(function($) { "use strict";
var defaults, internalData, methods;
// add default shape $.extend({ roundaboutShapes: { def: "lazySusan", lazySusan: function (r, a, t) { return { x: Math.sin(r + a), y: (Math.sin(r + 3 * Math.PI / 2 + a) / 8) * t, z: (Math.cos(r + a) + 1) / 2, scale: (Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2 + a) / 2) + 0.5 }; } } });
defaults = { bearing: 0.0, tilt: 0.0, minZ: 100, maxZ: 280, minOpacity: 0.4, maxOpacity: 1.0, minScale: 0.4, maxScale: 1.0, duration: 600, btnNext: null, btnNextCallback: function() {}, btnPrev: null, btnPrevCallback: function() {}, btnToggleAutoplay: null, btnStartAutoplay: null, btnStopAutoplay: null, easing: "swing", clickToFocus: true, clickToFocusCallback: function() {}, focusBearing: 0.0, shape: "lazySusan", debug: false, childSelector: "li", startingChild: null, reflect: false, floatComparisonThreshold: 0.001, autoplay: false, autoplayDuration: 1000, autoplayPauseOnHover: false, autoplayCallback: function() {}, autoplayInitialDelay: 0, enableDrag: false, dropDuration: 600, dropEasing: "swing", dropAnimateTo: "nearest", dropCallback: function() {}, dragAxis: "x", dragFactor: 4, triggerFocusEvents: true, triggerBlurEvents: true, responsive: false };
internalData = { autoplayInterval: null, autoplayIsRunning: false, autoplayStartTimeout: null, animating: false, childInFocus: -1, touchMoveStartPosition: null, stopAnimation: false, lastAnimationStep: false };
methods = {
// starters // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// init // starts up roundabout init: function(options, callback, relayout) { var settings, now = (new Date()).getTime();
options = (typeof options === "object") ? options : {}; callback = ($.isFunction(callback)) ? callback : function() {}; callback = ($.isFunction(options)) ? options : callback; settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options, internalData);
return this .each(function() { // make options var self = $(this), childCount = self.children(settings.childSelector).length, period = 360.0 / childCount, startingChild = (settings.startingChild && settings.startingChild > (childCount - 1)) ? (childCount - 1) : settings.startingChild, startBearing = (settings.startingChild === null) ? settings.bearing : 360 - (startingChild * period), holderCSSPosition = (self.css("position") !== "static") ? self.css("position") : "relative";
self .css({ // starting styles padding: 0, position: holderCSSPosition }) .addClass("roundabout-holder") .data( // starting options "roundabout", $.extend( {}, settings, { startingChild: startingChild, bearing: startBearing, oppositeOfFocusBearing: methods.normalize.apply(null, [settings.focusBearing - 180]), dragBearing: startBearing, period: period } ) );
// unbind any events that we set if we're relaying out if (relayout) { self .unbind(".roundabout") .children(settings.childSelector) .unbind(".roundabout"); } else { // bind responsive action if (settings.responsive) { $(window).bind("resize", function() { methods.stopAutoplay.apply(self); methods.relayoutChildren.apply(self); }); } }
// bind click-to-focus if (settings.clickToFocus) { self .children(settings.childSelector) .each(function(i) { $(this) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { var degrees = methods.getPlacement.apply(self, [i]);
if (!methods.isInFocus.apply(self, [degrees])) { methods.stopAnimation.apply($(this)); if (!"roundabout").animating) { methods.animateBearingToFocus.apply(self, [degrees,"roundabout").clickToFocusCallback]); } return false; } }); }); }
// bind next buttons if (settings.btnNext) { $(settings.btnNext) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { if (!"roundabout").animating) { methods.animateToNextChild.apply(self, ["roundabout").btnNextCallback]); } return false; }); }
// bind previous buttons if (settings.btnPrev) { $(settings.btnPrev) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { methods.animateToPreviousChild.apply(self, ["roundabout").btnPrevCallback]); return false; }); }
// bind toggle autoplay buttons if (settings.btnToggleAutoplay) { $(settings.btnToggleAutoplay) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { methods.toggleAutoplay.apply(self); return false; }); }
// bind start autoplay buttons if (settings.btnStartAutoplay) { $(settings.btnStartAutoplay) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { methods.startAutoplay.apply(self); return false; }); }
// bind stop autoplay buttons if (settings.btnStopAutoplay) { $(settings.btnStopAutoplay) .bind("click.roundabout", function() { methods.stopAutoplay.apply(self); return false; }); }
