We have designed a questionnaire to survey the masses' attitude toward sewage treatment, power generation, and MFCs. This questionnaire was made up by 16 questions and the respondents are random selected by all ages, genders and positions in China and U.K.
We have found that in China, 69.35% of the respondents believe that they suffer from water pollution and 14.52% of them think their hometown is seriously polluted. But in U.K., surprisingly, 64% of the people believe that they do not suffer from any kind of water pollution. This interesting phenomenon appears in London (which we initially thought the water was serious polluted by industry long times ago), all of the respondents from London think that the water, for example in Thames, was clean and clear.
People show hesitation towards sewage treatment using bacteria. 32.26% of the Chinese respondents can fully accept the recycled water using bacteria. For 64.52% of them, recycled water using bacteria is not drinkable but it is acceptable for toilet flushing. When gene modified bacteria involved, this number is decreased to 59.68%. Obviously, 12.91% of the Chinese people refuse to using this kind of water and even 3.23% of them fight against gene modified gem using for sewage treatment. This situation is similar in U.K. Things have changed in Microbial Fuel Cells, Thermo power are the main power supply for China and UK (although most of the Englishmen do not know that. These two countries, although located in different continent, share different incomes and outcomes, demonstrates a similar trend about MFC. Over 85.49% of Chinese think that the electric bill is not expensive and 78.94% of Britain respondents hold the same view. 76.78% of the respondents in china believe that it is necessary for their own country to develop the use of MFCs, in U.K., this number is 63.16%.
Overall, many people doubt it is safe to drink the water purified by bacteria, but they are still optimistic to the future of MFCs.