Welcome to Oxford University iGEM homepage
Welcome to the homepage of the Oxford University iGEM team. As you can probably tell, this site is currently under construction. If you would like to find out more, please don't hesitate to contact us! The team consists of 6 biochemists, 3 engineers, a biologist, a chemist, a lawyer. The team will spend eight weeks in the summer designing a waste disposal kit from biological components to detect and degrade DCM, a toxic solvent routinely used in the lab. Even before the project has begun, the team has been promoting Oxford's presence in the competition. It has brought iGEM teams from across the UK and Europe together to encourage the exchange of ideas and is working with the University's Synthetic Biology Society to ensure a legacy beyond the 2014 competition.
Recent news
Team planning on attending Sheffield meet up
The Oxford iGEM team is planning on attending the meet up organised by the team at the University of Sheffield on Friday the 18th of July. The purpose of this visit will be to continue from the visit that the Oxford team ran.
Team members give talk at Royal Society
Team members Glen Gowers and Philip Lorenz attended the 2014 London Biochemistry Alumni Event hosted at the Royal Society. The occasion attracted alumni from across a period of more than 50 years – bringing together those who completed their PhDs in the 1950s, with students graduating last year. Following an introduction by Head of Department Mark Sansom, two Royal Institution Christmas Lecturers and our iGEM team members entertained guests with their presentations.
Team hosts GB teams for talk by Randy Rettberg
coming soon!