// autoplay pause on hover if (settings.autoplayPauseOnHover) { self .bind("mouseenter.roundabout.autoplay", function() { methods.stopAutoplay.apply(self, [true]); }) .bind("mouseleave.roundabout.autoplay", function() { methods.startAutoplay.apply(self); }); }
// drag and drop if (settings.enableDrag) { // on screen if (!$.isFunction(self.drag)) { if (settings.debug) { alert("You do not have the drag plugin loaded."); } } else if (!$.isFunction(self.drop)) { if (settings.debug) { alert("You do not have the drop plugin loaded."); } } else { self .drag(function(e, properties) { var data ="roundabout"), delta = (data.dragAxis.toLowerCase() === "x") ? "deltaX" : "deltaY"; methods.stopAnimation.apply(self); methods.setBearing.apply(self, [data.dragBearing + properties[delta] / data.dragFactor]); }) .drop(function(e) { var data ="roundabout"), method = methods.getAnimateToMethod(data.dropAnimateTo); methods.allowAnimation.apply(self); methods[method].apply(self, [data.dropDuration, data.dropEasing, data.dropCallback]); data.dragBearing = data.period * methods.getNearestChild.apply(self); }); }
// on mobile self .each(function() { var element = $(this).get(0), data = $(this).data("roundabout"), page = (data.dragAxis.toLowerCase() === "x") ? "pageX" : "pageY", method = methods.getAnimateToMethod(data.dropAnimateTo);
// some versions of IE don't like this if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) { data.touchMoveStartPosition = e.touches[0][page]; }, false);
element.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) { var delta = (e.touches[0][page] - data.touchMoveStartPosition) / data.dragFactor; e.preventDefault(); methods.stopAnimation.apply($(this)); methods.setBearing.apply($(this), [data.dragBearing + delta]); }, false);
element.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); methods.allowAnimation.apply($(this)); method = methods.getAnimateToMethod(data.dropAnimateTo); methods[method].apply($(this), [data.dropDuration, data.dropEasing, data.dropCallback]); data.dragBearing = data.period * methods.getNearestChild.apply($(this)); }, false); } }); }
// start children methods.initChildren.apply(self, [callback, relayout]); }); },
// initChildren
// applys settings to child elements, starts roundabout
initChildren: function(callback, relayout) {
var self = $(this),
data ="roundabout");
callback = callback || function() {};
self.children(data.childSelector).each(function(i) { var startWidth, startHeight, startFontSize, degrees = methods.getPlacement.apply(self, [i]);
// on relayout, grab these values from current data if (relayout && $(this).data("roundabout")) { startWidth = $(this).data("roundabout").startWidth; startHeight = $(this).data("roundabout").startHeight; startFontSize = $(this).data("roundabout").startFontSize; }
// apply classes and css first $(this) .addClass("roundabout-moveable-item") .css("position", "absolute");
// now measure $(this) .data( "roundabout", { startWidth: startWidth || $(this).width(), startHeight: startHeight || $(this).height(), startFontSize: startFontSize || parseInt($(this).css("font-size"), 10), degrees: degrees, backDegrees: methods.normalize.apply(null, [degrees - 180]), childNumber: i, currentScale: 1, parent: self } ); });
// start autoplay if necessary if (data.autoplay) { data.autoplayStartTimeout = setTimeout(function() { methods.startAutoplay.apply(self); }, data.autoplayInitialDelay); }
self.trigger('ready'); callback.apply(self); return self; },
// positioning // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// updateChildren // move children elements into their proper locations updateChildren: function() { return this .each(function() { var self = $(this), data ="roundabout"), inFocus = -1, info = { bearing: data.bearing, tilt: data.tilt, stage: { width: Math.floor($(this).width() * 0.9), height: Math.floor($(this).height() * 0.9) }, animating: data.animating, inFocus: data.childInFocus, focusBearingRadian: methods.degToRad.apply(null, [data.focusBearing]), shape: $.roundaboutShapes[data.shape] || $.roundaboutShapes[$.roundaboutShapes.def] };
// calculations info.midStage = { width: info.stage.width / 2, height: info.stage.height / 2 };
info.nudge = { width: info.midStage.width + (info.stage.width * 0.05), height: info.midStage.height + (info.stage.height * 0.05) };
info.zValues = { min: data.minZ, max: data.maxZ, diff: data.maxZ - data.minZ };
