Team:ETH Zurich/labblog/20140704


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Preparation of DNA from iGEM kit

Friday, July 4th

E coli transformation

Addition of 10 μL H2O to appropriate well, wait for 5 min, transfer into sterile tube

Transformation of E. coli with pSEVA281 A-C2 (sfGFP), pSEVA271 C-A9 (mCherry) and piG0030:
Addition of 1 μL DNA to 75 μL competent cells (thawed on ice), put samples on ice for approximately 20 min
Heat shock: 90 s at 42 °C
Addition of SOC to samples, let cells recover for ca. 1h at 37 °C, 220 rpm
Plate 100 μL of bacteria suspension on LB-agar-plates containing the appropriate antibiotics (pSEVA281 A-C2, pSEVA271 C-A9: Kanamycin (50 μg/L), piG0030: Chloramphenicol (34 μg/L))
Let bacteria grow overnight at 37 °C
