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Week 1 (23/06/14)


This week our main aim was to provide everyone with a basic understanding of synthetic biology, due to many of our team members having a limited biological background. This was comprised of some talks from our advisor as well as practice sessions in the laboratory in order to familiarise our selves with the basic techniques that would be needed throughout the project.

Monday 23/6/14

Today comprised of background talks by our supervisor, outlining the basics of DNA replication; transcription; translation. We also had a discussion about basic process of cell growth and the phases that are involved. We also completed the about our lab form.

Tuesday 24/6/14

Today Randy Redford came to the university to talk to us about IGEM and to give us some advice on how to proceed with the project. Randy also gave a lecture on synthetic biology and how it could be used in the future.

Wednesday 25/6/14

Today was spent researching into previous teams projects. This involved looking into the previous winners projects; their wiki’s and their posters to see what was required for a winning project.

Thursday 26/6/14

Today we made competent TOP10 cells (see the attached protocol). These are the cells we used in the future experiments.

Friday 27/6/14

Today we transformed (See the attached protocol) some of the competent cells with DNA from the registry to confirm the competency of our cells. This also taught us the basic technique of Transformation.

Week 2 (30/06/14)


This week’s main aim was to begin investigating into potential ideas for our project. This involved investigating the feasibility and originality of our ideas. To do this we arranged meetings with specialists and academics in the field. On the Friday we arranged to have a meeting with Warwick ventures; a panel of business experts who offered their view on the business side of the potential ideas; this was done in a dragons den style.

Monday, Tuesday 30/6/14 – 1/7/14

Today we began by mind mapping potential ideas that could be investigated. These ideas were the divided between the group. The initial set of ideas that we investigated were: Carbon capture; urine cancer test; parasite detection; polymer production e.g skin/bone; metal recovery; bee diseases; fortified food; alcohol sensors; methane capture; Tyrian purple and miRNAs.

Wednesday 2/7/14

Today we looked through all of the research we had collated on each of the ideas in order to dismiss and narrow down our ideas into which ideas we should present at the dragons den session on the Friday. The final ideas we decided on were: the production of Tyrian purple; Nano compartments; methane capture.

Thursday 3/7/14

Today we planned out our pitches for Warwick vetures. This involved arranging meetings with Tim Bugg to discuss the feasibility of converting the chemical process of tyrian purple production into a biological process. As well as this we discussed the uses and feasibility of generating Nano compartments.

Friday 4/7/14

Today was the meeting with Warwick Ventures where they gave their business point of view on our ideas. They also gave us some general advice on how to pick a project and how to run it successfully.