info.opacity = { min: data.minOpacity, max: data.maxOpacity, diff: data.maxOpacity - data.minOpacity };
info.scale = { min: data.minScale, max: data.maxScale, diff: data.maxScale - data.minScale };
// update child positions self.children(data.childSelector) .each(function(i) { if (methods.updateChild.apply(self, [$(this), info, i, function() { $(this).trigger('ready'); }]) && (!info.animating || data.lastAnimationStep)) { inFocus = i; $(this).addClass("roundabout-in-focus"); } else { $(this).removeClass("roundabout-in-focus"); } });
if (inFocus !== info.inFocus) { // blur old child if (data.triggerBlurEvents) { self.children(data.childSelector) .eq(info.inFocus) .trigger("blur"); }
data.childInFocus = inFocus;
if (data.triggerFocusEvents && inFocus !== -1) { // focus new child self.children(data.childSelector) .eq(inFocus) .trigger("focus"); } }
self.trigger("childrenUpdated"); }); },
// updateChild
// repositions a child element into its new position
updateChild: function(childElement, info, childPos, callback) {
var factors,
self = this,
child = $(childElement),
data ="roundabout"),
out = [],
rad = methods.degToRad.apply(null, [(360.0 - data.degrees) + info.bearing]);
callback = callback || function() {};
// adjust radians to be between 0 and Math.PI * 2 rad = methods.normalizeRad.apply(null, [rad]);
// get factors from shape factors = info.shape(rad, info.focusBearingRadian, info.tilt);
// correct factors.scale = (factors.scale > 1) ? 1 : factors.scale; factors.adjustedScale = (info.scale.min + (info.scale.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(4); factors.width = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startWidth).toFixed(4); factors.height = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startHeight).toFixed(4);
// update item child .css({ left: ((factors.x * info.midStage.width + info.nudge.width) - factors.width / 2.0).toFixed(0) + "px", top: ((factors.y * info.midStage.height + info.nudge.height) - factors.height / 2.0).toFixed(0) + "px", width: factors.width + "px", height: factors.height + "px", opacity: (info.opacity.min + (info.opacity.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(2), zIndex: Math.round(info.zValues.min + (info.zValues.diff * factors.z)), fontSize: (factors.adjustedScale * data.startFontSize).toFixed(1) + "px" }); data.currentScale = factors.adjustedScale;
// for debugging purposes if ("roundabout").debug) {
out.push(" out.push("Child " + childPos + "
out.push("left: " + child.css("left") + "
out.push("top: " + child.css("top") + "
out.push("width: " + child.css("width") + "
out.push("opacity: " + child.css("opacity") + "
out.push("height: " + child.css("height") + "
out.push("z-index: " + child.css("z-index") + "
out.push("font-size: " + child.css("font-size") + "
out.push("scale: " +"roundabout").currentScale);
child.html(out.join("")); }
// trigger event child.trigger("reposition");
// callback callback.apply(self);
return methods.isInFocus.apply(self, [data.degrees]); },
// manipulation // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// setBearing // changes the bearing of the roundabout setBearing: function(bearing, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; bearing = methods.normalize.apply(null, [bearing]);
this .each(function() { var diff, lowerValue, higherValue, self = $(this), data ="roundabout"), oldBearing = data.bearing;
// set bearing data.bearing = bearing; self.trigger("bearingSet"); methods.updateChildren.apply(self);
// not animating? we're done here diff = Math.abs(oldBearing - bearing); if (!data.animating || diff > 180) { return; }
// check to see if any of the children went through the back diff = Math.abs(oldBearing - bearing); self.children(data.childSelector).each(function(i) { var eventType;
if (methods.isChildBackDegreesBetween.apply($(this), [bearing, oldBearing])) { eventType = (oldBearing > bearing) ? "Clockwise" : "Counterclockwise"; $(this).trigger("move" + eventType + "ThroughBack"); } }); });
// call callback if one was given callback.apply(this); return this; },
// adjustBearing
// change the bearing of the roundabout by a given degree
adjustBearing: function(delta, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if (delta === 0) {
return this;
this .each(function() { methods.setBearing.apply($(this), [$(this).data("roundabout").bearing + delta]); });
callback.apply(this); return this; },
// setTilt
// changes the tilt of the roundabout
setTilt: function(tilt, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
