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The AcCELLerator


LMU Munich

To get in touch with other iGEM teams we took part in two meet ups. The first one was organized from the team of the LMU Munich. We did this and that, and socialized much those days. We exchanged among the different teams and we came to the conclusion to set up a collaboration with the iGEM team Aachen.

RTHW Aachen

After the meetup in Munich we also went to the Aachen meetup. It was really nice to meet the other teams and to see how their projects have progressed since the last meetup. Also we were very grateful for the opportunity to present our project and getting feedback.



We are glad to cooperate this year for the second time in succession with the motivated iGEM Team Heidelberg. As some of our team leaders were in the last years’ iGEM-Team, we knew about the spirit of Heidelberg’ teams and were hopeful to have a great collaboration as well as a lot of fun with them.
Fortunately, three members of them decided to meet us spontaneously after a demanding meeting within our team. The evening turned out to become great including stories about iGEM, local gastronomic specialities typical for Freiburg or Heidelberg and much more. The next day, we talked about our projects and possibilities to cooperate. It turned out that both teams use the same light system (LOV) for their experiments, although one – their team – worked with bacteria, the other one – our team – with mammalian cells. We showed them where we are working, how we work and presented our latest experimental results. In addition, we talked about the light boxes wherein we conduct our light experiments and about the appropriate conditions of a light experiment.
After we had explained to them how to handle mammalian cells, we heard some information about their interesting project “iGEM@home” that includes the possibility to share unnecessary resources of the computer to speed up modeling of complex protein structures. In terms of important aspects of their project, we were interested in their weekly published blog. A few weeks later, Team Heidelberg gave us the possibility to write a text for their blog about light induction systems, a central part of their and our project. Their blog is released every Monday. HERE you can read the text that was published on the blog. As a quid pro quo, they helped us by modeling our system: as they had a lot of modeling work in their project, they could give us helpful advices to improve our modeling.




We noticed during the meetup in Munich that we our both teams had a good foundation for a coopartion. We skyped several times discussing our projects and how to exactly work together to bring our both teams forward. We also had the pleasure of meeting Micheal face to face when he spontanously showed up in Freiburg. Also we met again at the Aachen meetup and finalized the collaboration. Team Aachen as described in their wiki helped us by providing us with laser-cutted photomasks for 384 well plates and an app that is able to read out the gained data-matrix.

We returned the favour by validating their measurment  device for the ascertainment of optical densites. As we knew that they generated their data for procaryotic cells and they had no possibility to work with mammalian cells, we measured the OD for mammalian cell suspensions. Data generated in these measurements impacted their project. (Daten einfügen)
