Team:SCUT/HP/Magazine/iGEM Headline


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Our Brand New Magazine"iGEM" Has Come Out!

This summer,the innovation club collaborating with iGEM-SCUT publish a brand new synthetic biology column including introduce amazing projects,share touching stories,spread the seed of SB,experience meaningful vocation, have a taste of a different science adventure.

The Overview of Synthetic Biology

iGEM began in 2005 hosted by MIT occupying as the highest international academic competition specializing in Synthetic Biology(SB). SB try to redesign the natural biology system or design and construct artificial biology part and system which aims to create new biology system via the understanding of running mechanism of natural biology system.

Unlike genetic engineering which utilize one species’ gene to replicate ,mutate and transfer into another species as their way, SB’s goal is to build an artificial biosystem which can operate as the circuit. To simplify, for a SBer any genetic information which achieve relevant biology function could be standardize as part and with the utilization of the parts SBer could assemble them into a certain function biosystem. To illustrate, these gene with standard interface play a similar role as the electronic bricks with standard electric interface,as long as it could construct a circuit, we could use any protocol to assemble it into different variety of either interesting or functional electric equipment.

The Overview of iGEM

In this competition, each team could design their project freely, and students make full use of their extra time to accomplish corresponding experiment. This project design and competition format is an exceptionally motivating and effective teaching method as well as a way to cultivate students’ passion of science. Students who participate in the competition could submit their useful results to the MIT organizing committee while all the results will be shared to the scientists all over the world. Moreover, iGEM provide a platform for people in different majors and different countries have a great opportunity to communicate with each other. IGEM have three divisions before Asia, America, Europe included. In different areas competition, the most special or outstanding group would be chosen to the finals at MIT.

In China, Tsinghua, Peking, USTC, SJTU and Tianjin first participate in iGEM in 2009. But nowadays, Chinese university show an rapidly increasing trend in this competition, reached approximately 60 teams this year. Last year, iGEM-SCUT won silver medal in Asia division in their first participation with successfully build up a communication between eukaryote and prokaryote via oscillating odorant.

The Project Design of iGEM

The design of the project varied, if you have a good idea, we could achieve it by using synthetic biology and construct it into corresponding artificial biosystem. As different project’s categories used before involved basic studies, industry, environment, health, food, art, new application, new protocol, software etc. For instance, some of the team invented microbial fluorescent pen, some of them make a disease detector, which make synthetic biology shining.

This year, SCUT team concentrates on greenhouse effect and energy crisis. By using the concept of cellular compartmentalization, and scaffolding protein as our tools, we try to break the conventional thought in industry which uses the whole cell as the unit of production. Further more, it breaks the limitation of the individual cell level, utilize different organelle corresponding to different physicochemical property directly, achieve the transformation of the pathway in the organelle level. The plan of team SCUT is divided into three stages to achieve the utilization of different organelles. This year, our project will accomplish the first stage, which will focus on mitochondrion providing energy and achieve the pathway of carbon fixation and production of alcohol which corresponding our goals of emission reduction.

The Arrangement of Contents

iGEM summer special issue will provide seven formats including “iGEM Knowledge”, “iGEM Lab”, “iGEM Story”, “iGEM People”,”iGEM Thinking”,”iGEM Bilingualism””iGEM Commuication”. Konwledge focuses on the dissemination of synthetic biology while Lab would help you have a better understanding of our lab, expose the mystery of it. Story would introduce the bitter and sweet of iGEMers, and thinking would pay more attention to the issue about safety and ethic of biology and we would share our understanding of it as well. What’s more, Bilingualism is for English lovers which improves your professional English and follow the newest development of technology at the same time. Communication includes the report that we communicate with other colleges and also the intercourse with the readers. Coming soon.

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