this .each(function() { $(this).data("roundabout").tilt = tilt; methods.updateChildren.apply($(this)); });
// call callback if one was given callback.apply(this); return this; },
// adjustTilt
// changes the tilt of the roundabout
adjustTilt: function(delta, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
this .each(function() { methods.setTilt.apply($(this), [$(this).data("roundabout").tilt + delta]); });
callback.apply(this); return this; },
// animation // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// animateToBearing // animates the roundabout to a given bearing, all animations come through here animateToBearing: function(bearing, duration, easing, passedData, callback) { var now = (new Date()).getTime();
callback = callback || function() {};
// find callback function in arguments if ($.isFunction(passedData)) { callback = passedData; passedData = null; } else if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
this .each(function() { var timer, easingFn, newBearing, self = $(this), data ="roundabout"), thisDuration = (!duration) ? data.duration : duration, thisEasingType = (easing) ? easing : data.easing || "swing";
// is this your first time? if (!passedData) { passedData = { timerStart: now, start: data.bearing, totalTime: thisDuration }; }
// update the timer timer = now - passedData.timerStart;
if (data.stopAnimation) { methods.allowAnimation.apply(self); data.animating = false; return; }
// we need to animate more if (timer < thisDuration) { if (!data.animating) { self.trigger("animationStart"); }
data.animating = true;
if (typeof $.easing.def === "string") { easingFn = $.easing[thisEasingType] || $.easing[$.easing.def]; newBearing = easingFn(null, timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime); } else { newBearing = $.easing[thisEasingType]((timer / passedData.totalTime), timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime); }
// fixes issue #24, animation changed as of jQuery 1.7.2 // also addresses issue #29, using easing breaks "linear" if (methods.compareVersions.apply(null, [$().jquery, "1.7.2"]) >= 0 && !($.easing["easeOutBack"])) { newBearing = passedData.start + ((bearing - passedData.start) * newBearing); }
newBearing = methods.normalize.apply(null, [newBearing]); data.dragBearing = newBearing;
methods.setBearing.apply(self, [newBearing, function() { setTimeout(function() { // done with a timeout so that each step is displayed methods.animateToBearing.apply(self, [bearing, thisDuration, thisEasingType, passedData, callback]); }, 0); }]);
// we're done animating } else { data.lastAnimationStep = true;
bearing = methods.normalize.apply(null, [bearing]); methods.setBearing.apply(self, [bearing, function() { self.trigger("animationEnd"); }]); data.animating = false; data.lastAnimationStep = false; data.dragBearing = bearing;
callback.apply(self); } });
return this; },
// animateToNearbyChild
// animates roundabout to a nearby child
animateToNearbyChild: function(passedArgs, which) {
var duration = passedArgs[0],
easing = passedArgs[1],
callback = passedArgs[2] || function() {};
// find callback if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
return this .each(function() { var j, range, self = $(this), data ="roundabout"), bearing = (!data.reflect) ? data.bearing % 360 : data.bearing, length = self.children(data.childSelector).length;
if (!data.animating) { // reflecting, not moving to previous || not reflecting, moving to next if ((data.reflect && which === "previous") || (!data.reflect && which === "next")) { // slightly adjust for rounding issues bearing = (Math.abs(bearing) < data.floatComparisonThreshold) ? 360 : bearing;
// clockwise for (j = 0; j < length; j += 1) { range = { lower: (data.period * j), upper: (data.period * (j + 1)) }; range.upper = (j === length - 1) ? 360 : range.upper;
if (bearing <= Math.ceil(range.upper) && bearing >= Math.floor(range.lower)) { if (length === 2 && bearing === 360) { methods.animateToDelta.apply(self, [-180, duration, easing, callback]); } else { methods.animateBearingToFocus.apply(self, [range.lower, duration, easing, callback]); } break; } } } else { // slightly adjust for rounding issues bearing = (Math.abs(bearing) < data.floatComparisonThreshold || 360 - Math.abs(bearing) < data.floatComparisonThreshold) ? 0 : bearing;
// counterclockwise for (j = length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { range = { lower: data.period * j, upper: data.period * (j + 1) }; range.upper = (j === length - 1) ? 360 : range.upper;
