch, we really wanted to establish one ourselves. The problem is, with all of the time spent in testing colonies, we had little time left to start over again if such a thing was needed. With testing of the construct failing, we decided to shift our primary focus to gathering together all of the data that we did manage to retrieve over the course of the summer so that our wiki could be well completed.


5 to 11: Transformations all failed to confirm last week, last chance to build the final construct with the time left. Ran the all-nighter to end all all-nighters. Biobricks purified and sent in this week on Tuesday.
12 to 18: Wiki freeze is approaching! Last data on promoters is collected and write ups for the wiki are completed.