Team:UFAM Brazil/9-17-2014


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Today is the moment of true!! First test for quantification of GFP induced by mercury in E. coli DH5α. We’re nervous! Will it glow or not?!?!?! We’re going to use for our analysis:

- DH5α with construction BB_Essential + E0840 not induced.

- DH5α with construction BB_Essential + E0840 induced for 4 hours on concentrations 1ug/ml, 0.2ug/ml, 0.1ug/ml, 0.02ug/ml and 0.01ug/ml of mercury chloride.

The procedures were made according to the “Quantification of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) induced by different mercury concentrations” protocol (link).

The average results with or without induction for 4 hours:

It glooooooows!!!! *-*

As we can see on the graph, the fluorescence intensity after 4 hours of mercury induction rises to 3624!! We’re super happy about it!!!

This was the first test. Tomorrow we will have a meeting to make the experiment design!

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