if (bearing >= Math.floor(range.lower) && bearing < Math.ceil(range.upper)) { if (length === 2 && bearing === 360) { methods.animateToDelta.apply(self, [180, duration, easing, callback]); } else { methods.animateBearingToFocus.apply(self, [range.upper, duration, easing, callback]); } break; } } } } }); },
// animateToNearestChild
// animates roundabout to the nearest child
animateToNearestChild: function(duration, easing, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
// find callback if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
return this .each(function() { var nearest = methods.getNearestChild.apply($(this)); methods.animateToChild.apply($(this), [nearest, duration, easing, callback]); }); },
// animateToChild
// animates roundabout to a given child position
animateToChild: function(childPosition, duration, easing, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
// find callback if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
return this .each(function() { var child, self = $(this), data ="roundabout");
if (data.childInFocus !== childPosition && !data.animating) { child = self.children(data.childSelector).eq(childPosition); methods.animateBearingToFocus.apply(self, ["roundabout").degrees, duration, easing, callback]); } }); },
// animateToNextChild
// animates roundabout to the next child
animateToNextChild: function(duration, easing, callback) {
return methods.animateToNearbyChild.apply(this, [arguments, "next"]);
// animateToPreviousChild
// animates roundabout to the preious child
animateToPreviousChild: function(duration, easing, callback) {
return methods.animateToNearbyChild.apply(this, [arguments, "previous"]);
// animateToDelta
// animates roundabout to a given delta (in degrees)
animateToDelta: function(degrees, duration, easing, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
// find callback if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
return this .each(function() { var delta = $(this).data("roundabout").bearing + degrees; methods.animateToBearing.apply($(this), [delta, duration, easing, callback]); }); },
// animateBearingToFocus
// animates roundabout to bring a given angle into focus
animateBearingToFocus: function(degrees, duration, easing, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
// find callback if ($.isFunction(easing)) { callback = easing; easing = null; } else if ($.isFunction(duration)) { callback = duration; duration = null; }
return this .each(function() { var delta = $(this).data("roundabout").bearing - degrees; delta = (Math.abs(360 - delta) < Math.abs(delta)) ? 360 - delta : -delta; delta = (delta > 180) ? -(360 - delta) : delta;
if (delta !== 0) { methods.animateToDelta.apply($(this), [delta, duration, easing, callback]); } }); },
// stopAnimation
// if an animation is currently in progress, stop it
stopAnimation: function() {
return this
.each(function() {
$(this).data("roundabout").stopAnimation = true;
// allowAnimation
// clears the stop-animation hold placed by stopAnimation
allowAnimation: function() {
return this
.each(function() {
$(this).data("roundabout").stopAnimation = false;
// autoplay // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// startAutoplay // starts autoplaying this roundabout startAutoplay: function(callback) { return this .each(function() { var self = $(this), data ="roundabout");
callback = callback || data.autoplayCallback || function() {};
clearInterval(data.autoplayInterval); data.autoplayInterval = setInterval(function() { methods.animateToNextChild.apply(self, [callback]); }, data.autoplayDuration); data.autoplayIsRunning = true;
self.trigger("autoplayStart"); }); },
// stopAutoplay
// stops autoplaying this roundabout
stopAutoplay: function(keepAutoplayBindings) {
return this
.each(function() {
$(this).data("roundabout").autoplayInterval = null;
$(this).data("roundabout").autoplayIsRunning = false;
// this will prevent autoplayPauseOnHover from restarting autoplay if (!keepAutoplayBindings) { $(this).unbind(".autoplay"); }
$(this).trigger("autoplayStop"); }); },
// toggleAutoplay
// toggles autoplay pause/resume
toggleAutoplay: function(callback) {
return this
.each(function() {
var self = $(this),
data ="roundabout");
callback = callback || data.autoplayCallback || function() {};
if (!methods.isAutoplaying.apply($(this))) { methods.startAutoplay.apply($(this), [callback]); } else { methods.stopAutoplay.apply($(this), [callback]); } }); },
// isAutoplaying
// is this roundabout currently autoplaying?
