Team:Wageningen UR/outreach/media


Revision as of 21:58, 16 October 2014 by Rik (Talk | contribs)

Wageningen UR iGEM 2014

Over the summer period several media outlets were approached in an attempt to inform the public on the iGEM 2014 Wageningen project. These attempts have resulted in a number of successful press releases:

  • Wageningen University magazine named Resource has written an in depth piece on the Wageninen iGEM project. The article features both our project and our personal experience of iGEM.

  • The intranet of Wageningen featured an article on the project. The article focused heavily on the different aspects of our biological control agent. The article aimed to inform the Wageningen community on the workings of iGEM and the specifics of our project.

  • An interview was given to the C2W magazine, a magazine edited by the Royal Dutch Chemical Association (KNCV). Featuring the key excerpts from the interview, the entire project was outlined and aimed to update the biotechnology community in the Netherlands and Belgium regarding iGEM.

  • We collaborated on project with students Zowi Mens and Joost Flach from the University of Amsterdam. Doing an in depth study on the on the social acceptance of our product, they were interested in understanding our mindset with respect to human outreach. The main point of the interview can be summed up by stating that the people working on BananaGuard became increasingly more interested in approaching the public with a final product closer in sight.