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31 st

After the tryouts, we set up our team – UESTC-Software.We have 13 student members in our team and we major in different disciplines like biomedical engineering,software and physics.At the first meeting,we introduced ourselves to others.Then,our school leaders and our supervisors conveyed their great expectations to us.

3 rd

We have regular meeting once a week.At the second meeting , we divided 13 people into three groups and assigned job to each team member.Refer to the project which was completed in the tryout, we determined our project titles as To Detect the concentration of e.coli by the homemade mobile phone cameras.After that, we read a large amount of academic papers in order to find the best way of detecting and we shared ideas which we got from the papers.

11 st

We discussed the preliminary schedule and main tasks at this stage and the team leader emphasized the discipline required during the preparations for iGEM. During this time, we achieved the following goals: produced the camera which was in line with the requirements at low cost;completed the design of our team LOGO and player t-shirts,which have got the members’ unanimously support.

19 th

In cooperation with the members from UESTC - China, we came to Chengdu No.7 senior high school,which is the best high school in Chengdu,for a lecture about the iGEM and synthetic biology.The students showed great enthusiasm and interest in our work.I believe in the near future, they will also become a member just like us, continue to strive for the future of synthetic biology.

1 st

We analyzed the previous iGEM projects carefully and they inspirited us a lot.With the in-depth study about synthetic biology, our horizons was broadened gradually, we begined to realize that our project had many limitations and deficiencies.

16 th

During this time, we knew about a series of emerging technology by reading papers and consulting our professors. Then we had a heated discussion about if changing our project or not.Finally we made a decision,we gave up the old title, and chose a new research direction ,which was CRISPR - X: a sgRNA design tool for genome editing in synthetic biology.

23 rd

We have read a large number of academic papers related to CRISPR and had a comprehensive knowledge of the iGEM requirements.At the same time, we invited Professor Zhang who is the supervisors of the UESTC-China for giving us a wonderful lecture about CRISPR.We were delight that everybody in our team did not be affected because of the change in the general direction of the project.

1 st

During this time,we knew a lot about ZFN TALEN CRISPR and a series of related software.We focused on every software’s structure setting and the principle of running,and then we discussed a clear-cut schedule:Nowadays we are conceiving the frame of the software and the function of each part.In July and August,we are to realize all of these functions and complete related douments.In September,the project will be improved and embellished.Besides,we decided to design a FLASH for introducing our software.

20 th

During the communication with UESTC – China, we introduced the project,communicated experience and strived to do better.After the communication,because the summer holiday was coming soon, we carried on some related preparations for the summer training.

12 nd

During the summer,we had a more detailed plan about work arrangements. In this week,the basic marking scheme was determined.We have got public server and uploaded the server code.The first interface of the software have been completed.The basic ICONS and the first interface have been embellished.The algorithm 1 and the Wiki page have been completed, everything gone well.The App has been completed and the progress was consistent to the client computer work.

21 st

The android client has been almost completed, the computer client also needed adding more function later. The page of wiki has been completed with waiting for content to join.Background was in the update, gone smoothly.Algorithm 1 needed making a large number of modified design about input and output.It has been basically completed.Algorithm 2 is in the state of maintenance.We searched the Ncbi database data and have determined the model animals which we would study about.Server database has been set up,the database table has been completed.

10 th

At the beginning of August,we firstly summarized everyone’s work progress,and then we dealed with some exact details,such as whether the color of wiki needed unifying to that of software.After a heated discussion,we decided that the basic color of the whole project was green, which represented not only peace, also the vitality or synthetic biology.In addition, we found a new Api database,which means that we should make a decision: change or not?

18 th

The school leaders went to our training base in spite of being very busy,they promised to create the best conditions for us.And they reminded us that additional protection should be attained by following best-practice systems,concentrating on the job at hand,and by not becoming distracted.In this conference, our captain introduced our project to them, leaders and instructors also expressed their great expects of us.

30 th

About human practice,we came up with a new plan: printe our work content on the mobile phone shells and distribute them as gifts to the students in our school.In addition,we would place the homemade small mobile phone cameras we made before on the shells.

10 th

When the new semester starts,our work has also entered a new stage.The basic function of our software has been realized.When it comes to experimental verification,we designed and then prepared to implement from the design.Besides,we listed the members who would go to take part in the Giant Jamboree,and we has been clear about everyone’s division of labor.

22 nd

The technology group recorded and analyzed some known bugs.And all of us agreed that we needed to purchase a dedicated server to ensure the normal operation of the system and stable operation.One another important action is that we started to design the software test which were in charge of Xue Yang.Besides,Zhao Yi have reported the potential problems of the server, and we discussed the solutions.

3 rd

We have realized the optimization of software:Updated the apk, users would be able to get the latest species and the file information they had uploaded.Added the user manual and production information.Modified the background, then the software could save electricity.Optimized the memory, modified some bugs.

7 th

We made a game called‘Bacteria War’ based on android platform as a part of human practice,which should be controled by accelerometer.And we began to prepare the PPT and presentation draft for the Giant Jamboree.

15 th

At the end of the preparation progress,in order to promote CRISPR-X and Bacteria War,we opened our training base to the whole school and went to some student dormitories to show students the function of CRISPR-X and how to use it.We showed our software to them, they also played the game’Bacteria War’ and they were filled with excitement to compare the score with others.They awarded high marks for our software and game.

Now,our journey record temporarily comes to an end. We have had a wonderful summer,and we will continue to improve our software.It is not goodbye, it is hello to new stage.