isAutoplaying: function() {
return ("roundabout").autoplayIsRunning);
// changeAutoplayDuration
// stops the autoplay, changes the duration, restarts autoplay
changeAutoplayDuration: function(duration) {
return this
.each(function() {
var self = $(this),
data ="roundabout");
data.autoplayDuration = duration;
if (methods.isAutoplaying.apply(self)) { methods.stopAutoplay.apply(self); setTimeout(function() { methods.startAutoplay.apply(self); }, 10); } }); },
// helpers // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// normalize // regulates degrees to be >= 0.0 and < 360 normalize: function(degrees) { var inRange = degrees % 360.0; return (inRange < 0) ? 360 + inRange : inRange; },
// normalizeRad
// regulates radians to be >= 0 and < Math.PI * 2
normalizeRad: function(radians) {
while (radians < 0) {
radians += (Math.PI * 2);
while (radians > (Math.PI * 2)) { radians -= (Math.PI * 2); }
return radians; },
// isChildBackDegreesBetween
// checks that a given child's backDegrees is between two values
isChildBackDegreesBetween: function(value1, value2) {
var backDegrees = $(this).data("roundabout").backDegrees;
if (value1 > value2) { return (backDegrees >= value2 && backDegrees < value1); } else { return (backDegrees < value2 && backDegrees >= value1); } },
// getAnimateToMethod
// takes a user-entered option and maps it to an animation method
getAnimateToMethod: function(effect) {
effect = effect.toLowerCase();
if (effect === "next") { return "animateToNextChild"; } else if (effect === "previous") { return "animateToPreviousChild"; }
// default selection return "animateToNearestChild"; },
// relayoutChildren
// lays out children again with new contextual information
relayoutChildren: function() {
return this
.each(function() {
var self = $(this),
settings = $.extend({},"roundabout"));
settings.startingChild ="roundabout").childInFocus; methods.init.apply(self, [settings, null, true]); }); },
// getNearestChild
// gets the nearest child from the current bearing
getNearestChild: function() {
var self = $(this),
data ="roundabout"),
length = self.children(data.childSelector).length;
if (!data.reflect) { return ((length) - (Math.round(data.bearing / data.period) % length)) % length; } else { return (Math.round(data.bearing / data.period) % length); } },
// degToRad
// converts degrees to radians
degToRad: function(degrees) {
return methods.normalize.apply(null, [degrees]) * Math.PI / 180.0;
// getPlacement
// returns the starting degree for a given child
getPlacement: function(child) {
var data ="roundabout");
return (!data.reflect) ? 360.0 - (data.period * child) : data.period * child;
// isInFocus
// is this roundabout currently in focus?
isInFocus: function(degrees) {
var diff,
self = this,
data ="roundabout"),
bearing = methods.normalize.apply(null, [data.bearing]);
degrees = methods.normalize.apply(null, [degrees]); diff = Math.abs(bearing - degrees);
// this calculation gives a bit of room for javascript float rounding // errors, it looks on both 0deg and 360deg ends of the spectrum return (diff <= data.floatComparisonThreshold || diff >= 360 - data.floatComparisonThreshold); },
// getChildInFocus
// returns the current child in focus, or false if none are in focus
getChildInFocus: function() {
var data = $(this).data("roundabout");
return (data.childInFocus > -1) ? data.childInFocus : false; },
// compareVersions
// compares a given version string with another
compareVersions: function(baseVersion, compareVersion) {
var i,
base = baseVersion.split(/\./i),
compare = compareVersion.split(/\./i),
maxVersionSegmentLength = (base.length > compare.length) ? base.length : compare.length;
for (i = 0; i <= maxVersionSegmentLength; i++) { if (base[i] && !compare[i] && parseInt(base[i], 10) !== 0) { // base is higher return 1; } else if (compare[i] && !base[i] && parseInt(compare[i], 10) !== 0) { // compare is higher return -1; } else if (base[i] === compare[i]) { // these are the same, next continue; }
if (base[i] && compare[i]) { if (parseInt(base[i], 10) > parseInt(compare[i], 10)) { // base is higher return 1; } else { // compare is higher return -1; } } }
// nothing was triggered, versions are the same return 0; } };
// start the plugin $.fn.roundabout = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this,, 1)); } else if (typeof method === "object" || $.isFunction(method) || !method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist for jQuery.roundabout."); } }; })(jQuery);